Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo

Brasile. Esce dall’UN Migration Pact e disconosce l’Accordo di Parigi sul ‘clima’.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Il tempo passa ma l’Un Migration Pact resta sempre di attualità.

Se è vero che un certo quale numero di stati abbiano sottoscritto il patto, sarebbe altrettanto vero constatare come molti altri stati stiano ritirando la loro adesione.

I motivi della reiezione del Migration Pacit sono stati riassunti chiaramente dal Governo della Republica Ceka.

«The Czechs join Hungary, Bulgaria and Austria in rejecting a UN migration pact, with more EU states expected not to join. Opponets say the pact doesn’t distinguish between economic migrants and asylum-seekers ….

The Czech Republic has long favored the principle of separating legal and illegal migration ….

it, in fact, defines migration as a basic human right ….

The United States was the first to announce it would not join the pact. It was followed by Hungary, Australia, Bulgaria and Austria. Poland, Slovakia and Italy have signaled they may not sign on.

Among other reasons, opponents of the compact say it does not distinguish between economic migrants and asylum-seekers.». [Deutsche Welle]


Ma anche in Germania tira aria di fronda.

German conservatives against UN migration pact

«Opposition within the CDU to a UN migration pact has grown despite Chancellor Angela Merkel’s backing. Critics say the Global Compact for Migration conflates economic migration and refugees.»

* * * * * * *

Nella vita succedono alle volte fatti strani: in terminologia tecnica, l’eterogenesi dei fini. Si progetta e si attua un’azione volta ad un ben specifico scopo, e si ottiene l’esatto opposto.

Questo video dovrebbe essere auto esplicativo.

France supports ‘laudable’ U.N. migration pact, Macron says

«French President Emmanuel Macron said on November 19, France supported a United Nations migration agreement, which he called ‘laudable and desirable»

La conferenza stampa di Mr Macron sembrerebbe essere un caso da manuale. Tutte le motivazioni che Mr Macron porta a favore del Migration Pact sono esattamente quelle che hanno portato gli altri stati a non firmare oppure a fare retromarcia. Forse, se avesse taciuto, avrebbe fatto la scelta migliore. Quando Mr Macron parla, la gente fa l’opposto ed è sicura di far bene.


Brazil will pull out of UN migration pact in January

«Brazil’s future administration announced Monday that it would withdraw from the UN migration pact adopted in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh when far right president-elect Jair Bolsonaro takes office in January.

“Immigration is welcome, but it should not be indiscriminate,” Brazil’s future foreign minister Ernesto Araujo tweeted, adding: “It must serve the national interests and cohesion of each society.” The pact is an “inappropriate instrument” to deal with the “problem” of migration, wrote Araújo.

Brazil would become the third Latin American country to pull out of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, as did Chile and Dominican Republic. Moreover, the US and at least 14 other countries either opted out or expressed concerns, with some claiming the pact infringes national sovereignty.

Brasilia’s move is another sign of alignment with US President Donald Trump’s diplomacy. Both Jair Bolsonaro and Ernesto Araujo have already expressed admiration for the American President. Early November, Bolsonaro announced his plans to move the country’s embassy to Jerusalem, as did Trump. He also expressed his will to pull out of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

During the Marrakesh ceremony, Brazil was represented by its current foreign minister, Aloysio Nunes, who agreed on the deal. But Bolsonaro, who was criticised by detractors for his many homophobic, racist and misogynist remarks, will take Michel Temer’s place on January 1, 2019.»


E per mettere la ciliegina sulla torta, il Brasile di Mr Bolsonaro rigetterà anche gli accordi di Parigi sul ‘clima’.

Stantia la reazione dei liberal socialisti:

«Bolsonaro, who was criticised by detractors for his many homophobic, racist and misogynist remarks».

Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Trump

Trump. Notifica ufficiale alle UN dell’abbandono accordo di Parigi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Donald Trump photographed at Trump Tower in NYC
Donald Trump photographed at the Trump Tower on 5th Ave. in Manhattan, NYC on Monday, September 21, 2015. (Damon Winter/ The New York Times)

«The Trump administration on Friday officially told the United Nations that the US intends to pull out of the 2015 Paris climate pact»


«the process takes a year»


«In a statement, the State Department said the US will continue to participate in international meetings and negotiations on current and future climate change deals. The next meeting is in Bonn, Germany, in November»


«Trump is “open to re-engaging in the Paris Agreement if the United States can identify terms that are more favorable to it, its business, its workers, its people and its taxpayers,” the department said.»

* * * * * * * *

America. Mr Trump inaugura l’era del G1.

Trump lascia Accordo di Parigi. Mr Macron e Frau Merkel col coso in mano.

Merkel, Trump e G20. Vincere o morire. – Handelsblatt.

Rep Ceka. Dopo essersi sganciata dall’euro alza il tasso repo.

Unione Europea. Le ultime parole famose, a perpetua memoria.

Germania. La Cnn denuncia lo ‘sporco segreto’ di Frau Merkel.

Eur/Usd sopra 1.19. Soglia psicologica, ma significativa.

Facciamo l’ipotesi che Trump e Xi si siano messi di accordo, quindi verifichiamo.

EurUsd. Le società dell’Eurozona perdono ad oggi il 5% – 8% degli utili.

Eur/Usd 1.1816. Mr Trump inizia a giocare ben duro.

Saudi Gazette. 2017-08-06. US notifies UN of Paris climate deal withdrawal

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday officially told the United Nations that the US intends to pull out of the 2015 Paris climate pact.

But the State Department’s announcement doesn’t formally start the process of the US getting out of the voluntary agreement. That’s still to come.

Still, the department described its communication as a “strong message” to the world, following President Donald Trump’s decision in June to leave the accord.

“The State Department is telling the UN what the president already told the world on June 1 and it has no legal effect,” said Nigel Purvis, who directed US climate diplomacy during the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations.

Purvis said countries can’t withdraw from new international agreements, including the Paris climate one, until three years after they go into effect. The Paris agreement went into effect on Nov. 4, 2016.

Then the process takes a year.

The State Department cited the same timeline, saying it can officially start withdrawing as soon as November 2019. That means the earliest the US can be out of the climate agreement is Nov. 4, 2020 — the day after the next presidential election.
In a statement, the State Department said the US will continue to participate in international meetings and negotiations on current and future climate change deals. The next meeting is in Bonn, Germany, in November.

Trump is “open to re-engaging in the Paris Agreement if the United States can identify terms that are more favorable to it, its business, its workers, its people and its taxpayers,” the department said.

Under the agreement, countries set their own national plans for cutting climate emissions. That means Trump can come up with different targets for the United States than those set by President Barack Obama. But Trump can’t unilaterally change the text of the Paris deal.

UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric confirmed that Secretary-General Antonio Guterres received “a communication” from US Ambassador Nikki Haley “expressing the intention of the United States to exercise its right to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, as soon as it is eligible to do so under the Agreement, unless it identifies suitable terms for reengagement.”
“The secretary-general welcomes any effort to re-engage in the Paris Agreement by the United States,” he said.

Dujarric reiterated Guterres’ June 1 statement calling the US decision to withdraw “a major disappointment for global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote global security.”

“It is crucial that the United States remains a leader on climate and sustainable development,” Dujarric said. “Climate change is impacting now. He looks forward to engaging with the American government and all other actors in the United States and around the world to build the sustainable future for our children and future generations.”

Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata

Merkel, ci hai presi per fessi?? Che ce fai a Sevastopol?

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



«Siemens AG  is a German conglomerate company headquartered in Berlin and Munich and the largest industrial manufacturing company in Europe with branch offices abroad. ….

Siemens and its subsidiaries employ approximately 362,000 people worldwide and reported global revenue of around €75.6 billion in 2015 according to their annual report. ….

The company has issued 881,000,000 shares of common stock. The largest single shareholder continues to be the founding shareholder, the Siemens family, with a stake of 6.9%. 62% are held by institutional asset managers, the largest being two divisions of the world’s largest asset manager BlackRock. 83.97% of the shares are considered public float, however including such strategic investors as the State of Qatar (DIC Company Ltd.) with 3.04%, the Government Pension Fund of Norway with 2.5% and the Siemens AG itself with 3.04%. 19% are held by private investors, 13% by investors that are considered unidentifiable. 26% are owned by German investors, 21% by US investors, followed by the UK (11%), France (8%), Switzerland (8%) and a number of others (26%).» [Fonte]


«Siemens & Halske was founded by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Halske on 12 October 1847. Based on the telegraph, their invention used a needle to point to the sequence of letters, instead of using Morse code. The company, then called Telegraphen-Bauanstalt von Siemens & Halske, opened its first workshop on 12 October.

In 1848, the company built the first long-distance telegraph line in Europe; 500 km from Berlin to Frankfurt am Main. In 1850, the founder’s younger brother, Carl Wilhelm Siemens, later Sir William Siemens, started to represent the company in London. The London agency became a branch office in 1858. In the 1850s, the company was involved in building long distance telegraph networks in Russia. In 1855, a company branch headed by another brother, Carl Heinrich von Siemens, opened in St Petersburg, Russia. In 1867, Siemens completed the monumental Indo-European (Calcutta to London) telegraph line.»  [Fonte]

Nel 2016 l’operating income fu 7.40 miliardi Usd, mentre il net income fu 7.40 miliardi Usd.


«A firm part-owned by Germany’s Siemens has been hired to help install electricity turbines in Crimea, a region subject to European Union sanctions barring EU firms from supplying it with energy technology, three sources close to the project told Reuters»


«Russia had delivered Siemens-made turbines to Crimea for use in two power plants under construction there»


«Siemens has denied it supplied any turbines to Crimea. In a statement issued on Friday, it said that if one of its customers had, in violation of the sales contract, re-routed any turbines to Crimea, the company “will not provide any deliveries or services for installation, commissioning support, or warranty.”»


«However, the three sources said that one of the firms involved in the installation and commissioning of the turbines in Crimea is Russian-registered ZAO Interautomatika. Siemens has a 45.7 percent stake in the firm, according to public records»


«the systems that Interautomatika offers to clients “are based on the use of technology that is produced by Siemens, or under license from Siemens.”»


«Siemens …. said it had taken all possible legal measures and would take operational steps to prevent the equipment from being used unlawfully.»


«The Siemens-made turbines are a vital component because they are the only ones that fit into the foundations already laid for the power plants, and Russian firms are not able to manufacture comparable equipment on their own.»

* * * * * * *

La Siemens non è certo nuova ad un comportamento ‘disinvolto‘.

Solo per esempio, nel 1855, proprio nel bel mezzo della Guerra di Crimea (1853 – 1856) che Inghilterra e Francia conducevano assieme all’Impero ottomano contro la Russia, fa filiale inglese della Siemens si dava un gran da fare a costruire in Russia la rete telegrafica su lunghe distanze, strumento indispensabile per la conduzione bellica. E questo giusto in concomitanza con il massacro della Brigata del conte di Cardigan sul campo di Balaklava, del 25 ottobre 1854.

Né si venga a dire che il Governo tedesco attuale non ne sapeva proprio nulla del fatto che Siemens stava fornendo alla Russia le indispensabili turbine a gas per alimentare la centrale elettrica di Sevastopol, anche se questo avrebbe comportato l’autonomia energetica della Krimea dall’Ukraina, attuale infelice alleata della Germania.

Centrali puzzolenti ed inquinanti, alla faccia degli Accordi di Parigi.

Ancor meno ci si venga a dire che la dirigenza della Siemens non era a conoscenza di quando stavano facendo ditti loro dipendenti. Una commessa di quel tipo e di quella portata passa meno inosservata dello tsunami di Lisbona del 1755. Esattamente come apparirebbe del tutto tardivo questo annuncio:

«Siemens AG vowed to take legal action against a Russian partner after learning gas turbines destined to help power a town on the Black Sea were instead transferred to the Crimea, flouting sanctions put in place by the European Union for the annexed region.»

Ma ciò che stupisce ancor di più è il silenzio del Governo tedesco.

* * * * * * *

Considerazione finale.

Viviamo in un’epoca in cui tutti si sciacquano la bocca con paroloni quali “democrazia”, “trasparenza”, “libertà di stampa”, e così via.

Mai come ai nostri giorni è in circolazione uno sterminato mare di informazioni, talmente vasto da rendere quasi impossibile estrarne quelle effettivamente vere ed importanti.

Poi, i “trasparenti” governi occidentali sono trovati con le mani nel sacco a fare l’esatto opposto di ciò che professano e magnificano a parole. Ipocriti, a voler denominare in modo proprio persone e comportamenti.

Se da molti punti di vista apprezziamo lo sforzo fatto da Frau Merkel per far lavorare le industrie tedesche, dall’altro non possiamo fare altro che esprimere un severissimo giudizio sugli altri Governi dei paesi afferenti l’Unione Europea che lasciano mano libera alla Germania: terrorizza andare a pensare a che razza di mercimoni incestuosi sia accondiscesi.

Reuters. 2017-07-10. Exclusive: Firm part-owned by Siemens hired to help install turbines in Crimea – sources

A firm part-owned by Germany’s Siemens has been hired to help install electricity turbines in Crimea, a region subject to European Union sanctions barring EU firms from supplying it with energy technology, three sources close to the project told Reuters.

Reuters exclusively reported earlier this week, citing sources with knowledge of the delivery, that Russia had delivered Siemens-made turbines to Crimea for use in two power plants under construction there.

Siemens has denied it supplied any turbines to Crimea. In a statement issued on Friday, it said that if one of its customers had, in violation of the sales contract, re-routed any turbines to Crimea, the company “will not provide any deliveries or services for installation, commissioning support, or warranty.”

However, the three sources said that one of the firms involved in the installation and commissioning of the turbines in Crimea is Russian-registered ZAO Interautomatika. Siemens has a 45.7 percent stake in the firm, according to public records.

According to its website, the systems that Interautomatika offers to clients “are based on the use of technology that is produced by Siemens, or under license from Siemens.”

On Siemens’ Russian language website, Interautomatika is described as a “Solution Partner” to the German firm.

Asked about the involvement of Interautomatika in the Crimea power plants project, a Siemens spokesman said in a statement provided to Reuters: “Siemens stands by its earlier position that no gas-turbine warranty, installation and commissioning support services will be provided.”

“We are investigating the involvement of Interautomatika in the commissioning of gas turbines and any other services and if proven true, we will take all necessary and available steps to terminate any activities as soon as possible.”

Technopromexport, the Russian state-owned firm which is building the two power plants, declined to answer questions about the issue. Interautomatika did not immediately respond to Reuters questions.

Reuters has not been able to determine if Siemens knew of or approved of the delivery of the turbines, or the role of Interautomatika in the power plant projects.

The turbines, and the role of Interautomatika, expose the Germany company to potential accusations of insufficient safeguards to ensure its equipment does not end up on territory most countries view as illegally annexed, some legal experts say.

In its statement on Friday, Siemens said it had no credible evidence about actual deliveries of its turbines to Crimea but had set up a task force to clarify the facts. It said it had taken all possible legal measures and would take operational steps to prevent the equipment from being used unlawfully.


The Kremlin wants to get the two Crimean power plants up and running to fulfill a promise, made by President Vladimir Putin, to ensure a stable power supply for the region’s residents after it was annexed by Moscow from Ukraine in 2014.

The Siemens-made turbines are a vital component because they are the only ones that fit into the foundations already laid for the power plants, and Russian firms are not able to manufacture comparable equipment on their own.

Technopromexport, the main contractor on the project, said on Thursday that it bought the turbines on the secondary market. It did not disclose the seller or the manufacturer of the turbines. It said they had been modernized by specialized Russian factories and engineering companies which it did not name.

Delivering the turbines to the site of the power stations is only the start of a complex process to get them running. They are highly sophisticated pieces of equipment packed with electronics and running off specialist software.

They therefore require specialist engineers to install and commission them.

One of the three sources, who all spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said a contract had been signed under which Interautomatika, together with other Russian firms, would provide commissioning services for the turbines in Crimea.

The source did not say when the contract with Interautomatika was signed, or who awarded the contract.

Reuters was not able to find documents on the award of such a contract.

EU sanctions bar European individuals and companies from providing energy technology to Crimea or from taking any actions designed to circumvent those rules due to the bloc’s view that the peninsula was illegally stolen from Ukraine.

Legal experts say there are no court precedents to say whether Siemens could be held responsible if a third party supplied the technology to Crimea.

The European Commission did not respond to a request for comment on the delivery of the turbines. An EU source with knowledge of the issue said the EU has little ability to ensure compliance, leaving much of that to national governments.

When asked about the delivery of the turbines on Wednesday, a spokesman for German’s Ministry for Economic Affairs said he had no immediate comment.

The other Interautomatika shareholders apart from Siemens are Technopromexport, with 17 percent, and VTI, a Russian power sector research institute, with 37 percent, according to the company’s website.

Bloomberg. 2017-07-11. Siemens Vows Legal Action After Turbines Turn Up in Crimea

– Says Russia partner in breach of contract after transfer

– Wants full compliance with export control restrictions


Siemens AG vowed to take legal action against a Russian partner after learning gas turbines destined to help power a town on the Black Sea were instead transferred to the Crimea, flouting sanctions put in place by the European Union for the annexed region.

At least two of four gas turbines manufactured by Siemens for an electricity project in Taman were moved to Crimea “against our will,” the Munich-based company said in a statement. Siemens will initiate criminal charges against the individuals involved, as well as push for a reversal of the transaction, it said.

The German maker of trains and health-care equipment said it’s still working out what other actions can be taken. Under former Chief Executive Officer Peter Loescher, Siemens increased the number of manufacturing sites in Russia, making the company one of the biggest German investors in the Russian economy.

“This development constitutes a clear breach of Siemens’ delivery contracts, which clearly forbid our customer from making deliveries to Crimea,” the company said in the statement.

Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata, Devoluzione socialismo, Unione Europea

Macron & Merkel Masonry Ldt sulla graticola di Mr Trump.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Il problema è molto articolato nei suoi dettagli, ma alquanto semplice nelle sue linee essenziali, che cercheremo di riassumere in estrema sintesi. Gli allegati fanno parte integrante dell’articolo.

– L’Unione Europea, e sopratutto la Germania, sotto la guida dell’allora scorsa Amministrazione americana,  hanno in passato ritenuto opportuno intervenire in Ukraina per condizionarne un governo che uscisse dalla sfera di influenza russa per entrare in quella europea, occidentale in genere.

– La Russia ha immediatamente reagito: per lei l’Ukraina è zona geopolitica e geomilitare strategica per la sua stessa esistenza.

– Ne è risultata una guerra civile in Ukraina, guerra cui non son certo alieni tutti i contendenti a livello mondiale. Tale guerra è culminata con l’annessione alla Russia della Krimea, regione peraltro a stragrande maggioranza di popolazione russofona.

– Occidente ed Unione Europea hanno reagito imponendo alla Russia una lunga serie di sanzioni sia a livello di personaggi eminenti, sia economico.

– Queste sanzioni hanno colpito la Russia in un delicato momento di riassestamento del proprio sistema finanziario ed economico fortemente sbilanciato verso la sola produzione energetica, produzione di cui peraltro l’Unione Europea abbisogna per la sua stessa sopravvivenza.

– È stato immediatamente un fiorire di un prospero mercato nero. Tutti gli stati che avevano una possibilità di azione non condizionata hanno eluso alla grande le sanzioni, le quali invece erano fatte osservare ligiamente ai paesi succubi politicamente e/o economicamente.

* * *

Nel novembre dello scorso anno è avvenuta una consistente mutazione politica: Mr Trump è stato eletto Presidente degli Stati Uniti, conquistando anche la maggioranza al Congresso ed al Senato. Non solo, con la nomina di Mr Gorsuch alla Suprema Corte Federale Mr Trump si è assicurato la maggioranza repubblicana anche in questo cruciale nodo decisionale.

La politica americana in materia sembrerebbe essere mutata in modo consistente.

Per l’economica del presente discorso, alcune prese di posizione sono più importanti di altre.

– Mr Trump ha propugna idee etiche, morali, politiche, economiche e militari semplicemente opposte a quelle sostenute da Germania, Francia ed Unione Europea. La sua dottrina “America first” rimette in discussione tutti i rapporti diplomatici esistenti. Non solo: gli stati europei e l’Unione Europea è chiaramente schierata con i liberals democratici, ossia con quelli che hanno perso le elezioni e non sanno darsene ragione. La conflittualità è sequenziale.

– Gli Stati Uniti non sono più disposti a sostenere da soli il costo dell’arsenale nucleare a copertura dell’Occidente, e nemmeno quello che riguarda le tre armi delle forze armate che operano in ambito Nato. Per l’Unione Europea e per la Germania questa è una doccia fredda, gelida. Anche se non detto pubblicamente, oramai è chiaro che gli Stati Uniti non siano disposti a correre una guerra globale per difendere Europa e Germania. Meglio: per difendere questa Europa e questa Germania.

– Gli Stati Uniti hanno abbandonato la Convenzione di Parigi, e con essa tutte le linee strategiche da essa sottese. L’Unione Europea è la prima ad esserne colpita, non solo come prestigio politico, ma soprattutto dal punto di vista economico. Abbandonando le energie alternative il sistema economico dovrebbe essere in grado di ridurre in modo consistente i costi di produzione, mentre i paesi Europei si troveranno deprivati dei fondi internazionali derivanti dal sistema fiscale americano. I loro export sono in serio pericolo.

– La Germania di Frau Merkel ed adesso la Francia di Mr Macron sono strenue sostenitrici delle sanzioni alla Russia perché ne impongono l’osservanza ai paesi membri dell’Unione Europea mentre le società vicine ai centri di potere le aggirano impunemente. In questa maniera rafforzano il loro usbergo sull’Unione Europea asservendo l’Eurogruppo ai propri tornaconti. Ci si ricordi come la Germania si sia battuta per estromettere la Saipem dal Nord Stream e per far fallire il Sud Stream.

* * * * * * *

Il caso Nord Stream.

Trump. Sanzioni contro la Russia che massacrano Francia e Germania.

Nord Stream 2, Bruxelles chiede il mandato per trattare con i russi

Dai soci europei di Gazprom 4,8 miliardi di euro per Nord Stream 2

La Ue accontenta Gazprom: con Opal potrà fornire più gas via Germania

Nord Stream 2, Gazprom esclude (ancora) Saipem

«Sulla questione Nord Stream, Berlino si trova da tempo in posizione non facile. Dopo le polemiche suscitate dalla nomina dell’ex cancelliere Gerhard Schroeder alla presidenza della società del primo gasdotto, sulla seconda opera la Germania si è trovata in contrasto con diversi partner europei. Inoltre, ha continuato ad appoggiare il progetto, che favorisce la Russia a scapito dell’Ucraina, proprio nel momento in cui il cancelliere Angela Merkel è stata la principale sostenitrice delle sanzioni contro Mosca per il caso Ucraina e anzi la principale artefice dell’unità europea su questo punto.

Si apre un nuovo fronte fra Washington e Berlino, i cui rapporti sono già a dir poco tesi dopo l’insediamento dell’amministrazione Trump. Il Senato degli Stati Uniti ha approvato un emendamento a una proposta di legge per rafforzare le sanzioni alla Russia sul caso Ucraina, emendamento che colpisce le imprese europee coinvolte nel progetto del gasdotto Nord Stream 2. Questo, entro la fine del 2019, dovrebbe raddoppiare la capacità di trasporto di gas naturale sotto il Mar Baltico dalla Russia alla Germania e da qui al resto d’Europa»


«the project is being implemented with the ink barely dry on the Paris climate deal, in which almost every country appeared to recognise the dangers of fossil fuels. But here is a project that plans to significantly increase the supply of a fuel that damages the climate. To this objection, Nord Stream claimed that the project is not dangerous for the climate because gas is not as bad as coal. How can you shout about the transition to renewable, environmentally safe energy and at the same time make plans to increase gas flows into Europe?» [The Guardian]

Ma il caso Nord Stream è solo un esempio degli interessi economici che intercorrono tra franco-tedeschi e russi.

Sono solo la punta di un iceberg. Una stima per difetto vedrebbe contratti franco-tedeschi in essere son la Russia per circa 980 miliardi: non male per averle imposto delle sanzioni economiche.

* * * * * * *

La Bundeskanzlerin Frau Merkel è sempre stata una strenua sostenitrice della sanzioni alla Russia.

Merkel: Sanctions against Russia over Ukraine must be extended. [Politico]

«German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday the EU should extend sanctions against Russia because of a lack of progress in eastern Ukraine and Moscow’s disregard of the ceasefire.

EU sanctions targeting specific sectors of the Russian economy such as finance and energy were first imposed in July 2014 after Russia’s military action in Ukraine.

In July, the EU decided to prolong sanctions»


Merkel sees no end to EU sanctions against Russia ]Reuters]

«There is no reason to lift the European Union’s sanctions against Russia as Moscow has not fulfilled all of its commitments under an international peace plan, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in an interview published on Friday.

Merkel told the RedaktionsNetzwerks Deutschland (RND) that Russia had caused a major crisis by annexing the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in 2014 and with its support for separatists in eastern Ukraine.

“Europe had to react against this violation of basic principles,” Merkel said.»


Merkel and Hollande support sanction extensions against Russia [Deutsche Welle]

«It will be necessary to extend the sanctions against Russia again»


E l’Unione Europea ha quasi sempre agito da sola, senza voler consultare i partner di maggiore importanza a livello mondiale.

* * * * * * *

Bene. Benissimo.

Adesso il Presidente Trump, e quindi gli Stati Uniti di America, hanno approvato una legge che sanziona la Russia e, ovviamente, tutte le realtà economiche che con essa commerciano su materie sanzionate. Ovviamente, anche quelle francesi e tedesche. Specie poi quelle il campo di azione delle quali era in contrasto con gli Accordi di Parigi: roba inquinante che peggio non si potrebbe.

È successo il finimondo.

Gran parte degli interessi economici dei liberals americani e dei loro sodali della Macron & Merkel Masonry Ldt gravitano giusto nel commercio con la Russia su materie ufficialmente colpite da sanzioni, che loro impongono all’Unione Europea di seguire pedissequamente per poi evaderle ed eluderle sottobanco con le ditte loro vicine. Gli affari sono affari.


Mr Trump è stato sequenziale: le sanzioni si applichino da parte di tutti. Anche da parte delle imprese francesi e tedesche.

Trump. Sanzioni contro la Russia che massacrano Francia e Germania.


Germany threatens retaliation if U.S. sanctions harm its firms [Reuters]

«Germany threatened on Friday to retaliate against the United States if new sanctions on Russia being proposed by the U.S. Senate end up penalizing German firms.

The Senate bill, approved on Thursday by a margin of 98-2, includes new sanctions against Russia and Iran. Crucially, it foresees punitive measures against entities that provide material support to Russia in building energy export pipelines.

Berlin fears that could pave the way for fines against German and European firms involved in Nord Stream 2, a project to build a pipeline carrying Russian gas across the Baltic.

Among the European companies involved in the project are German oil and gas group Wintershall, German energy trading firm Uniper, Royal Dutch Shell, Austria’s OMV and France’s Engie»


Merkel sharpens attack on US sanctions against Russia [Financial Tims]

«Angela Merkel has sharpened Germany’s attack on US plans to toughen American sanctions on Russia, in a sign of the growing political divisions between Berlin and Washington.

The normally cautious German chancellor went out of her way to back foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel’s strongly worded criticism of the US proposals. Her spokesman said she had “the same level of concern” expressed with “the same vehemence”. 

Ms Merkel’s intervention on Friday shows her willingness to go public with criticism of the US after President Donald Trump’s outspoken attacks on Germany over defence, trade and international co-operation. 

She appears increasingly ready to risk provoking Mr Trump and his political allies, although she insists she remains strongly committed to the transatlantic alliance because she believes vital German and European interests are at stake. 

The prospect that the bilateral tension might overshadow next month’s G20 summit in Hamburg no longer seems to be holding back the veteran German chancellor, Europe’s most powerful politician.»


Merkel criticized the tightening of US sanctions against Russia [The International Massmedia Agency]

«German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined the criticism of the tightening of us sanctions against Russia, which was another evidence of the growing political differences between Berlin and Washington.

Normally cautious and restrained Ms. Merkel supported the Minister for foreign Affairs of Germany Sigmar Gabriel (Sigmar Gabriel), who made sharp criticism of the proposals of the United States. According to her representative, she sounded “the same degree of concern” with “the same vehemence”.

The intervention of Ms. Merkel demonstrates her willingness to publicly voice criticism of the U.S. open after the attacks the US President Donald trump on Germany for its policy in the sphere of defence, trade and international cooperation.

Ms. Merkel has demonstrated its willingness to provoke a negative reaction, Mr. trump and his allies, although she claims that she is a strong supporter of preserving the transatlantic Alliance because, in its opinion, at stake are the interests of Germany and Europe.

The prospect of friction in relations between the US and Germany may overshadow the summit Big twenty, which will be held in July in Hamburg, obviously, no longer holding back the German Chancellor, the most influential politician in Europe.»


Merkel condemned new US sanctions against Russia [Crimean News Agency]

«German Chancellor Angela Merkel sharply criticized the new US sanctions against Russia, thus supporting the Chancellor of Austria and the German Foreign Minister. German government spokesman Steffen Seibert spoke on the relevant Merkel’s critical position, the German media reported.

Seibert noted that Merkel called such a move by the US “strange”, saying that the European economy should not suffer from sanctions against Russia.

“The decision of the US Senate raises for her the same questions as for Chancellor Kern and Minister Gabriel. This is, to put it mildly, a strange step. This should not happen. We reject sanctions with extraterritorial effect, which have an impact on third countries,” he said.

Earlier, the United States Senate approved a bill on the introduction of a new package of sanctions against the Russian Federation.»

* * * * * * *

* * * * * * *

A questo punto la premiata ditta Macron & Merkel Masonry ldt dovrebbe per prima cosa mettersi di accordo con sé stessa.

Anche se l’asse franco-tedesco governerà per un altro mandato elettorale l’Unione Europea, sarà sempre più ostacolata nell’uso del metodo dei due pesi e delle due misure.

Già, questo modo di agire andava bene

EU Ambassadors approved extension of investments ban in Crimea

mentre gli Stati Uniti dovrebbe seguire le direttive di Frau Merkel di Mr Macron.

Tra poche settimane si terrà il G20 in Germania.

Vedremo se Mr Macron e Frau Merkel si permetteranno ancora di svillaneggiare Mt Trump.

Nessuno si stupirebbe se alla fine andassero a Canossa. La confindustria tedesca ha già drizzato le orecchie:

Germania. Trump ha ragione. – Handelsblatt.

Juncker. L’Unione Europea ha bisogno di un esercito.

Merkel. I numeri di un Glossplan fallito.

Macron & Merkel Masonry Ldt. Iniziano le grandi manovre.

Guerra civile americana. Si avvicina lo scontro finale.

Industriali tedeschi: Trump ha ragione e Merkel torto. – Handelsblatt.


Francia e Germania piangono non sul clima ma sull’Unep. Un gran bel gruzzolo.


«we Europeans must really take our fate into our own hands» [Bundeskanzlerin Frau Merkel – NYT]


«really take our fate into our own hands.» [Bundeskanzlerin Frau Merkel – NYT]


Un po’ di megalomania la si concede a chiunque, ma il delirio di grandezza è una franca patologia psichiatrica.

Reuters. 2017-06-17. Germany threatens retaliation if U.S. sanctions harm its firms

Germany threatened on Friday to retaliate against the United States if new sanctions on Russia being proposed by the U.S. Senate end up penalizing German firms.

The Senate bill, approved on Thursday by a margin of 98-2, includes new sanctions against Russia and Iran. Crucially, it foresees punitive measures against entities that provide material support to Russia in building energy export pipelines.

Berlin fears that could pave the way for fines against German and European firms involved in Nord Stream 2, a project to build a pipeline carrying Russian gas across the Baltic.

Among the European companies involved in the project are German oil and gas group Wintershall, German energy trading firm Uniper, Royal Dutch Shell, Austria’s OMV and France’s Engie.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman described the Senate bill, which must be approved by the House of Representatives and signed by President Donald Trump before it becomes law, as “a peculiar move”.

He said it was “strange” that sanctions intended to punish Russia for alleged interference in the U.S. elections could also trigger penalties against European companies.

“That must not happen,” said the spokesman, Steffen Seibert.

In an interview with Reuters, German Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries said Berlin would have to think about counter-measures if Trump backed the plan.

“If he does, we’ll have to consider what we are going to do against it,” Zypries said.

The sharp response from Berlin comes at a time of deep strains in the transatlantic relationship due to shifts in U.S. policy and a more confrontational rhetoric towards Europe under Trump.

The new U.S. president has lambasted European partners for not contributing more to NATO, slammed Germany for running a large trade surplus with the United States and broken with allies on climate change with his decision to exit the landmark Paris agreement on combating greenhouse gas emissions.

Ironically, the part of the Senate bill that targets Russia was introduced by some of the president’s top critics, including Republican hawk John McCain.

They are intent on limiting Trump’s ability to forge warmer ties with Russia, a key foreign policy pledge during his campaign for the presidency, but one he has been unable to deliver on amid investigations into alleged Russian meddling in the U.S. election.


Under Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama, Washington and Europe coordinated closely as they ramped up sanctions against Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region.

But the dialogue has broken down under Trump, who considered easing sanctions against Russia when he first came into office, according to U.S. officials.

“I regret that the joint approach of Europe and the United States on Russia and sanctions has been undermined and abandoned in this way,” Zypries told Reuters.

France and the European Commission also urged the United States to coordinate with its partners on such matters.

“For several years, we have underlined to the United States the difficulties that extraterritorial legislation spark,” a French foreign ministry spokesman told reporters.

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline, due to start pumping gas from Russia to Europe from 2019, has been dogged by controversy.

Eastern European and Baltic states fear it will make them hostage to Russian gas and undercut Ukraine by depriving it of transit fees for Russian gas supplies to Europe.

Nordic nations, meanwhile, have security concerns over the pipeline running through territorial waters, where Russia has bolstered its military presence in recent months.

Some EU diplomats fear the threat of new measures out of Washington may harden Germany’s defense of Nord Stream and complicate already difficult talks among EU nations over whether to seek joint talks with Russia over the pipeline.

“This is not helpful now. It tends to stir up desires to protect our territorial space,” one EU diplomat said.

The House of Representatives is expected to debate the Senate bill in the coming weeks but it is unclear whether it will come up for a final vote before lawmakers leave Washington at the end of July for their summer recess.

Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata, Devoluzione socialismo, Trump, Unione Europea

Trump lascia Accordo di Parigi. Mr Macron e Frau Merkel col coso in mano.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Bordello. Camera del bordello '6, rue des Moulins', nel 1° arrondissement

Camera del bordello “6, rue des Moulins”, nel 1° arrondissement.

«Scoop: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal»

* * *

«U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, Axios news outlet reported on Wednesday, citing two unidentified sources with direct knowledge of the decision.»


«Trump, who has previously called global warming a hoax, refused to endorse the landmark climate change accord at a summit of the G7 group of wealthy nations on Saturday, saying he needed more time to decide. He then tweeted that he would make an announcement this week.»


«Axios said details of the pullout are being worked out by a team that includes EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. The choice is between a formal withdrawal that could take three years or leaving the U.N. treaty that the accord is based on, which would be quicker but more extreme, according to Axios.»

* * * * * * *


La festa in maschera è finita.

Mr Macron può togliersi il travestimento da Pirgopolinice e tornare a scaricare cassette di frutta a Les Halles, Frau Merkel può invece ripiegare il vestito da Biancaneve e riprendere quello della Mnesarete della politica europea.

Hanno sberleffato Mr Trump, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti? Non volevano nemmeno stringergli la mano?

Hanno strillato come checche isteriche che l’Europa deve riappropriarsi dei propri destini?

Bene: ecco il benservito.

Mr Macron a Frau Merkel obblighino pure le industrie domestiche a cercare di produrre applicando l’Accordo di Parigi, e vedremo se riusciranno a vendere qualche fazzoletto di carta usato sul mercato. Ed intanto, se vogliono ancora l’ombrello atomico, sgranino denaro sonante.

Mr Macron poi, che ha dato asilo politico ai sedicenti gay ceceni, difficilmente potrà andare a piangere da Mr Putin: quello se la è legata al dito.

L’Unione Europea inizia una nuova fase di vita.

Axios. 2017-05-31. Scoop: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal

President Trump has made his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the decision. Details on how the withdrawal will be executed are being worked out by a small team including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. They’re deciding on whether to initiate a full, formal withdrawal — which could take 3 years — or exit the underlying United Nations climate change treaty, which would be faster but more extreme.

Why this matters: Pulling out of Paris is the biggest thing Trump could do to unravel Obama’s climate legacy. It sends a combative signal to the rest of the world that America doesn’t prioritize climate change and threatens to unravel the ambition of the entire deal.

Keep reading 89 words

The other outliers: The only other two countries that aren’t supporting the deal are Nicaragua and Syria.

How it happened: A letter from 22 Republican Senators (including Mitch McConnell) that called for a clean exit had reinforced Trump’s instincts to withdraw, and the president had been telling confidants over the past week that he was going to pull out.

The Telegraph. 2017-05-31. Donald Trump to pull out of Paris climate deal – reports

President Trump has reportedly decided to pull out of the Paris climate change agreement.

According to the news website Axios, two sources close to the Trump Administration said the president has already started consulting on the exit process with senior officials.

The move would strike a massive blow to the legacy of his successor, President Obama, who viewed tackling climate change as a top priority and considered the agreement to be among his greatest achievements. 

It also risks undermining the ambitions of the agreement, which was signed by 195 other countries including Britain. 

A letter from 22 Republican senators urging Mr Trump to withdraw played a major role in the decision, Axios said. 

There has been speculation that pressure from Ivanka Trump – the president’s daughter  – to stick with the agreement delayed his decision. 

The Guardian. 2017-05-31. Trump to deliver verdict on Paris climate deal as world fears US pullout

The president has reportedly made his decision on the landmark climate deal, as exasperated world leaders get ready to move on with or without the US.


Donald Trump’s Twitter pledge to make a decision on whether to remain in the Paris climate agreement this week promises resolution to months of fevered lobbying over US involvement in the global accord.

But while America’s traditional allies and environmental groups continue to urge Trump to stay within the Paris deal – in which nearly 200 nations have pledged to limit global temperatures to a 2C increase on the pre-industrial era – the actions of the US president, most recently at the G7 meeting in Sicily, have begun to provoke murmurs that perhaps the world would be better without American involvement.

The final G7 communique saw the US unusually break with the other six nations by failing to commit itself to the Paris agreement, which Trump promised to “cancel” during the presidential campaign, and reports on Wednesday claimed he had decided to exit. The exasperation of European leaders suggested they are ready to move on with or without the world’s second largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

“The whole discussion about climate has been difficult, or rather very unsatisfactory,” said German chancellor Angela Merkel. “Here we have the situation that six members, or even seven if you want to add the EU, stand against one.”

The US formally turning its back on perhaps the last best chance of a coordinated response to climate change would certainly carry heft. Frantic calculations by several thinkthanks and universities have estimated that US withdrawal would add up to 3bn tonnes of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every year, raising the global temperature by 0.1C to 0.3C by the end of the century.

Such a regression would be compounded if other countries took the United States’ lead and also decided to quit Paris, or at least not strive to fill the void in emissions reduction. This would have grave implications for coastal cities facing sea-level rise, parts of the world already blighted by heatwaves and food insecurity, and the planet’s endangered species.

While US emissions would start to level off rather than continue their gradual decline, there are signs that India and China, the two other national heavy hitters in emissions, are moving away from coal more quickly than expected, according to Climate Action Tracker.

This has led several economists and large US businesses to fret that the coming boom in solar, wind and other renewable energies will not take place in America. China signaled its intent earlier this year by announcing it will invest $360bn in renewable energy by 2020, creating more than 13m jobs in the sector.’

If the economic fallout of leaving the Paris deal does not sway Trump, the diplomatic and security ramifications may. Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state, has urged the US “keep a seat at the table” in order to maintain its international standing while UN secretary general António Guterres has raised the possibility of “risks of conflict” if climate change is not properly addressed.

If Trump does decide to stay in the deal, it is likely he will attempt to “renegotiate” it, which would mainly involve the US revising down its goal of reducing emissions by 26% to 28% by 2025 based on 2005 levels. Opponents of the deal, such as Trump strategist Steve Bannon and Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt, have framed Paris as a “bad deal” for the US that may even hinder Trump’s domestic agenda of winding back various environmental regulations.

Several independent legal experts, as well as those who helped craft the Paris agreement, reject this view, pointing out that the edifice is built upon a series of voluntary non-binding goals submitted by countries. Paris is essentially a statement of intent, a signal from governments to their citizens and businesses that low-carbon economies are on the way and that this inevitability should be financially supported.

Some supporters of Paris are now wondering how useful it would be to have a disengaged US within such a structure. The American public is largely in favour of the Paris deal and could be given the misleading impression that their government is addressing the climate issue by simply staying put, despite tearing down Barack Obama-era climate policies such as the Clean Power Plan at the same time.

“Wanting the US to remain is a short-sighted, knee-jerk reaction,” said Luke Kemp, an expert in international environmental policy at the Australian National University. “The international community should be much more worried about the real domestic actions of the US, rather than whether it is symbolically cooperating internationally.”

Kemp points out that the US could act as a drag upon the international climate effort if it doesn’t leave. “The US and the Trump administration can do more damage inside the agreement than outside it,” he said.

The momentum is reportedly with the Leave faction, with a group of 22 Republican senators – minus the notable voices of Lindsey Graham and John McCain, who want the US to remain – urging Trump to make a “clean break” from Paris. On Tuesday, Trump again met with Pruitt, one of the most vociferous opponents of the deal.

But the White House’s confusion over the decision and its wider ramifications was perhaps summed up best by Sean Spicer, Trump’s spokesman, who on Tuesday was asked the simple question of whether Trump believed global warming was spurred by human activity, a subject he has previously vacillated upon.

“Honestly, I haven’t asked him,” Spicer replied. “I can get back to you.”

Reuters. 2017-05-31. Trump pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal: Axios report

U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, Axios news outlet reported on Wednesday, citing two unidentified sources with direct knowledge of the decision.

Trump, who has previously called global warming a hoax, refused to endorse the landmark climate change accord at a summit of the G7 group of wealthy nations on Saturday, saying he needed more time to decide. He then tweeted that he would make an announcement this week.

Fox News also cited an unidentified source confirming the pullout.

The decision will put the United States in league with Syria and Nicaragua as the world’s only non-participants in the Paris Climate Agreement. It could have sweeping implications for the deal, which relies heavily on the commitment of big polluter nations to reduce emissions of gases scientists blame for sea level rise, droughts and more frequent violent storms.

The accord, agreed on by nearly 200 countries in Paris in 2015, aims to limit planetary warming in part by slashing carbon dioxide and other emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Under the pact, the United States committed to reducing its emissions by 26 to 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025.

Axios said details of the pullout are being worked out by a team that includes EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. The choice is between a formal withdrawal that could take three years or leaving the U.N. treaty that the accord is based on, which would be quicker but more extreme, according to Axios.

The decision to withdraw from the climate accord was influenced by a letter from 22 Republican U.S. senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling for an exit, Axios reported.

Former President Barack Obama, who helped broker the accord, praised the accord during a trip to Europe this month.

The United States is the world’s second-biggest carbon dioxide emitter behind China.

Supporters of the climate pact are concerned that a U.S. exit could lead other nations to weaken their commitments or also withdraw, softening an accord that scientists have said is critical to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.

Canada, the European Union, and China have said they will honor their commitments to the pact even if the United States withdraws. A source told Reuters that India had also indicated it would stick by the deal.

Trump had vowed during his campaign to “cancel” the Paris deal within 100 days of becoming president, as part of an effort to bolster U.S. oil and coal industries. That promise helped rally supporters sharing his skepticism of global efforts to police U.S. carbon emissions.

After taking office, however, Trump faced pressure to stay in the deal from investors, international powers and business leaders, including some in the coal industry. He also had to navigate a split among his advisers on the issue.


Pubblicato in: Cina, Devoluzione socialismo, Senza categoria, Trump

Trump, i Repubblicani e l’Accordo di Parigi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



L’unica cosa reale e vera del così detto ‘clima‘ è il mare, l’oceano di denaro che le casse pubbliche vi hanno riversato.

Ufficialmente in nome della pubblica salubrità e qualità di vita, nei fatti per arricchire indebitamente i liberal democratici negli Stati Uniti ed i socialisti ideologici in Europa.

Si ricordi che quello di Parigi era un accordo, non un Trattato.

«Conservatives on Tuesday launched an all-out assault on the Paris climate accord, pressuring President Trump to brush aside moderate voices in the White House — including son-in-law Jared Kushner — and keep his campaign promise to pull the U.S. out of the deal»


«top administration officials were set to meet Tuesday and debate whether to remain a part of the agreement, which was signed in late 2015 and represents one of former President Barack Obama’s biggest international achievements»


«But that meeting was abruptly canceled amid reports of deep disagreement within the administration over how to proceed»


«On Tuesday, CEI started a petition drive calling on the president to keep his campaign commitment»


«President Trump should keep his promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty»


«The deal, which is not a formal treaty and carries no noncompliance penalties whatsoever, calls on the U.S. to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 26 percent by»


«China, the world’s largest polluter, has to do nothing until 2030, when it says it will reach peak emissions and then begin reductions»


Gran bel accordo!

Gli americani si sarebbero dovuti accollare subito i costi della riduzione delle emissioni, tangenti ai democratici incluse, ed i cinesi avrebbero iniziato a farlo tra tredici anni.

Viene il forte sospetto che Mr Obama fosse al soldo dei cinesi.

The Washington Times. 204-04-19. Conservatives pressure Trump to dismiss moderate voices, scrap Paris climate accord

Conservatives on Tuesday launched an all-out assault on the Paris climate accord, pressuring President Trump to brush aside moderate voices in the White House — including son-in-law Jared Kushner — and keep his campaign promise to pull the U.S. out of the deal.

With the president in Wisconsin, top administration officials were set to meet Tuesday and debate whether to remain a part of the agreement, which was signed in late 2015 and represents one of former President Barack Obama’s biggest international achievements.

But that meeting was abruptly canceled amid reports of deep disagreement within the administration over how to proceed, with chief strategist Steve Bannon and others favoring withdrawal and Mr. Kushner and other moderate voices reportedly urging the president to honor the deal.

Outside pressure from influential conservatives reached a boiling point Tuesday as groups such as the Competitive Enterprise Institute launched a public relations campaign reminding voters of Mr. Trump’s campaign promise to scrap Paris.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders denied that any of those factors played a role in the cancellation.

“They wanted to have that conversation. Since they haven’t had it, I don’t think they could say that there’s a lot of discord between where everyone is,” she said while traveling aboard Air Force One and brushing aside widespread reports of infighting. “That’s the purpose of the meeting. And so it was, again, scheduling conflicts for today.”

Ms. Sanders sidestepped questions about which way the president was leaning on Paris.

Throughout his campaign, Mr. Trump repeatedly said he would pull the U.S. out of the agreement if he became president, though he softened that stance almost immediately after he was elected in November.

On Tuesday, CEI started a petition drive calling on the president to keep his campaign commitment. The group also posted a video featuring Mr. Trump on the campaign trail decrying the accords.

“President Trump should keep his promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty. The Paris treaty is a key part of President Obama’s war on America’s most affordable and abundant energy — coal, oil, and natural gas,” the institute says in a brief message accompanying the petition. “But the Washington Swamp and the United Nations establishment are fighting hard to change President Trump’s mind. These are not the people who voted to change the direction of the country.”

Other conservatives are taking direct aim at Mr. Kushner, warning of political consequences if Mr. Trump abandons his campaign promise.

“For his part, Mr. Kushner must know that an obviously broken campaign pledge will impair the President’s ability to be reelected,” Michael McKenna, a Republican strategist who worked on the Trump transition team, wrote in a memo that laid out the reasons for withdrawal.

“He probably also knows (or will know) that there is no mechanism — absent withdrawal — that allows the sort of reworking the agreement that some in the administration have suggested is possible,” Mr. McKenna added.

Indeed, the agreement as constructed doesn’t seem to allow the U.S. to lower its emissions goals and maintain its seat at the international table, as Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and others have suggested.

The deal, which is not a formal treaty and carries no noncompliance penalties whatsoever, calls on the U.S. to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 26 percent by 2025 — a massive reduction that would require dramatic changes in domestic American energy policy.

China, the world’s largest polluter, has to do nothing until 2030, when it says it will reach peak emissions and then begin reductions. There are signs, however, that China already is beginning to curb its emissions.

While Mr. Trump apparently is still open to remaining in the agreement, his administration is taking steps that would make it virtually impossible to meet the emissions targets. For example, he has instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to eliminate the Clean Power Plan, a set of national limits on carbon pollution from power plants that is central to meeting the broader emissions goals.

More broadly, Mr. Trump has made clear that he wants to ramp up U.S. oil, gas and coal production and end the Obama administration’s favoritism toward renewable energy. Those policy priorities make the Paris pledge little more than words on a page, even if the nation formally remains a part of the deal.

Even the president’s EPA administrator openly favors withdrawal.

Paris was just a bad deal, in my estimation,” EPA chief Scott Pruitt said last month.

Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata, Devoluzione socialismo

Trump, i Repubblicani e l’Accordo di Parigi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



L’unica cosa reale e vera del così detto ‘clima‘ è il mare, l’oceano di denaro che le casse pubbliche vi hanno riversato.

Ufficialmente, in nome della pubblica salubrità e qualità di vita, nei fatti per arricchire indebitamente i liberal democratici negli Stati Uniti ed i socialisti ideologici in Europa.

Si ricordi che quello di Parigi era un accordo, non un Trattato. Per parafrasare quanto dicono i detrattori di Mr Trump, se l’accordo lo ha sottoscritto Mr Obama, Mr Trump deve rinnegarlo.

«Conservatives on Tuesday launched an all-out assault on the Paris climate accord, pressuring President Trump to brush aside moderate voices in the White House — including son-in-law Jared Kushner — and keep his campaign promise to pull the U.S. out of the deal»


«top administration officials were set to meet Tuesday and debate whether to remain a part of the agreement, which was signed in late 2015 and represents one of former President Barack Obama’s biggest international achievements»


«But that meeting was abruptly canceled amid reports of deep disagreement within the administration over how to proceed»


«On Tuesday, CEI started a petition drive calling on the president to keep his campaign commitment»


«President Trump should keep his promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty»


«The deal, which is not a formal treaty and carries no noncompliance penalties whatsoever, calls on the U.S. to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 26 percent by»


«China, the world’s largest polluter, has to do nothing until 2030, when it says it will reach peak emissions and then begin reductions»


Gran bel accordo!

Gli americani si sarebbero dovuti accollare i costi della riduzione delle emissioni, tangenti ai democratici incluse, ed i cinesi avrebbero iniziato a farlo tra tredici anni.

Viene il forte sospetto che Mr Obama fosse al soldo dei cinesi.

The Washington Times. 204-04-19. Conservatives pressure Trump to dismiss moderate voices, scrap Paris climate accord

Conservatives on Tuesday launched an all-out assault on the Paris climate accord, pressuring President Trump to brush aside moderate voices in the White House — including son-in-law Jared Kushner — and keep his campaign promise to pull the U.S. out of the deal.

With the president in Wisconsin, top administration officials were set to meet Tuesday and debate whether to remain a part of the agreement, which was signed in late 2015 and represents one of former President Barack Obama’s biggest international achievements.

But that meeting was abruptly canceled amid reports of deep disagreement within the administration over how to proceed, with chief strategist Steve Bannon and others favoring withdrawal and Mr. Kushner and other moderate voices reportedly urging the president to honor the deal.

Outside pressure from influential conservatives reached a boiling point Tuesday as groups such as the Competitive Enterprise Institute launched a public relations campaign reminding voters of Mr. Trump’s campaign promise to scrap Paris.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders denied that any of those factors played a role in the cancellation.

“They wanted to have that conversation. Since they haven’t had it, I don’t think they could say that there’s a lot of discord between where everyone is,” she said while traveling aboard Air Force One and brushing aside widespread reports of infighting. “That’s the purpose of the meeting. And so it was, again, scheduling conflicts for today.”

Ms. Sanders sidestepped questions about which way the president was leaning on Paris.

Throughout his campaign, Mr. Trump repeatedly said he would pull the U.S. out of the agreement if he became president, though he softened that stance almost immediately after he was elected in November.

On Tuesday, CEI started a petition drive calling on the president to keep his campaign commitment. The group also posted a video featuring Mr. Trump on the campaign trail decrying the accords.

“President Trump should keep his promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty. The Paris treaty is a key part of President Obama’s war on America’s most affordable and abundant energy — coal, oil, and natural gas,” the institute says in a brief message accompanying the petition. “But the Washington Swamp and the United Nations establishment are fighting hard to change President Trump’s mind. These are not the people who voted to change the direction of the country.”

Other conservatives are taking direct aim at Mr. Kushner, warning of political consequences if Mr. Trump abandons his campaign promise.

“For his part, Mr. Kushner must know that an obviously broken campaign pledge will impair the President’s ability to be reelected,” Michael McKenna, a Republican strategist who worked on the Trump transition team, wrote in a memo that laid out the reasons for withdrawal.

“He probably also knows (or will know) that there is no mechanism — absent withdrawal — that allows the sort of reworking the agreement that some in the administration have suggested is possible,” Mr. McKenna added.

Indeed, the agreement as constructed doesn’t seem to allow the U.S. to lower its emissions goals and maintain its seat at the international table, as Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and others have suggested.

The deal, which is not a formal treaty and carries no noncompliance penalties whatsoever, calls on the U.S. to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 26 percent by 2025 — a massive reduction that would require dramatic changes in domestic American energy policy.

China, the world’s largest polluter, has to do nothing until 2030, when it says it will reach peak emissions and then begin reductions. There are signs, however, that China already is beginning to curb its emissions.

While Mr. Trump apparently is still open to remaining in the agreement, his administration is taking steps that would make it virtually impossible to meet the emissions targets. For example, he has instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to eliminate the Clean Power Plan, a set of national limits on carbon pollution from power plants that is central to meeting the broader emissions goals.

More broadly, Mr. Trump has made clear that he wants to ramp up U.S. oil, gas and coal production and end the Obama administration’s favoritism toward renewable energy. Those policy priorities make the Paris pledge little more than words on a page, even if the nation formally remains a part of the deal.

Even the president’s EPA administrator openly favors withdrawal.

Paris was just a bad deal, in my estimation,” EPA chief Scott Pruitt said last month.