Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Ideologia liberal, Unione Europea

Timmermans prende atto che il ‘Clima’ è morto stecchito. Originale il mezzo.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



I liberal socialisti dell’Unione Europea hanno una fantasia galattica e sottilmente malvagia.

Avevano posto grandiose speranze nella riunione Onu Cop5, fallita in modo definitivo per la mancata adesione di Stati Uniti, Cina, India e Russia alle ardite tesi liberal. Nessun accordo è stato possibile.

Orfani del Cop25, in attesa di un futuribile Cop26, adesso i liberal devono confrontarsi nel parlamento europeo e con la Commissione.

Ben poco possono Herr Timmermans e sodali contro il Consiglio e la Commissione Europea.

Troppo orgogliosi per ammettere la loro sconfitta, si dedicano ad un sport in cui i liberal eccellono: mutare il significato delle parole.

Si sono generati un loro proprio dizionario specifico, che può trarre in inganno qualsiasi Lettore. Per esempio, ‘human rights’ per i liberal indica ciò che la loro ideologia reputa essere tali, anche se il resto del mondo non se ne cale più di tanto.

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«”Taxonomy”: is the process of naming and classifying things such as animals and plants into groups within a larger system, according to their similarities and differences.».

Il termine equivalente italiano sarebbe tassonomia.

«EU ambassadors have agreed on a slightly-modified version of the EU sustainable investment taxonomy – which aims to clarify which sectors are fully sustainable»

«The previous version was blocked last week by nine countries (France, UK, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia), because they wanted more guarantees regarding “technological neutrality”.»

«Now MEPs will have to decide if the newly agreed council position is strong enough.»

«A classification system for sustainable investments, known as EU taxonomy, is currently being negotiated with the European Parliament by the European Council, which comprises heads of EU states. Following the negotiation, one taxonomy is set to be implemented into all EU legislation»

«The ministers also endorsed the council’s action plan on climate change, which is aimed at reducing carbon emissions across Europe by 2030. To accomplish that, the EU has said it needs an estimated €180 billion ($198 billion) in investments»

«As the voice of the European asset management industry, we support the EU’s political objective to fight climate change and meet the Paris agreement goals, and have been following closely the negotiations on EU taxonomy regulation. (It’s) crucial that investee companies are required to disclose all key data needed to evaluate the investment against the EU taxonomy.»

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«Energia nucleare e gas sono da intendersi come ‘di transizione’, quindi gli investimenti nei settori ad esse associate non vanno considerati ‘verdi’ tout court ma capaci di contribuire a un’economia a emissioni zero»

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– La richiesta di finanziamenti di 180 miliardi euro in dieci anni significa 18 miliardi l’anno, ossia quanto basta a non far morire di fame i liberal socialisti. La richiesta iniziale era stata di 1.300 miliardi….

– Classificandoli come ‘di transizione’ anche nucleare e gas possono legalmente essere sostenuti da fondi europei.

– È in corso la battaglia per l’uso del carbone e, più specificatamente, della lignite. Nessuno dubiterebbe però che a breve un ritocchino della tassonomia lo renda benvenuto e bene accetto.


Clima: Paesi Ue, continuiamo negoziato su investimenti verdi

Compromesso su nucleare e gas, è ‘transizione’ a emissioni zero

BRUXELLES – Energia nucleare e gas sono da intendersi come ‘di transizione’, quindi gli investimenti nei settori ad esse associate non vanno considerati ‘verdi’ tout court ma capaci di contribuire a un’economia a emissioni zero. E’ il compromesso tra i paesi Ue su cui si basa il nuovo mandato alla presidenza finlandese per negoziare con l’Europarlamento la classificazione degli investimenti sostenibili (tassonomia). Mercoledì scorso gli Stati Ue avevano bocciato un accordo già raggiunto con l’Eurocamera per disaccordi sul nucleare.

Gli eurodeputati incaricati del negoziato vedranno le carte nelle prossime ore, e stasera decideranno il da farsi. La tassonomia su cui le istituzioni europee stanno discutendo potrebbe avere importanti ricadute economiche e finanziarie, quale primo passo per dare una patente di sostenibilità agli investimenti in determinati settori. La settimana scorsa, nella sua prima conferenza stampa da presidente della Bce a Francoforte, Christine Lagarde, si era detta “dispiaciuta” del naufragio dell’accordo tra Pe e Consiglio


EU countries agree on ‘sustainable investment’

EU ambassadors have agreed on a slightly-modified version of the EU sustainable investment taxonomy – which aims to clarify which sectors are fully sustainable. The previous version was blocked last week by nine countries (France, UK, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia), because they wanted more guarantees regarding “technological neutrality”. Now MEPs will have to decide if the newly agreed council position is strong enough.


EU finance ministers endorse ‘green’ taxonomy

Officials also pledge to help move private capital toward sustainable investments

Setting their priorities for the coming years, European Union finance ministers endorsed a classification system for sustainable investments and said they would work to direct additional private capital to such investments at an Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting Thursday.

A classification system for sustainable investments, known as EU taxonomy, is currently being negotiated with the European Parliament by the European Council, which comprises heads of EU states. Following the negotiation, one taxonomy is set to be implemented into all EU legislation.

The EU finance ministers did not provide additional information on how they planned to increase private capital allocated to sustainable investments.

The ministers also endorsed the council’s action plan on climate change, which is aimed at reducing carbon emissions across Europe by 2030. To accomplish that, the EU has said it needs an estimated €180 billion ($198 billion) in investments.

The ministers said they will continue to engage with each other on issues such as sustainable finance, green budgeting, carbon pricing, green taxation and environmentally harmful subsidies.

Responding to the political agreement, Fiona Reynolds, CEO of United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, said in an emailed comment that the classification system underpins disclosure requirements and bridges the gap between the 2015 Paris Agreements and investment practices.

“The taxonomy will enable investors to determine the proportion of revenue from sustainable economic activities financed by the investment portfolio,” Ms. Reynolds said. “The taxonomy will also support active ownership efforts: Investors and companies can use the taxonomy to identify future growth opportunities.”

Tanguy van de Werve, director general of European Fund Management Association, said in an emailed comment: “As the voice of the European asset management industry, we support the EU’s political objective to fight climate change and meet the Paris agreement goals, and have been following closely the negotiations on EU taxonomy regulation. (It’s) crucial that investee companies are required to disclose all key data needed to evaluate the investment against the EU taxonomy.”

Un pensiero riguardo “Timmermans prende atto che il ‘Clima’ è morto stecchito. Originale il mezzo.

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