Pubblicato in: Cina, Economia e Produzione Industriale, Politica Mondiale

Cina ed Africa. Una politica di rapporti internazionali paritetici.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Gli Occidentali sono riusciti negli otto anni di presidenza Obama a diventare odiosi agli occhi degli africani, che si sono sempre più rivolti ai cinesi.


Cina. Consolida il suo impero in Africa.

Prosegue e si allarga la rivolta all’impèrio mondiale. Gambia.

Kenyatta: Gay rights is a non-issue for Kenya

Rifugiati. Uganda un milione in un anno, e tutti zitti.


Ricordate la visita di Mr Obama in Kenya?

«Kenyan president describes gay rights as a non-issue after Obama calls for equality for gays and lesbians in Africa»


«South Africa is the only country on the continent to have legalised gay marriage. Most African countries have made it illegal to be gay or lesbian»

* * * * * * *

L’Editorialista del Deutsche Welle ha sintetizzato al meglio il fallimento occidentale in Africa con queste parole:

«China’s popularity in Africa is strong. Its policy of not linking aid and investments to human rights and good governance has made Beijing many friends on the continent, beyond its authoritarian governments»


La dizione “human rights” si estingue per gli Occidentali nel riconoscere giusto ciò essi reputano sia tale, ovvero l’accettazione come normale del comportamento contro-natura e tutto un bagaglio ideologico condiviso solo da loro. Davvero misera concezione, ma soprattutto, ripetiamo, non condivisa da nessuno.

La Cina non ha avuto altro da fare che andare ad occupare lo spazio lasciato vuoto dagli Occidentali.

Tra l’altro, non è impelagata nel fomentare guerre civili.

«African countries require Chinese expertise, technology and financial resources to accelerate the next phase of socio-economic transformation»


«I regard Chinese engagement with Africa as really transformational both in trade, investments and infrastructure development»


«trade, investments and infrastructure development»

Queste sono le key words del successo cinese, totalmente alieno da motivazioni ideologiche e soprattutto rispettoso dell’altrui sovranità e tradizione.

China Org. 2017-04-18. China remains Africa’s indispensable ally in development

African countries require Chinese expertise, technology and financial resources to accelerate the next phase of socio-economic transformation, a researcher has said.

Executive Director of Africa Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Professor Lemma Senbet, told Xinhua in a recent interview that China’s robust engagement with the world’s second largest continent has been a game changer in many spheres.

“I regard Chinese engagement with Africa as really transformational both in trade, investments and infrastructure development, there has been positive impact on Africa’s growth trajectory,” Senbet said.

The Ethiopian born scholar was optimistic that the current geopolitical shockwaves linked to economic nationalism and isolationism in the west will not affect Sino-Africa bilateral cooperation.

He said China has eclipsed traditional African allies in the West to become the leading source of foreign direct investments in the continent.

At the same time, the Asian giant has become the leading trading partner with Africa, a feat credited for the continent’s stellar economic growth in the last two decades.

Senbet refuted claims that China was only interested with Africa’s natural resources and emphasized that Sino-Africa partnership has been framed around mutual respect and pursuit of common aspirations.

“Basically some people think of natural resources when it comes to China’s engagement with Africa yet the country is strong in trade, retail and financial services sector in Africa,” said Senbet.

He said African countries should court China as they embark on economic diversification, regional integration and strengthening of political institutions.

Senbet hailed China’s investment in modern infrastructure projects across Africa saying the move will hasten the continent’s economic development through robust trade and investments.

“China’s investments in this continent’s infrastructure have been huge. For instance, the Nairobi-Mombasa railway has impacted positively on regional integration,” Senbet said.

He added that African countries will benefit immensely from creation of Belt and Road Initiative envisioned by Chinese leaders to revive ancient trading routes.

The initiative is “playing the role of enhancing economic integration of African countries,” Senbet said while hailing China’s investment in Africa’s modern industrial parks.

African countries require Chinese soft loans and grants to support infrastructure development and modernization of social sectors like education and health.

Senbet noted that investments in Africa’s knowledge-based economy as opposed to financial aid would sustain the continent’s renaissance for the long haul.

He emphasized that China should help African countries strengthen their capacity to harness local expertise and resources in order to propel growth.

The scholar singled out technology transfer as an area that would unleash optimum benefits to both China and Africa.

African countries should forge strong partnership with China in areas that advance democracy, good governance and the rule of law.

Senbet reiterated that African countries can borrow lessons from China to strengthen their political institutions and shield them from internal and external shocks.

Deutsche Welle. 2015-07-25. Africans approve of China, says Afrobarometer

China’s popularity in Africa is strong. Its policy of not linking aid and investments to human rights and good governance has made Beijing many friends on the continent, beyond its authoritarian governments.


“We didn’t really ask that question,” said Anyway Chingwete, co-author of a survey recently published by Afrobarometer. She was referring to the difference between East and West in their approach to trade and development aid relations with Africa. But the senior project leader for the African organization that measures public attitudes on economic, political and social issues in sub-Saharan Africa believes that China’s approach, its policy of not making aid and investments conditional on performance on human rights and good governance, has won China a lot of sympathy across the continent. “It has had a positive impact in terms of the growth of trade relationships between China and African countries.” Chingwete told DW.

Zimbabwe is a case in point; the perceived meddling by western powers drove the regime of long-term President Robert Mugabe to look to the east for much needed investments. Now Zimbabweans not only feel that China has the greatest external influence in their country by far, but many of them also approve this: 48 percent say this influence is positive as opposed to 31 percent who perceive it as negative.

Problem awareness

Contrary to countries like Mali, where China meets with a 92 percent approval rate, Zimbabweans are divided over whether China or the US offer the best model for development: 25 percent still feel the Americans have better solutions, but a significant 20 percent prefer the Chinese way.

This is not to say that Africans overlook problematic aspects in Sino-African relations. Zambians have not forgotten that a couple of years ago their miners had to fight to get minimum wages from Chinese investors. The protests resulted in riots which turned deadly. Still ,72 percent of Zambians today say that China’s economic and political influence is positive. Analyst Chingwete says: “I think people possibly weigh the positive and the negative. I know there were issues. But I think they also look at the positive aspect.”

China’s investments are especially welcome

According to the survey, there are a number of factors which are liable to tarnish China’s good reputation among Africans: “Citizens highlighted issues having to do with the quality of Chinese products,” Chingwete said. More than one third of Africans (35 percent) feel the products they buy from China are not up to standard. Other negative perceptions are China’s extraction of resources from the continent, land grabbing and taking away jobs and trade from Africans. On the positive side are Chinese investments in infrastructure and other projects, business partnerships and the low cost of imported products. 

Currently, former European colonial powers are still seen as the countries having the strongest political and economic influence on the continent (28 percent). But the gap with China (23 percent) is narrowing. The US comes a close third with 22 percent. But with 30 percent they are still ahead of China (24 percent) when it comes to being a role model.

Will China soon replace America in that position? Expert Chingwete doesn’t think so. The US is increasing its presence in Africa, and Africans are well aware of the benefits of trade relations with the US: “For instance we can look at the African Growth and Opportunity Act, AGOA. This has really helped most African countries to be able to trade effectively with the States.”  But, she adds, “China is really coming on board and moving very fast.” 

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