Pubblicato in: Putin, Russia

Russia. Nuova legge sulle ong (ngo). Povero Mr Soros.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Pussy Riot 001

Bbc. Russia’s Putin signs law against ‘undesirable’ NGOs

«The Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill which allows foreign organisations to be banned from operating in the country.

The law allows the authorities to prosecute foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or firms designated as “undesirable” on national security grounds.

Individuals working for NGOs could face fines or up to six years in prison. ….

The definition of “undesirable” is open to interpretation, but the Interfax news agency said it would apply to organisations deemed to pose a threat to the “foundations of Russia’s constitutional order, defensive capacity and security”.

NGOs linked to politics in Russia already face restrictions under a 2012 law requiring them to register as “foreign agents”. »


Così la Russia rafforza la legge che regolamenta le attività delle ngo (ong) straniere in Russia.

«The bill is based on the 2012 law that forced NGOs to adopt a “foreign agent” label if they receive funding from abroad»


Tutti si affannano a dire che questo sarebbe l’ennesima dimostrazione del fatto che Mr Putin sia un dittatore, per cui gli aggettivi crudele e spietato dovrebbero essere gli allegati di obbligo.

Mr Soros ha pianto calde lacrime. Da perfetto filantropo aveva speso cifre da capogiro per mettere in Russia le sue ngo, in parte come testate giornalistiche che, essendo autonome e non di parte, riportavano quanto a lui confacente, d’altra parte le altre propagavano la fede liberal delle unioni lgbt cercando di convincere i russi a diventare perfetti pervertiti, ed infine una buona quota di ngo dedite a screditare il Governo Russo, aizzando alla rivolta. Quella brava gente vorrebbe che Mr Putin desse le dimissioni o, meglio, se ne andasse, nominando Mr Soros presidente della Federazione Russa. Non gli vogliono mica male, ci mancherebbe!

Ci si domanda per quale motivo Mr Putin non abbia accettato riconoscente tanta manna dal Cielo.


Abbiamo solo un dubbio.

Le ngo che si registrassero negli Stati Uniti sono tenute a denunciare la provenienza dei loro fondi, mentre in Francia e Germania non è permesso usufruire di fondi esteri, bensì solo di finanziamenti produttivi.

Orbene. La nuova legge russa ricalca quanto già deliberato nei paesi occidentali: non si vedrebbe quindi il motivo dello scandalo.


Nella foto sono ritratte delle Pussy Riot intente a meditare sul loro passato, messe in luogo confacente.

Deutsche Welle. 2017-11-25. Vladimir Putin signs off on Russian ‘foreign agents’ media law

Russia’s president has approved a controversial bill to label internationally funded media outlets as “foreign agents,” signing the measure into law. Outlets such as US-backed Voice of America are likely to be affected.


The amendments on foreign media went into effect after President Vladimir Putin signed off on them on Saturday, allowing Russian authorities to label outlets as “foreign agents” for receiving funding from abroad. However, it would not apply to Russian media outlets backed by foreign capital.

Under the law, Russia’s Ministry of Justice will decide on assigning the controversial label to international media outlets on a case-by-case basis. 

Last week, it published a list of several outlets that would likely be affected by the new law, including the US-funded Voice of America and Radio Free Europe.

Russian officials repeatedly stated that the measure was a tit-for-tat response after the United States made a similar move targeting Russia’s foreign broadcaster RT, formerly Russia Today, and the Sputnik news agency. 

In September, the US Justice Department ordered the outlets to register as agents of foreign governments over the perceived spread of propaganda and alleged meddling in the 2016 US election.

Russia slammed the move as hypocrisy and an attack on media freedom.

Ramping up pressure for ‘foreign agents’?

It was not immediately clear which steps would be taken towards foreign media outlets in Russia.

The bill is based on the 2012 law that forced NGOs to adopt a “foreign agent” label if they receive funding from abroad. Since then, they are requested to feature the label on their paperwork, statements and other material. They are also subject to surprise raids and intensive checks, and they must report where they get their money from and how they spend it. The increased government pressure prompted many of them to close their doors.

The bill signed by Putin on Saturday has been rushed through both houses of the Russian parliament in just two weeks.


Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Unione Europea

Germania. Merkel – Schulz. Solo loro riusciranno a distruggere la Germania.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Merkel 999

«Merkel has dismissed forming a minority government,

but she is a known liar and political opportunist.»

Vi è un segno infallibile per valutare l’importanza mondiale di un evento: la possibilità di errore è virtualmente nulla.

Simultaneamente, tutte le grandi testate liberal mondiali rilasciano i relativi articoli senza restrizioni di copyright e li pubblicano addirittura nella parte pubblica, non in quella a pagamento.

Significativo è il titolo del The Maven:

Expect “Less Merkel” Not Another “Grand Coalition”

«1) Merkel is not in a position of strength. SPD will demand concessions that Merkel is unlikely to accept. Her sister party, CSU, may walk out if she does.

2) AfD will be the largest opposition party, with parliamentary rights. No one wants that outcome other than AfD.

There will be talk. Just don’t expect anything from it. Eurointelligence sees these possibilities:

1) SPD and CDU/CSU fail to agree on a common agenda. No minority government, no grand coalition. New elections.

2) SPD and CDU/CSU leadership make progress in talks, but SPD leadership refuses grand coalition, agreeing only limited support for a time-limited minority government. Merkel sees the trap (being pushed into the hands of the AfD), refuses, and tells the president that she is unable to form a government. New elections.

3) SPD and CDU/CSU make progress, SPD leadership decides to enter formal coalition talks, but compromises on key issues. SPD membership votes against grand coalition in a referendum of party members.

4) Merkel is so desperate to hang on to power that she gives SPD everything they want. Grand coalition goes ahead. Schulz is finance minister, effectively runs the eurozone agenda. AfD and FDP skyrocket in the polls. CSU loses Bavarian election in 2018. Conservatives in the CDU, led by Jens Spahn, revolt. Merkel leaves, Coalition breaks up.»


Il fatto è che i partiti tradizionali tedeschi sono sulla graticola che si sono pazientemente costruita con le loro mani.

Le proiezioni elettorali per le prossime elezioni di primavera in Baviera sono fosche per la Csu. Frau Merkel perde in continuazione consensi, mentre AfD ed Fdp aumentano la propensione al voto.

La passata Große Koalition è scivolata, ed anche male, su alcune bucce di banana. Nell’ordine di esecrabilità:

– immigrazione illegale e selvaggia;

– legiferazione su temi etici e morali alieni ed invisi alla massa;

– eurocentrismo incompatibile con l’orgoglio nazionale tedesco;

– fallimento in campo economico e sociale.

Ma una riedizione di una coalizione Cdu – Csu – Spd non potrebbe fare alto che riproporre questi temi: e si scaverebbe la fossa da sola.

“Less Merkel” sarebbe solo cosa di buon senso, ma tale caratteristica da tempo non dimora più in Germania. Ecco quindi il perché naturale di questo statement:

«SPD leadership refuses grand coalition, agreeing only limited support for a time-limited minority government»


«SPD membership votes against grand coalition in a referendum of party members»


Nelle sue proiezioni del 22 novembre, l’Insa dava la Cdu in calo dal 26.8% delle ultime elezioni all’attuale 24.7%, essendo la Csu abbastanza stabile attorno al 6.4%.

La gente non ne vuole più sapere di votare Frau Merkel.

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Il Financial Times è una delle grandi casse di risonanza della massoneria europea. Dalle legge alle masse.

«SDP leader flags support for French-style reforms»


«Considering the conflict in the Middle East, the situation with Russia and the US, it’s good when Germany is capable of acting»


«Mr Schulz said that in any talks, he would attach “utmost importance” to EU policy»


«the idea of a eurozone budget and finance minister and wants to get rid of the eurozone bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism»


«he party’s branch in North Rhine-Westphalia, traditionally an SPD stronghold, wants an increase in pensions, a tax on large assets and the abolition of private health insurance, a policy strongly opposed by the CDU»

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Tutto è possibile nella vita, specialmente poi in politica.

A prima vista, in ogni caso, Frau Merkel si è andata a cacciare in un vicolo cieco, senza alcuna possibilità di uscita. L’unica cosa veramente utile non la farà mai: un “Less Merkel” che coincida con la sua scoparsa dalla scena politica.



La caduta di Frau Merkel segna il crollo dell’ultimo bastione governativo francamente liberal ed ideologico in Europa e nel mondo.

Quanti non condividano codeste ideologie dovrebbe benedire tre volte al giorno il Cielo che ha mandato Herr Schulz e Frau Merkel. Mr Putin, Mr Trump e Mr Xi non avrebbero né saputo né potuto fare di meglio di disintegrare Germania ed Unione Europea in un sol colpo. Poi, a naso, dovrebbe toccare all’euro. Non fatevi soverchie illusioni.

Financial Times. 2017-11-28. Germany’s Schulz puts stronger EU on coalition wishlist

SDP leader flags support for French-style reforms on talks agenda with Merkel.


Martin Schulz, the Social Democrat leader, said he would make “strengthening the EU” a priority of any future German coalition government, in a sign that the SPD could back Emmanuel Macron’s ideas for reform of the eurozone. His comments came as Angela Merkel, the chancellor, made a formal offer of coalition talks to the SPD, saying that at a time of urgent debate about Europe’s future Germany needed a stable government. She was speaking eight days after the collapse of coalition talks between her conservative bloc, the liberal Free Democrats and the Greens plunged Germany into political crisis.

Ms Merkel is now seeking a “grand coalition” with the SPD — the party her CDU/CSU bloc has governed with for the past four years. Mr Schulz’s comments suggest reform of the EU could play a big role in the looming coalition negotiations. That is potentially good news for Mr Macron, the French president. Advocates of EU and eurozone reform had watched with trepidation as Ms Merkel negotiated to form a government with the FDP, which is strongly opposed to the idea of a eurozone budget and finance minister and wants to get rid of the eurozone bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism.

Ms Merkel said Germany needed to come up with a response to Mr Macron’s vision, especially with elections to the European Parliament less than two years away. “People expect us to draw conclusions and take a position,” she said, following a meeting of the CDU’s ruling executive. “Considering the conflict in the Middle East, the situation with Russia and the US, it’s good when Germany is capable of acting.” Mr Schulz was still hedging his bets on Monday, refusing to commit his party to entering a grand coalition with the chancellor’s conservative bloc. “We don’t know where the talks we are entering into will lead,” he said. “All options are on the table.” Germany might end up with a new form of government, he said. “We shouldn’t be scared of that.” But Mr Schulz said that in any talks, he would attach “utmost importance” to EU policy. “All of Europe is looking at Berlin at the moment,” he said, and big decisions needed to be made about the future of the EU and eurozone. “The question of whether we need a eurozone budget and if so how it will be financed, the question of whether we need a European finance minister who can tackle tax dumping inside the member states of the currency union . . . These are things that need an answer,” he said.

The breakdown of coalition negotiations between the CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens left Ms Merkel with three options: trying to form a minority government, pushing for repeat elections or seeking a continuation of her coalition with the SPD. But Mr Schulz initially categorically ruled out a left-right alliance and insisted his party would go into opposition. However, he was forced into a humiliating climbdown last week after facing a rebellion within his own party. He also came under intense pressure from Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German president and a former SPD foreign minister, who has been trying to find a way out of the political impasse that avoids another election. On Friday Mr Schulz said he was open to talks, though he said any deal would have to be put to a membership vote. Mr Steinmeier is to meet Ms Merkel, Horst Seehofer, the head of the CDU’s Bavarian sister party, and Mr Schulz for talks on Thursday, which are expected to pave the way for exploratory negotiations on forming a grand coalition. It appeared likely on Monday that the SPD would be able to demand a high price for joining a grand coalition. Leading Social Democrats quickly lined up to dictate their conditions for forming such an alliance. The party’s branch in North Rhine-Westphalia, traditionally an SPD stronghold, wants an increase in pensions, a tax on large assets and the abolition of private health insurance, a policy strongly opposed by the CDU. Mr Schulz declined to endorse the requirements of his party colleagues. He warned all sides against undermining the talks by making “demands and ultimatums”, adding: “The election campaign is over.”

Pubblicato in: Amministrazione, Stati Uniti, Trump

White House. Il personale guadagna meno dei barbieri a Montecitorio.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Washington. White House. 001

La White House ha rilasciato il Report “Staff Salaries” relativo al 2017.

«Since 1995, the White House has been required to deliver a report to Congress listing the title and salary of every White House Office employee.  This report is being publicly disclosed on our website as it is transmitted to Congress.

2017 Report»

Nota. Questo documento reca data nominale del 30 giugno 2017, ma la sua pubblicazione è avvenuta solo pochi giorni or sono.

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La White House ha 377 dipendenti, tre dei quali senza stipendio: Kushner, Jared C.; Cordish, Reed S; Trump, Ivanka M.

Il costo totale del personale ammonta a 35,766,744 dollari l’anno, essendo 95,633 $ lo stipendio medio e 108,550 lo stipendio mediano.

Mr House Mark, Senior Policy Advisor, percepisce 187,100 $ l’anno, ed è il funzionario meglio pagato di tutto lo staff. 22 altri funzionari sono a 179,700 $ l’anno ed occupano tutti posti chiave di alta responsabilità.

97 funzionari, circa un quarto del totale, percepiscono meno di 60,000 $ l’anno.

221 prendono meno di 100,000 $ l’anno, 173 una cifra maggiore.

Si tenga presente che da questa voce stipendiale il dipendente deve detrarre le spese di accontonamento pensionistico e quelle della polizza sanitaria. Poi, ovviamente, pagare le tasse.

* * * * * * *

I paragoni sono sempre odiosi.

Citiamo come fonte La Repubblica, giornale di specchiata fede governativa.

Montecitorio ha circa 1,500 dipendenti con un costo annuo di 310 milioni di euro, cui si dovrebbero aggiungere altri 227 milioni di euro, sempre per il personale ma sotto altre voci. Il segretario generale percepisce 406,000 euro l’anno, mentre il suo vice ne prende 304,000.

«Oggi barbieri, elettricisti, autisti e centralinisti entrano con uno stipendio imponibile lordo di 30mila euro l’anno cui si aggiungono contributi previdenziali per altri 5.300 euro: dopo 10 anni la retribuzione sale oltre i 50mila euro, ma a fine carriera un barbiere o un centralinista con 40 anni di servizio guadagna circa 136mila euro (al netto di 24mila euro di contributi previdenziali).»


«Non si possono lamentare neppure i ragionieri e i consulenti. Certo il processo di selezione non è dei più semplici, ma neppure complesso come un concorso da diplomatico o da magistrato. Eppure lo stipendio d’ingresso alla Camera è da favola: 39mila euro annui per i primi, 64mila per gli altri. Salari più che raddoppiati dopo 10 anni e che a fine carriera arrivano a 238mila e 358mila euro l’anno. Sempre al netto dei contributi previdenziali.»


«Non si possono lamentare neppure i ragionieri e i consulenti. Certo il processo di selezione non è dei più semplici, ma neppure complesso come un concorso da diplomatico o da magistrato. Eppure lo stipendio d’ingresso alla Camera è da favola: 39mila euro annui per i primi, 64mila per gli altri. Salari più che raddoppiati dopo 10 anni e che a fine carriera arrivano a 238mila e 358mila euro l’anno. Sempre al netto dei contributi previdenziali.»

Tenendo conto dell’attuale rapporto di cambio Eur/Usd, Mr House Mark, Senior Policy Advisor, massimo funzionario della Casa Bianca, prende quasi quanto un barbiere a Montecitorio.

Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Geopolitica Mondiale

Macron in visita nel Burkina Faso. Per poco lo accoppano. Incidente diplomatico.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



«Un gay psicopatico che odia la Francia»


«Come tutti gli psicopatici crede solo nei suoi propositi. Macron non ama la Francia, ama solo se stesso e non combatterà per i cittadini francesi» []

* * *

Episodi di questo tipo bollano a fuoco l’autore.

Sarebbe persino inutile commentare con le pesanti e severe parole del caso: sarebbe sufficiente leggersi i resoconti.

«la prima volta di Emmanuel Macron in Africa da presidente si è risolta in una gaffe pesantissima, ai limiti dell’incidente diplomatico»


«Durante un incontro con gli studenti a Ouagadougou, capitale dell’ex colonia Burkina Faso, l’inquilino dell’Eliseo, per invitarli a superare la visione di una Francia paternalista alla quale chiedere soccorso nella difficoltà, li ha esortati, con toni un po’ bruschi, a “non trattarlo come se fosse il presidente del Burkina Faso”»


«Mi parlate come se io fossi ancora la potenza coloniale ma io non voglio occuparmi dell’elettricità nelle università del Burkina Faso! È il compito del vostro presidente»

Christian Kaboré, Presidente del Burkina Faso, inizialmente reagisce con un sorriso e poi si alza, lasciando la sala.

Ma Mr Macron lo incalza:

«Ecco se ne va… Ma no resta qui… Niente, è andato a riparare l’aria condizionata»

* * *

Interpellato dai ragazzi sul traffico di rifugiati:

«Chi sono i trafficanti? Chiedetevelo, voi che siete giovani africani. Siete da non credere. Chi sono i trafficanti? Sono africani, amici miei. Non i francesi. Ognuno comprenda questa responsabilità. Mostratemi un francese, un belga o un tedesco che ha compiuto traffici tra la Nigeria e la Libia. Non esiste. Oggi in Africa ci sono Africani che rendono schiavi altri africani. Questa è la realtà. E ci sono europei che approfittano della miseria in Africa. In entrambi i casi si tratta di crimini inaccettabili. E li stiamo combattendo entrambi»


«diffusi casi di abusi sessuali compiuti dai militari transalpini di stanza in Africa, abusi che hanno spesso visto come vittime bambini.»

* * *

«You speak to me like I‘m a colonial power, but I don’t want to look after electricity in Burkina Faso. That’s the work of your president»


«I am from a generation that doesn’t come to tell Africans what to do»


«French military out of Burkina»

* * * * * * * *

Macron publicly ‘humiliates’ Burkina Faso president as French leader’s Africa trip goes wrong

«”It is the work of the president [of Burkina Faso],” he said, pointing at president Roch Marc Christian Kabore, who was listening to Macron’s speech from the same stage.

At this point, Kabore suddenly stood up and left the room. “He’s leaving… Stay there! So, he went to repair the air conditioning,” »


Macron embarrasses Burkina Faso’s President Kabore: ‘He left to fix the AC’

«“I do not want to pay attention to the problem of electricity, this is what the president should be doing …he is leaving … stay here, he has left to fix the air conditioning system”»


«The French leader also referred to his comments that prompted controversy in July, when he suggested that it’s a problem when African women have “seven or eight children.”»

* * * * * * * *

La diplomazia è l’arte del colloquiare, dello stare a sentire, sempre con amabile garbo, mantenendo sempre il completo controllo di sé stessi. Il diplomatico è una persona amabile, con la quale si può parlare di tutto, alla ricerca di accordi duraturi ed equi.

Intemperanze di questo genere fanno in un baleno il giro del mondo ed alienano in modo definitivo chi le ha perpetrate.

Noi comprendiamo bene come la sindrome da astinenza possa alterare profondamente le manifestazioni caratteriali, ma di capi di governo rottamati perché inidonei a reggere quel ruolo ne abbiamo visto un gran numero.


Non tutto il male viene per nuocere.

Come nel caso di Herr Schulz e di Frau Merkel, anche Mr Macron sta suicidandosi con le sue stesse mani, e con lui la sua bislacca visione dello stato europeo, e con il suo sussiegoso ed altero comportamento.

Ci si guardi bene dal fermarlo. Mai fermare i suicidi.


Mr Putin e Mr Xi se la stanno sghignazzando della grossa. Aiutare l’elezione di Mr Macron è stato uno dei loro capolavori.

Agi. 2017-11-28. Il viaggio di Macron in Africa è cominciato con una gaffe devastante

Mentre prosegue placido il lungo viaggio di Paolo Gentiloni nel continente nero, la prima volta di Emmanuel Macron in Africa da presidente si è risolta in una gaffe pesantissima, ai limiti dell’incidente diplomatico. Durante un incontro con gli studenti a Ouagadougou, capitale dell’ex colonia Burkina Faso, l’inquilino dell’Eliseo, per invitarli a superare la visione di una Francia paternalista alla quale chiedere soccorso nella difficoltà, li ha esortati, con toni un po’ bruschi, a “non trattarlo come se fosse il presidente del Burkina Faso”, dopo che alcuni di loro si erano lamentati delle pessime condizioni del loro ateneo. “

Mi parlate come se io fossi ancora la potenza coloniale ma io non voglio occuparmi dell’elettricità nelle università del Burkina Faso! È il compito del vostro presidente”, dice Macron, indicando l’omologo locale Christian Kaboré, che inizialmente reagisce con un sorriso e poi si alza, lasciando la sala. “Ecco se ne va… Ma no resta qui… Niente, è andato a riparare l’aria condizionata”, fa Macron.

Un umorismo che non è stato apprezzato dagli utenti dei social, che hanno parlato di “arroganza”, immaturità” e “mancanza di rispetto”. Di certo questa vena sarcastica era ancora ignota a chi era abituato al compassato Macron visto finora nei consessi europei.

L’inquilino dell’Eliseo aveva poi perso la pazienza quando, in precedenza, era stato interpellato dai ragazzi sul traffico di rifugiati: “Chi sono i trafficanti? Chiedetevelo, voi che siete giovani africani. Siete da non credere. Chi sono i trafficanti? Sono africani, amici miei. Non i francesi. Ognuno comprenda questa responsabilità. Mostratemi un francese, un belga o un tedesco che ha compiuto traffici tra la Nigeria e la Libia. Non esiste. Oggi in Africa ci sono Africani che rendono schiavi altri africani. Questa è la realtà. E ci sono europei che approfittano della miseria in Africa. In entrambi i casi si tratta di crimini inaccettabili. E li stiamo combattendo entrambi”. Più che il contenuto delle affermazioni, piuttosto realistiche, colpisce quanto il presidente francese si sia mostrato a corto del suo consueto aplomb, a partire dal linguaggio del corpo.

La delegazione francese accolta da bombe e pietre

Va detto che la visita non era iniziata proprio benissimo. Prima dell’arrivo della delegazione francese, due terroristi incappucciati avevano tirato una bomba a mano che trasportava truppe francesi, mancando il bersaglio e colpendo tre civili. Macron ha poi cercato di minimizzare: “È solo una granata, non dimenticate i morti che la vostra gente ha dovuto soffrire ieri e nelle settimane e nei mesi scorsi”. In seguito, il convoglio della delegazione è stato accolto da lanci di pietre, mentre gli studenti manifestavano di fronte all’università dove Macron avrebbe parlato chiedendo il ritiro dei soldati francesi dal loro Paese. “Dovreste solo ringraziare i soldati francesi”, ha poi detto Macron agli studenti. La rabbia degli africani non è però alimentata da generiche “proteste contro l’imperialismo” ma anche dai diffusi casi di abusi sessuali compiuti dai militari transalpini di stanza in Africa, abusi che hanno spesso visto come vittime bambini. 

Reuters. 2017-11-28. Macron’s promise of new France-Africa ties raises heckles

Ouagadougou (Reuters) – France’s President Emmanuel Macron told African youths on Tuesday that he belonged to a new generation of French leaders who would build partnerships with the continent rather than tell it what to do.

But a youth protest against him, stones pelting one of his delegation’s vehicles and a botched grenade attack on French troops hours before his arrival in Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou showed the hostility that still lingers after decades of an often tense France-Africa relationship.

Macron was also subjected to rowdy student questions at the university after his speech in Ouagadougou, and was sometimes left fruitlessly hushing as he struggled to get his answers heard above the crowd.

In his speech, peppered with references to African nationalists such as Nelson Mandela and Burkina’s revolutionary leader Thomas Sankara, Macron promised a break with a past in which France often seemed to call the shots to former colonies.

“I am from a generation that doesn’t come to tell Africans what to do,” Macron said, prompting applause.

“I am from a generation for whom Nelson Mandela’s victory is one of the best political memories.”

The 39-year-old is on a three-day visit to Burkina Faso, Ghana and Ivory Coast aimed at boosting cooperation in education, the digital economy and migration.

“I will be alongside those who believe that Africa is neither a lost continent or one that needs to be saved,” he said.

The grenade attack missed the French soldiers but wounded three civilians hours before Macron arrived. No group claimed responsibility.

Stones were thrown at a delegation convoy, however Macron was far away from it at a meeting with his Burkina counterpart, Roch Marc Kabore in the presidential palace.

Dozens of local youths clashed with security forces in the center of the capital throwing stones. Police responded with teargas. Protesters burnt T-shirts with images of Macron and carried slogans including “Down with new-colonialism” and “French military out of Burkina”.


It was not the first time a French president has promised to break with past French politics on the continent.

Macron’s predecessor Francois Hollande declared while visiting Senegal in 2012 that “the time of La Francafrique is over”, referring to a shadowy network of diplomats, soldiers and businessmen who manipulated African leaders for decades after independence.

But it comes at a tense time, when French troops are being sucked deeper into a years-long battle to quell Islamist militancy in the Sahel region.

France has 4,000 troops deployed there, and there are mixed feelings about their presence – highlighted in a bitter row between France and Mali over the deaths of 11 Malian troops being held captive by Islamist militants in a French air strike.

The French are pinning their hopes on the so-called G5 Sahel force being set up by regional country’s with French and American backing. It launched a campaign on Oct. 28 amid growing unrest in the desert reaches of the region, where jihadists allied to al Qaeda or inspired by Islamic State roam undetected.

Macron earlier told journalists G5 had been too slow to get established.

He said he would call for greater co-operation between Europe and Africa to tackle human trafficking and he touted a European initiative to rescue African migrants from being enslaved in Libya.

The exchange with heckling students was typical Macron, who during his presidential campaign often managed to turn initially hostile crowds in his favor by answering questions head on.

“You speak to me like I‘m a colonial power, but I don’t want to look after electricity in Burkina Faso. That’s the work of your president,” he retorted to one hostile questioner.

Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata, Devoluzione socialismo, Stati Uniti

Matt Lauer. Un altro liberal democratico licenziato in tronco.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Nessuna paura. Mr Matt Lauer, anchorman della Nbc, venti milioni di dollari all’anno di emolumento, non è stato licenziato dal truce Mr Trump.

Lo ha licenziato il boss della Nbc, santo patrono argentiere dei liberal democratici. Socio sostenitore, si potrebbe dire.

Per non parlare poi dei loro servizi. Mrs Clinton santa e subito era il minimo che potessero dire.

La Tass di Stalin era sobria ed imparziale al confronto dell’Nbc.


Bene: che ha mai fatto di male questo uomo?

Sexual harassment: ci mancherebbe.

«NBC has fired longtime NBC News anchor Matt Lauder after a “detailed complaint” of inappropriate sexual behavior.”»


«we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident»


«We are deeply saddened by this turn of events»

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Tanto per ricordare, due settimane fa la Cbs aveva licenziato Mr Charlie Rose “after 8 women came forward accusing him of sexual harassment


Qui abbiamo il sunto dell’ideologia liberal.

Le confidenze di una femmina ad un giornale sono assunte come se fossero sentenze cassate. Sentenze di condanna, ovviamente.

Processi? Ma a cosa mai servirebbero i processi davanti ad una simile accusa?

Ventisette anni fa mi aveva guardato nella scollatura. Che diamine.


I liberal democratici si stanno falcidiando l’un l’altro con l’accusa di sexual harassment.

Sarebbe stato comprensibile se avessero cercato di utilizzare questo mezzo per far fuori dei repubblicani: invece si suicidano ed ammazzano, soprattutto, i loro benefattori.

«In past years, the public has heard tell of news anchors like NBC’s Matt Lauer who earns $20 million a year, and Katie Couric, now pulling in $10 million from Yahoo News. The multi-million salaries of big name anchors is not the norm, according to an annual survey of current salaries released by the Radio Television Digital News Association, an industry group.

The average salary for a news anchor is $83,300, though this can range from a minimum of $14,000 to a maximum of $875,000, depending on market size and other circumstances.

Sports anchors weigh in with an average $56,500 annually, with a range of $18,000-$275,000. Weathercasters  make $69,800, with a range of $12,000-$595,000.

“Certainly not a great year for TV news salaries, but it’s better than last year,” says Hofstra University professor emeritus Bob Papper, who did the research. “On the anchor desk, news anchors and weathercasters went up, but sports anchors dropped.”» [Fonte]

TV Newser. 2017-11-29. Matt Lauer Fired From NBC Over Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

NBC has fired longtime NBC News anchor Matt Lauder after a “detailed complaint” of inappropriate sexual behavior.”

“It represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company’s standards,” wrote NBC News chairman Andy Lack in a note to staff this morning.

Lack says while it is the first complaint about his behavior “we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident.”

“We are deeply saddened by this turn of events,” Lack writes, “But we will face it together as a news organization – and do it in as transparent a manner as we can.”

Lauer has been with NBC since 1992 as an anchor for WNBC. He began filling in on the Today show as newsreader before being named co-anchor in 1997 taking over for Bryant Gumbel.

Lauer is the second high-profile morning show anchor to lose his job in a matter of weeks. CBS fired Charlie Rose, co-ahchor of CBS This Morning, two weeks ago after 8 women came forward accusing him of sexual harassment.


Pubblicato in: Geopolitica Europea, Unione Europea

Italia. Il cd avrebbe il 38.4.% dei voti, il cs il 27.0%. – Tecne

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


 Merkel e Juncker

«La storia ci insegna che i sondaggi non sono strumenti di previsione: ci dicono come stanno probabilmente le cose al giorno d’oggi, ma difficilmente possono essere usati per dire con certezza quale sarà il risultato di un’elezione che si terrà diversi mesi dopo.»

Secondo i dati rilevati da Index, questa sarebbe la situazione odierna per i partiti politici.


M5S sarebbe sempre il primo partito nazionale con il 27.5% dei voti. Il partito democratico scenderebbe al 24.3%, mentre forza Italia e la lega avrebbero il 15.0% ed il 14.7%, rispettivamente.

Si noti come forza Italia e la lega siano sostanzialmente stabili nel tempo, mentre il partito democratico evidenzi un lento ma costante decremento.


Tuttavia movimenti significativi sono evidenti quando si prendano in considerazione le possibili coalizioni.

Questi sono i risultati forniti da Index.


Il centro-destra sarebbe al 36.6%, con 7.2 punti percentuali di stacco contro il centro-sinistra, quotato al 29.4%: questo stacco dura oramai da diversi mesi.



I risultati per coalizione forniti fa Tecne sono ancora più marcati. Il centro-destra raggiungerebbe il 38.4%, cresciuto in un mese di 0.7 punti percentuali, mentre il centro-sinistra si attesterebbe al 27.7%, con un decremento in un mese di 1.5 punti percentuali.


Questi dati sembrerebbero essere in linea con quanto sta accadendo a livello mondiale ed europeo in particolare.

– Il 20 gennaio 2017 si è insediato il Presidente Trump, che a novembre aveva conquistato 304 grandi elettori contro i 227 di Mrs Hillary Clinton, del partito democratico.

– Il 7 maggio 2017 alle elezioni presidenziali francesi il partito socialista francese è crollato dal 62% all’8%.

– Il 21 settembre 2017 Mr Macron ha conquistato 22 su 171 seggi senatoriali.

– Il 24 settembre 2017 le elezioni federali politiche sanzionavano la perdita di 153 deputati della Große Koalition: la Cdu crollava al 32.9% e l’Spd al 20.5%.

– Il 15 ottobre in Austria  Herr Kurz trionfava alle elezioni austriache con il 31.6%, e l’Fpö raggiungeva il 26.0%.

– Il 22 ottobre 2017 nella Repubblica Ceka il partito Ano 2011 conseguiva il 29.6% dei voti, mentre il Civil Democracy Party crollava all’11.3% dei voti.

– Il 5 novembre 2017 in Slovakia, alle elezioni regionali, la Smer, partito socialista del presidente Fico, ha perso il controllo di quattro delle sei regioni. Nelle elezioni politiche del 2012 aveva conseguito il 44.4% dei voti, il 28.3% in quelle del 2016, il 26.2% nelle regionali.

In sette successive tornate elettorali, liberal e sinistre hanno subito sette severi smacchi.

Pubblicato in: Amministrazione, Russia

Russia. Approvato il budget 2018.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Kremlino 001

«Taking into account the amendments of July 1, 2017, budget revenues should amount to 14.72 trillion rubles ($252.55 bln), expenditures – 16.73 trillion rubles ($287 bln).»


«In addition to the federal budget, there is a consolidated budget – a set of a federal and consolidated budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation except budgets of state and territorial non-budgetary fund.»


«This was the first financial document in the history of the country designed for a medium-term perspective for three years.»


«The law on budget is a very large document – a printed version of the law for 2017-2019 is 4,713 pages long.»


Tass. 2017-11-13. Key points of Russian 2018 budget.

The Russian State Duma has passed the bill on federal budget for 2018 and the planned period of 2019-2020.


TASS-FACTBOX. November 24, 2017. The Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) has passed the bill on federal budget for 2018 and the planned period of 2019-2020 in its third reading. According to the bill, Russia’s budget revenues will amount to 15.26 trillion rubles ($256 bln) in 2018, 15.55 trillion rubles ($260 bln) in 2019, and 16.3 trillion rubles ($273 bln) in 2020. Expenditures are planned at 16.53 trillion rubles ($277 bln) in 2018, 16.4 trillion rubles ($275 bln) in 2019, and 17.15 trillion rubles ($287 bln) in 2020. Federal budget deficit will total 1.3 trillion rubles ($21.8 bln) in 2018, 819.1 bln rubles ($13.7 bln) in 2019, and 870 bln rubles ($14.5 bln) in 2020.

The bill also envisions a transition to the new budget rule. Starting 2018, additional oil and gas revenues received from the price of Urals crude oil above the base of $40 per barrel in 2017 prices, will be allocated on reserves instead of expenditures. The base price will be adjusted by 2% annually starting 2018.

Three-year budget

In 2006, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to adopt budget for three years. In July 2007, Putin signed the federal law “On the federal budget for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010”. This was the first financial document in the history of the country designed for a medium-term perspective for three years. October 1, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on returning to one-year budget planning. This decision was made to avoid mistakes in distribution of public finances due to fluctuations in currency rates and oil prices. However, the next budge, for 2017 and the planning period 2018-2019 has again become a three-year budget.

Order of approval

The Russian government drafts the federal budget, at least ten months before the beginning of the next fiscal year and is based on the Budget Address of the Russian President (since 2014 it is an integral part of the presidential address to the Federal Assembly), the forecast of socio-economic development and the main directions of the budget and tax policy for the next year.

In accordance with the Budgetary Code, the government submits a draft federal budget to the State Duma before October 1 of the year. The State Duma considers the document in three readings.

In the first reading, the deputies discuss its concept, the forecast of the social and economic development of the Russian Federation, including the projected volume of GDP and inflation that form the basis for the formation of the budget’s main characteristics, main directions of fiscal and tax policy. If the document is rejected in the first reading, it is transferred to the conciliation commission, which within ten days develops another version of the budget’s most important characteristics.

In the second reading, the State Duma considers additions, in particular, establishing a list of revenue administrators and sources of financing for the budget deficit, distribution between the subjects of the Russian Federation and intergovernmental transfers, budgetary allocations, etc.

In the third reading, the State Duma deputies approve budget expenditure structure for the next financial year and planning period. After the federal budget is adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council, it is signed by the Russian president.

The law on budget is a very large document – a printed version of the law for 2017-2019 is 4,713 pages long.

In addition to the federal budget, there is a consolidated budget – a set of a federal and consolidated budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation except budgets of state and territorial non-budgetary fund.

Budget for 2017

The federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period 2018-2019 was adopted by the State Duma on December 9, 2016, approved by the Federation Council on December 14 and signed by the Russian President on December 19. Taking into account the amendments of July 1, 2017, budget revenues should amount to 14.72 trillion rubles ($252.55 bln), expenditures – 16.73 trillion rubles ($287 bln). According to the forecast, budget deficit will be about 2% of GDP.

Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Economia e Produzione Industriale

Letter One e Basf. Incestuosi rapporti sotto l’occhio di mamma EU.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


2017-11-28__Letter One 001

Basf e Letter One stanno facendo affarucci.

Sarebbe naturale curiosità cercare di capire un pochino cosa stia succedendo.


Letter One.

«L1’s aim is to be a pre-eminent international investment firm. We aim to buy and build investments – in selected sectors – that stand the test of time and create value for all our partners and stakeholders.»


«We make investments in the Energy, Telecoms and Technology, Health and Retail sectors through our four main business units: L1 Energy, L1 Technology, L1 Health and L1 Retail. Our liquidity is managed by L1 Treasury.»


«We are committed to the highest level of corporate governance and standards of business practice.»


«Leadership & governance.

We are committed to ensuring the highest standards of corporate governance, business practice and ethics.

The primary goal of the Boards of Directors of Letterone Holdings S.A. (‘L1 Holdings’) and Letterone Investment Holdings S.A. (‘L1 Investment Holdings’) is to ensure the long-term success of L1 for the interest of its shareholders. L1 Holdings is the parent of the Group comprising L1 Energy, which invests in the energy sector. L1 Investment Holdings is the parent of the Group comprising L1 Technology, L1 Health, L1 Retail and L1 Treasury. Governance across L1 is now set up and functioning effectively. L1 is committed to the highest standards of governance based on the requirements set for public companies, including transparent financial reporting. In addition to maximising shareholder value, we strive to foster relationships of trust with employees, governments, suppliers, business partners and minority investors. L1 currently invests through strategic equity holdings in public and private companies.

Board-level Governance

At a corporate level, L1 operates through two Boards of Directors, each with executive, shareholder and independent Directors. The Boards are supported by their Audit & Compliance, and Nomination & Remuneration Committees. The Board of Directors of L1 Holdings is responsible for setting investment strategy and approving investment decisions for L1 Energy. The Board of Directors of L1 Investment Holdings is responsible for setting investment strategy and approving investment decisions for L1 Technology, L1 Treasury, L1 Health, and L1 Retail.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors for both L1 Holdings and L1 Investment Holdings consists of ten people: Non-Executive Chairman Lord Davies; CEO Jonathan Muir; COO David Gould; Non-Executives Wulf von Schimmelmann and Richard Burt, former US Ambassador to Germany and five shareholders, including the principal shareholder Mikhail Fridman. The Board of Directors of L1 Holdings and L1 Investment Holdings meet, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis in Luxembourg to review investment performance and to make decisions on capital allocation (including investments and divestments), strategy and budgets. The Boards also receive regular updates from the Chairmen of each Board Committee. Additional Board meetings are scheduled when time-sensitive investment and strategic decisions are required.»

Ma allora chi e cosa è mai Letter One?

«The LetterOne Group (LetterOne) is an international investment business based in Luxembourg. Its investments are focused on the telecoms, technology and energy sectors through its two main business units, L1 Energy and L1 Technology. Businessman Mikhail Fridman set up LetterOne in 2013 as part of a broader new investment vehicle using the proceeds from the sale of TNK-BP.

As of 31 December 2014 assets managed by LetterOne amounted to approximately $25bn. ….

The sources of these assets are funds from the sale of TNK-BP, but also from assets invested in prior to the L1 Group’s formation. These include VimpelCom, Turkcell and private equity investments. The company has announced plans to invest in global oil, gas, telecoms and technology sectors ….

A senior western oil executive said the UK was entering “uncharted territory” by intervening publicly in a corporate transaction over fears of the effect of future sanctions against Russia. In October 2015 LetterOne sold its North Sea Oil fields to Ineos, the chemical company, for an undisclosed sum. The Financial Times has since reported that LetterOne has been told in a letter from a senior Government official that the previous Energy Secretary’s decision to require the sale of the North Sea fields ‘is not a judgement on the suitability of LetterOne’s owners to control these or any other assets in the UK. On 14 October LetterOne Group announced that it had agreed a deal to acquire German utility Eon’s interests in three producing Norwegian fields, located in the North Sea. Norway’s oil minister said that approval would be handled ‘in the usual way» [Fonte]


Ma allora, chi mai è Mr Mikhail Fridman? Cittadino russo, ukraino ed di Israele contemporaneamente, laureato alla Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, con un capitale personale dichiarato al fisco di 14.5 miliardi di Usd?

«Mikhail Maratovich Fridman (Russian: Михаи́л Мара́тович Фри́дман; born 21 April 1964) is a Russian business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He also holds Ukrainian and Israeli citizenship. He co-founded Alfa-Group, a multinational Russian conglomerate. According to Forbes, he is the second richest Russian as of 2017. In May 2017, he was also ranked as Russia’s most important businessman by bne IntelliNews.

In 1990 he co-founded Alfa-Bank, which is now the largest private bank in Russia. After serving as chairman of TNK-BP, the 50/50 TNK-BP joint venture, for nine years, in 2013 he sold his stake in the company and co-founded the international investment company LetterOne (L1), headquartered in Luxembourg. Fridman currently sits as chairman of the supervisory board of Alfa Group Consortium, and he is also on the boards of Alfa-Bank and ABH Holdings, which is the Luxembourg-based holding company of Alfa-Banking Group. He is also on the supervisory board of directors for VimpelCom and X5 Retail Group. He is chairman of the L1, and since DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG was bought by L1 Energy in 2015, he has been a member of its supervisory board. Fridman has been a member of numerous public facing bodies, including the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Public Chamber of Russia, and the Council of Foreign Relations in the United States. Also a philanthropist and active supporter of cultural initiatives, he co-founded both the Russian Jewish Congress, the Genesis Prize, and the Genesis Philanthropy Group, supporting Jewish communities across the FSU.» [Fonte]

Interessante l’asettico quadretto dei rapporti con Mr Putin, che ne ha fatto Bloomberg.

«Hopes Sought and won Putin’s blessing for a $7 billion deal to create TNK-BP, an oil company jointly owned with BP plc, steering clear of politics to avoid Kremlin wrath.

Initial results TNK-BP became one of Russia’s biggest and most profitable oil companies and Fridman’s Alfa Group expanded its finance, telecom and retail businesses, making him one of the country’s richest men.

How it turned out Quite well for Fridman so far. He and his Russian partners were allowed to sell his stake in TNK-BP to the state oil company in 2013 for about $14 billion.»

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Adesso una rapida occhiata a cosa sia Basf, una società che denuncia al fisco 76.496 miliardi l’anno.

Dr. Kurt W. Bock: Chairman of Exec. Directors

Dr. Martin Bruderm: Vice Chairman of Exec. Directors & CTO

Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel: CFO & Member of Board of Exec. Directors

Mr. Michael Heinz: Member of the Board of Exec. Directors

Mr. Wayne T. Smith: Member of Board of Exec. Directors


«With the German economic miracle in the 1950s, BASF added synthetics such as nylon to its product range. BASF developed polystyrene in the 1930s and invented Styropor in 1951. ….

Following German reunification, BASF acquired a site in Schwarzheide, eastern Germany, on 25 October 1990. It expanded to Podolsk, Russia, in 2012, and to Kazan in 2013 ….

In 1968 BASF (together with Bayer AG) bought the German coatings company Herbol. BASF completely took over the Herbol branches in Cologne and Würzburg in 1970. Under new management the renewal and expansion of the trademark continued. After an extensive reorganisation and an increasing international orientation of the coatings business Herbol became part of the new founded Deco GmbH in 1997.

In 1999 the European coatings business of BASF was taken over by AkzoNobel. On 30 May 2006, BASF bought the Engelhard Corporation for $4.8 billion. This takeover is the largest takeover in the company’s history. BASF is the world’s largest manufacturer of catalytic converters.

Other acquisitions in 2006 were the purchase of Johnson Polymer and the construction chemicals business of Degussa.

The acquisition of Johnson Polymer was completed on 1 July 2006. The purchase price was $470 million on a cash and debt-free basis. It provided BASF with a range of water-based resins that complements its portfolio of high solids and UV resins for the coatings and paints industry and strengthened the company’s market presence, particularly in North America.

Also on 1 July 2006 the acquisition of the construction chemicals business of Degussa AG was completed. The purchase price for equity was just under €2.2 billion. In addition, the transaction was associated with debt of €500 million.

The company agreed to acquire Ciba (formerly part of Ciba-Geigy) in September 2008. The proposed deal was reviewed by the European Commissioner for Competition. On 9 April 2009, the acquisition was officially completed.

On 19 December 2008, BASF acquired U.S.-based Whitmire Micro-Gen together with U.K.-based Sorex Ltd, Widnes, Great Britain. Sorex is a manufacturer of branded chemical and non-chemical products for professional pest management. In March 2007 Sorex was put up for sale with a price tag of about £100 million.

In May 2015, BASF agreed to sell parts of its pharmaceutical ingredients business to Swiss drug manufacturer Siegfried Holding for a fee of €270 million, including assumed debt.

In October 2017, BASF announced it would buy the seed and herbicide businesses from Bayer for €5.9 billion ($7 billion)» [Fonte]

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Ora abbiamo qualche elemento per comprendere meglio cosa sia successo.

Basf tratta con i russi per una jv da 15 miliardi nell’Oil & Gas

L’asse energetico tra Germania e Russia potrebbe rafforzarsi ulteriormente, con la creazione di una joint venture del valore di circa 15 miliardi di euro nel settore degli idrocarburi. Il gruppo tedesco Basf, colosso globale della chimica, ha confermato di essere in trattative con Letter One, holding del miliardario russo Mikhail Fridman, per una potenziale fusione tra la sua controllata Wintershall e «le attività nel petrolio e nel gas riunite nel gruppo Dea»: in pratica, i giacimenti che lo stesso Friedman, oligarca vicino al Cremlino, aveva rilevato nel 2015 da un’altra società tedesca, la Rwe.

L’operazione all’epoca aveva sollevato un’aspra querelle con Londra, che – in nome della sicurezza energetica nazionale – aveva imposto ai russi di cedere gli interessi nelle acque britanniche del Mare del Nord. Pochi mesi dopo Friedman si era rifatto, acquistando altre licenze nella stessa area (ma sotto giurisdizione norvegese) da E.On, anch’essa tedesca.

L’esito delle attuali trattative è «aperto» e «non c’è alcuna garanzia» che la fusione avvenga davvero,ha precisato Basf dopo i rumor pubblicati da Bloomberg, secondo cui l’accordo potrebbe arrivare «nei prossimi giorni o settimane».

Qualche paletto comunque è già stato fissato: il gruppo di Ludwigshafen nel comunicato afferma che conserverebbe una quota di maggioranza nella joint venture e che c’è «un’opzione nel medio termine» per quotare quest’ultima in Borsa.

Anche Letter One conferma il negoziato con Basf, suggerendo però uno spettro più ampio: il merger, secondo la nota della holding, riguarderebbe «le attività nell’Oil & Gas, che comprendono il gruppo Dea».

Si tratterebbe insomma di tutti gli asset di L1 Energy, la business unit che Fridman aveva creato due anni fa con l’intento di costruire dal nulla una nuova Major petrolifera, sfruttando la fase di debolezza del mercato per fare acquisizioni a basso prezzo.

Sotto la guida di Lord John Brown, ex ceo di Bp, L1Energy è cresciuta in fretta, focalizzandosi su Germania, Norvegia, Danimarca, Egitto e Algeria, con un’aspirazione a rafforzarsi in Messico e Brasile.

Il “salvadanaio” di Letter One, che investe anche in altri settori, proviene del resto proprio dal petrolio: Fridman l’aveva fondata nel 2013 con 14 miliardi di dollari incassati grazie alla cessione a Rosneft di Tnk-Bp, di cui era stato socio e presidente.

Il magnate russo adesso sembra disposto a fare un passo indietro, lasciando ai tedeschi il controllo della potenziale joint venture: una mossa che potrebbe denotare sfiducia nei confronti del futuro dell’industria petrolifera.

Anche per Basf Wintershall – un tempo complementare alla produzione petrolchimica – è divenuta meno interessante, ora che il gruppo ha allargato i suoi orizzonti con diverse acquisizioni, compresa quella da 6 miliardi di euro con cui a ottobre ha rilevato da Bayer per 5,9 miliardi di euro di attività nei semi Ogm e nei pesticidi.

Wintershall due anni fa ha ceduto a Gazprom depositi di stoccaggio e reti di distribuzione del gas, ricevendo in cambio una quota del maxigiacimento siberiano di Urengoy, ed è tra le società che stanno finanziando insieme al gruppo russo la costruzione del Nord Stream 2.

Con le recenti operazioni il suo peso nel bilancio di Basf è diminuito: nell’esercizio 2016 Wintershall ha contribuito per circa l’8% al risultato operativo del gruppo (con 500 milioni di euro di Ebit), contro il 20% del 2015. Tuttora ha comunque un valore stimabile tra 10 e 12 miliardi di euro secondo gli analisti di Raymond James.

L’ultimo resoconto di Letter One, indica che a fine 2016 L1 Energy aveva in portafoglio asset per 3,8 miliardi di dollari, ossia 3,2 miliardi di euro.

* * * * * * *

Un’unica nota finale.

Sia Letter One, sia Basf non hanno femmine nei loro cda: lavorano in santa pace, tenendo e valorizzando chi rende, licenziando chi non fosse alla altezza. Solo assunzioni in quota meriti comprovati.

Non solo, ma a quanto si dice, Mr Fridman non disdegna il sesso muliebre, con cui sarebbe davvero molto esplicito, e, si direbbe, altrettanto ben ricambiato.

Pubblicato in: Amministrazione, Devoluzione socialismo

Se questa è la Germania, molto meglio l’Impero di Caligola.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



«Authorities in Dusseldorf handed a €35 ($42) fine to an 85-year-old pensioner with dementia for resting at a bus stop bench»


«the alleged offender regularly walks his 15-year-old dog in the area, often pausing at the bus stop to rest»


«On this occasion he was reportedly issued with the fine after sitting for eight minutes»


«Dusseldorf’s city regulations specify exactly when people can sit at a bus stop»


«If the (city) employee had associated the man with the homeless or drinking scene»

* * * * * * *

I tedeschi amano dire che la Germania sarebbe un paese libero.

Verosimilmente non hanno ben presente cosa sia la libertà.

Un vecchietto malato di 85 anni se ne andava a spasso con il suo vecchio cane in quel di Düsseldorf: stanco si sedette sulla panchetta di una fermata di autobus per ben otto minuti primi. È stato multato perché quella città ha un regolamento su chi, come e quando e quanto possa stare seduto su tali panchette.


A nostro sommesso parere non compete allo stato emettere regolamenti su dove, quando e per quanto tempo una persona possa stare seduta. E, sempre a nostro parere, ogni regolamento dovrebbe essere applicato con sereno giudizio.

Se siamo di accordo che il funzionario che ha elevato la multa sia un tedesco e che quindi la ragioni da tedesco, saremmo altresì dell’idea che si possa anche esercitare il proprio ufficio anche con ciò che una volta era denominato essere il sano buon senso.

Infine, multare un vecchio malato che si è seduto stanco su di una panchina è puro sadismo: che mai avrebbe fatto di male?

Avremmo invece capito, e molto bene, che quel pubblico ufficiale lo avesse accompagnato a casa.

Poniamo infine una sola domanda.

Fosse stato un immigrato illegale invece che un anziano, lo avrebbero multato lo stesso?


Che si siano accorti che era un Ebreo?

Deutsche Welle. 2017-11-27. German 85-year-old dementia patient fined for resting at bus stop: report

An 85-year-old man has reportedly been fined for sitting at a Dusseldorf bus stop without catching the bus. Social media complaints prompted Dusseldorf to investigate the circumstances of the reported fine.


Authorities in Dusseldorf handed a €35 ($42) fine to an 85-year-old pensioner with dementia for resting at a bus stop bench, according to a letter circulating on social media networks on Monday.

The man’s friend who first published the letter told tabloid Bild that the alleged offender regularly walks his 15-year-old dog in the area, often pausing at the bus stop to rest. On this occasion he was reportedly issued with the fine after sitting for eight minutes.

“They did not use the public transport system at the aforementioned location in accordance with its purpose and used it as a rest area,” the letter said, meaning he wasn’t going to catch the bus and therefore shouldn’t have been sitting there. Dusseldorf’s city regulations specify exactly when people can sit at a bus stop.

Although the letter was met with staunch criticism from social media users, it was unclear if it was genuine.

However, the city of Dusseldorf’s official Twitter account responded to questions, saying it will clarify the situation and withdraw the fine if it was issued in error.

‘Homeless or drinking scene’

A city spokeswoman said it was possible that the man was handed a fine for resting on the bench, in comments to the Dusseldorf-based Rheinische Post newspaper on Sunday.

“If the (city) employee had associated the man with the homeless or drinking scene, then the letter could probably explain that,” the spokeswoman said. “If the man just needed a break, then of course that’s okay.”

She added that in any case, the benches should be available to people using public transport. 

Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo

Germania. Sindaco di Altena ferito in un attentato.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Germania. Altena. 002

«Altena è una città di 19.661 abitanti della Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia, in Germania.

Appartiene al distretto governativo (Regierungsbezirk) di Arnsberg e al circondario (Kreis) Märkischer Kreis (targa MK).

Altena si fregia del titolo di “Media città di circondario” (Mittlere kreisangehörige Stadt).» [Fonte]


Nell’ottobre 2015 il sindaco di Colonia, Mrs Henriette Reker, aveva subito un attentato, interpreattato come conseguenza della sua posizione politica filo-immigrati.

Ieri, alle otto del mattino, una persona ha assalito con un coltello Herr Andreas Hollstein, sindaco di Altena, che si trovava in un negozio di kebab.

«an attack described by authorities as “politically motivated.”».

Infatti, Herr Andreas Hollstein perseguiva una politica apertamente filo-immigrazione. Ma non è detto che questo sia il motivo reale.


Al momento non è dato sapere con certezza particolari più precisi, e le illazioni sono numerose ma discordanti.

L’unico elemento su cui molti concordano, è che l’attentatore fosse ebbro, nonostante la prima mattina.

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Tracce rarissime eccezioni, i fatti di sangue dovrebbero essere sempre condannati, indipendentemente da chi abbia subito l’aggressione, da chi la abbia perpetrata, e dalle eventuali motivazioni addotte.

Alcune considerazioni sembrerebbero però essere possibili.

We’ve got too many migrants: survey

«Three-quarters of those who took part in the Ipsos Institute poll said the number of migrants in their country had grown too much over the past five years. That’s a slight fall from the same survey in 2016, when the figure was 78 percent, and down from the 2015 figure of 82 percent, according to France’s Le Figaro.

Turkey topped the list of countries with concerns about migration, with 78 percent of respondents saying the increase was too large, followed by Italy (74 percent), Sweden (66 percent) and Germany (65 percent). In France, 58 percent said they felt immigration had increased significantly.

According to the findings, an overall 21 percent of people consider immigration to have had a positive impact on their country. However, that figure was just 14 percent in France (a slight increase on the 2016 figure of 11 percent) and 18 percent in Germany».


Troviamo inappropriato l’uso di parole grandi: constatiamo però come l’immigrazione troppo rapida abbia destabilizzato molti stati europei, Germania in primis. In un clima di instabilità politica e di oggettiva impossibilità nella formazione di governi coesi e stabili, non ci si dovrebbe poi stupire di rigurgiti di violenza.

Non solo. La storia insegna a tristi lettere come nelle situazioni in cui idee avverse si confrontano in un clima sostanzialmente chiuso al colloquio ed alla reciproca comprensione, la violenza diventi l’unico mezzo per stabilizzare la situazione.

In questa ottica, la posizione presa al Bundestag da parte dei partiti tradizionali di non voler né parlare né stare a sentire i deputati democraticamente eletti di AfD, non concorre certo a poter affrontare serenamente il problema migratorio in Germania.

A nostro sommesso parere, un vero politico è colui che coagula i consensi, che è un attento ascoltatore della gente.

È una persona che non trasforma né il diritto di maggioranza né quello di minoranza in una sorta di dittatura.

Un ultimo pensiero finale.

La storia è piena di esempi di torbidi sanguinosi sorti a seguito di un banalissimo attentato.

Spiegel. 2017-11-28. Messerattacke auf Bürgermeister von Altena

Auf Altenas Bürgermeister Andreas Hollstein ist ein Attentat verübt worden. Nach Informationen des SPIEGEL wurde der CDU-Politiker gegen 20 Uhr in einem Imbiss angegriffen: Ein 56-jähriger Mann führte ein etwa 30 Zentimeter langes Messer gegen den Hals des Politikers. Der alkoholisierte Angreifer soll sich dabei lautstark und abfällig über Hollsteins liberale Flüchtlingspolitik geäußert haben.

Der 57 Jahre alte Hollstein erlitt Verletzungen, schwebt jedoch nicht in Lebensgefahr. Der Angreifer wurde festgenommen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Hagen ermittelt wegen versuchten Mordes. Der Fall erinnert an die Attacke auf die Kölner Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker, die im Oktober 2015 während eines Wahlkampfauftritts niedergestochen worden war.

Deutsche Welle. 2017-11-28. Germany: Altena’s pro-migrant mayor stabbed in kebab shop

The conservative mayor of the western German town of Altena has been stabbed inside a kebab shop in an attack described by authorities as “politically motivated.” Altena is known for welcoming refugees.


The conservative mayor of Altena in the western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia was rushed to hospital Monday evening after being slashed with a knife in a local kebab shop.

Andreas Hollstein, a member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has since left the hospital, according to local media outlets. He reportedly suffered minor injuries to his throat.

“I’m happy to still be alive,” the 57-year-old said in comments to the news website Lokalstimme. A man who came to Hollstein’s aid was also reportedly injured.

Merkel expressed her shock at the attack in a Twitter statement via her spokesman. “I am horrified by the knife attack on the mayor Andreas Hollstein — and very relieved that he can already be back with his family. Thanks also to those who helped him.”

‘Are you the mayor?’

North Rhine-Westphalia’s CDU state premier, Armin Laschet, has described the assault as politically motivated.

“Authorities are proceeding on the assumption that there was a political motive to the attack,” he said.

The suspect, who according to German news site WAZ was drunk, had asked Hollstein whether he was the mayor before striking him.

Laschet also said the suspect had made comments related to migration policy.

The Sun. 2017-11-28. Takeaway Assassins. German mayor ‘attacked with knife in kebab shop in botched assassination attempt’

Andreas Hollstein was reportedly set upon in the takeaway in Altena by a man wielding a 15 inch blade.


A GERMAN mayor was attacked with a knife in a kebab shop in an “attempted assassination”, according to reports.

Andreas Hollstein was reportedly set upon in the takeaway in Altena by a man wielding a 15 inch blade, Bild said.

Police are now probing whether the attack was politically motivated because of the mayor’s “very liberal views on refugees”.

Hollstein is understood to have suffered serious injuries but is not gravely wounded, local media reports.

According to Speigel Online, the boozed up attacker rammed the knife into Hollstein’s throat.

Locals in Altena – located in the North Rhine-Westphalia – have voiced concerns over immigration.

Prime Minister Armin Laschet said: “At 8 o’clock the news reached us that the mayor of Altena was stabbed with a knife.

“This violence in this country against mayors who are volunteering is despicable.”

The Guardian. 2017-11-28. German pro-refugee mayor attacked by man with knife

Andreas Hollstein, 57, mayor of Altena, was treated in hospital after he was attacked by man who criticised his refugee policy.


A knife attacker injured a German town mayor in an assault that appeared to be motivated by the municipal leader’s pro-refugee stance, officials said on Tuesday.

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, was “horrified by the knife attack”, her spokesman, Steffen Seibert, wrote on Twitter.

Andreas Hollstein, 57, the mayor of the western town of Altena, was attacked on Monday evening at a local kebab restaurant by a man who had loudly criticised his liberal refugee policy.

The 56-year-old attacker, who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, used a 30-centimetre (12in) long knife, reported Spiegel Online. He was arrested at the scene.

The town of about 17,000 people was well known for taking in a larger share of asylum seekers than required amid the mass influx that has brought more than 1 million migrants and refugees to Germany since 2015.

The state premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, said security services assumed the attack was “politically motivated”.

Hollstein was taken to a local hospital and, after treatment, released hours later. He thanked a restaurant employee who rushed to his help and who was also injured.

“I had some hands-on people at my side and I’m glad that I’m still alive,” Hollstein told a local news website.

Local media reported the attacker had asked Hollstein: “Are you the mayor?” before slashing him.

Germany’s justice minister, Heiko Maas, tweeted that “we must never accept that people are attacked because they help others”, adding that there was no place for hate and violence in Germany.

The assault evoked a knife attack on Cologne’s mayor, Henriette Reker, in October 2015 by a rightwing extremist who was angered at her welcoming stance toward refugees.