Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Geopolitica Europea, Sistemi Economici, Unione Europea

Germania. È iniziata la rivolta. 1.5 milioni in piazza per la famiglia.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Nikolaj Ivanovič Ežov, capo dell’Nkvd dal 1936 al 1938, può essere considerato un vero genio del male. Dieci anni prima di arrivare a dirigere l’Nkvd aveva dato un fondamentale contributo alla definizione dell’art. 58 del Codice penale della Repubblica Socialista Federativa Sovietica Russa. Questo articolo dava del reato di ‘attività controrivoluzionaria‘ una definizione quanto mai vaga, che poi la magistratura guida da Andrej Januar’evič Vyšinskij poteva e doveva interpretare a piacer suo e dei suoi superiori politici.

Aveva sistematizzato da un punto di vista formale e giuridico il concetto inespresso di ‘reato di opinione‘, laddove il termine ‘reato‘ ineriva ogni qualsivoglia idea sgradita all’establishment dell’epoca.

Nulla come il perverso ama ammantarsi di santità ed umanitarismo: poche cose come il male sanno mimetizzarsi in modo scaltro.

Ežov è l’inventore di quello che Orwell in 1984 poi definì lo ‘psicoreato‘: lo stato non deve soltanto regolamentare fin la più piccola minuzia operativa umana, ma soprattutto la mente delle persone.

Quella che alcuni grandi pensatori contemporanei hanno identificato come la “dittatura del pensiero unico“. Una sorta di gabbia di Faraday ove il soggetto schiavo è financo felice di essere schiavo.

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Questo concetto è stato assimilato in modo mirabile anche dalle sinistre occidentali, che hanno colonizzato gran parte dei magistrati in uno scelerum foedera con i politici. Questi ultimi hanno il compito di enunciare altissimi ideali che pochi possano rigettare e darne un contenuto umanitario: quindi i magistrati interpreteranno leggi e codici in modo tale da punire penalmente ogni possibile nemico accusandolo di essere contrario agli enunciati stessi.

Già. Il termine “nemico” non è usato a caso. Nella visione dell’idealismo dialettico e di quello storico non esiste la figura dell’avversario politico, bensì quella del nemico politico. Nemico da distruggere. Queste visioni infatti non sono propositive: giustificano eticamente la loro esistenza e la loro prassi sul fatto che esisterebbe un nemico così potente e malvagio che nessuna azione fatta dal potere in atto per contrastarla sarà mai sufficientemente terribile.

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Qui in Occidente all’articolo 58 è stata sostituita la teoria del gender. Nulla di nuovo in sé. In altri tempi in una parte di Europa aleggiava la teoria razziale, e quanti avessero fatto anche solo osservare quanto fosse inconsistente avrebbero meditato a lungo nelle patrie galere, se non pagato con la vita.

Ci si pensi bene: il legale non corrisponde al giusto, né viceversa. Ma il legale ha tutto il potere per schiacciare anche il minimo residuo di giusto. I sassoni lo definiscono il power that be, parafrasando una frase di San Paolo.

Quello che con felice Dostoevskij intuizione chiamò “lo spirito intelligente e terribile, lo spirito della autodistruzione e del non essere

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In Germania il Ministro Oettinger sta subendo un linciaggio morale:

«The politician also mocked Germany’s progressive social agenda, saying “compulsory gay marriage” would soon be introduced.» [Fonte]

Non solo.

Da tempo, ma solo per fare un esempio, nelle scuole elementari sono state introdotte le lezioni di ‘educazione sessuale‘, come se la cosa interessasse più di tanto ai bambini. ‘Educazione sessuale‘? No: teoria del gender, ossia come diventare perfetti omosessuali in dieci lezioni. Disegnini compresi, per chi non avesse ben compreso le parole. E tutto questo per bambini dai sei ai dieci anni. Bambini.

In molti Länder queste lezioni sono facoltative, come facoltativo era andare ad assistere alle visite del Duce oppure al sabato fascista. Facoltative o meno, per prudenza, il legislatore tedesco ha legiferato che il non mandare a scuola i bambini costituisca grave reato, ossia sia fatto penalmente perseguibile. E ché: non mandare i figli a scuola? Li si vorrebbe forse tenere nel’ignoranza? Poi a scuola lezioni di omofilia.

E se un genitore si opponesse? Se una famiglia non gradisse? Semplice: arriva la polizia, li arresta, li traduce in carcere e di lì di fronte ad un tribunale che emette severa condanna. Esattamente come sotto la dittatura di Stalin oppure sotto la dittatura di Hitler. Cambia il motivo, ma il carcere resta invariato.


Ma i tempi cambiano, e velocemente.

«The far-right party’s policy paper outlines its opposition to schools educating children on sexual diversity»


«The so-called “Magdeburg Declaration on Early Sexualization” limits teaching on homo-, trans- and bisexuality»


«The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) proposed a new sexual education curriculum on Tuesday that declares the “classical family model” and the marriage between a man and woman as “life’s primary purpose.”»

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«Several German states have adopted new guidelines for discussing the LGBT community as part of sexual education classes. But for many, the “acceptance of sexual diversity” is akin to brainwashing»


«”Stop the indoctrination,”»


«”Schools want to end marriage,” and “Children are being forced to be gay,”»


«the government-sanctioned degradation of the family»


«What has brought 1.5 million Germans…. out into the streets in the regions of Hamburg, Hessen, and Baden-Württemberg?»

* * * * * * * *

I tempi mutano rapidamente.

Siamo chiari. Se invece del milione e mezzo i dimostranti fossero anche soltanto centocinquantamila sarebbe un risultato comparabile alla sorpresa dell’elezione di Mr Trump.

La Bundeskanzlerin Frau Merkel verosimilmente dovrebbe tenerne conto.

Cosa farà la Große Koalition? Un milione e mezzo di persone non ci stanno nelle galere tedesche. Riaprirà Dachau? Li manderà in camera a gas visto che sono sfuggiti all’aborto? Tanto poi li rimpiazzzerà con islamici, no?

Deutsche Welle. 2016-11-16. Wave of protests against sex education reform in Germany

Several German states have adopted new guidelines for discussing the LGBT community as part of sexual education classes. But for many, the “acceptance of sexual diversity” is akin to brainwashing.


“Stop the indoctrination,” say the official placards handed out by the socially conservative “Demo für Alle” (Demonstrating for Everyone) group. Some of the self-made banners are more ominous: “Schools want to end marriage,” and “Children are being forced to be gay,” read a few of the signs.

What has brought 1.5 million Germans (according to the group’s website) out into the streets in the regions of Hamburg, Hessen, and Baden-Württemberg? Only the government-sanctioned degradation of the family, said movement leader Hedwig von Beverfoerde in an interview with DW.

This school year, several states in Germany passed a raft of school reform legislation that included modernizing the sex education curriculum. In Baden-Württemberg, for example, the regional government incorporated the “acceptance of sexual diversity” into its guidelines for teachers.

“Hardly anything has actually changed to the way it was before,” Christine Sattler, a spokeswoman for the state’s education ministry, told DW. “And the lesson plans are always age appropriate. We need to take children’s questions about what they see in the world seriously, but without overwhelming them of course.”

But the waves of protests, which have continued unabated for almost a year and have spread throughout the country, represent a very different opinion. And they are not without their own political backing – the more conservative wing of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and the nationalist Alternative for Germany (AfD), have both given the movement their blessing.

“Demo für Alle” vehemently denied allegations of support from far-right extremists, however. “We can’t stop someone who isn’t breaking the law from attending our rallies,” said von Beverfoerde, “but they are not representative of our movement, not at all.”

Schools infringing on parental rights

For von Beverfoerde, the “attempt by gender ideologists and radical feminists to influence children from their earliest development” in schools is the byproduct of a more fundamental problem she sees in Germany; namely, that children are required to attend either public or publicly-accredited private schools, “to the detriment of a parent’s right to raise their own kids.”

“Now they want to promote the idea that a family is not just mother and father and children, but can include lesbians and gays. This runs contrary to an idea set down in our Basic Law that marriage between a man and a woman is the foundation of our society,” said the activist.

According to von Beverfoerde, “tolerance is one thing. Forcing acceptance is another.”

“Demo für Alle” also charges schools with sexualizing children as early as kindergarten, invading their private sphere and elliciting feels of shame instead of allowing individual sexual development.

Education ministry: Moral panic has no basis in reality

Not so, said Christine Sattler. “The things they are protesting aren’t really happening,” said the spokeswoman for the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education, calling some of the charges “absurd.”

“The curriculum does call for answering basic biological questions in elementary school, and as they get older, to inform them about sexual diversity. I would like to add that we have received no complaints from pupils or parents since the new guidelines came into effect. “

Sattler bemoaned how when “sexuality is overwhelmingly present in the media and yet somehow still a taboo,” it obfuscates what is actually happening in schools.

Renate, a teacher and mother from a town near the Swiss border, saw the situation even more explicitly. “Parents panic because there is so much out there online that is wrong.” As a sexual education instructor herself, Renate wished to clarify that “the goal of sex ed is to make you comfortable in your own body. And better to learn about these things at school rather than on the Internet.”

The educator downplayed the idea that schools were promoting a particular ideology. “In religion class you don’t pretend that there are no other religions, or say that one is any better than the other.”

AfD calls for ‘classical family values’

But the hundreds, if not thousands, of “Demo für Alle” participants are manifestly not convinced. Von Beverfoerde told DW that her organization is not backing down. More events, conventions, and protests are planned for the near future. 

Indeed, they can now count on some very serious political backing – just yesterday the right-wing AfD party adopted a number of the organization’s arguments into an official policy paper, calling for “classical family values” to be imparted to German pupils.

Deutsche Welle. 2016-11-16. AfD publishes sex education proposal focusing on ‘classical family values’

The far-right party’s policy paper outlines its opposition to schools educating children on sexual diversity. The so-called “Magdeburg Declaration on Early Sexualization” limits teaching on homo-, trans- and bisexuality.


The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) proposed a new sexual education curriculum on Tuesday that declares the “classical family model” and the marriage between a man and woman as “life’s primary purpose.”

Information on homo-, trans- and bisexuality should be imparted to a lesser degree in sexual education lessons, if at all, according to the policy paper.

The paper, entitled the “Magdeburger Erklärung zur Frühsexualisierung” (“Magdeburg Declaration on Early Sexualization”), was presented in city of Magdeburg by the AfD’s chairman in Saxony-Anhalt, Andre Poggenburg. It was drafted during a sitting that included all AfD parliamentary groups. 

Introducing the paper, Poggenburg said he could not give any examples of a curricula or school text books that adhered to the AfD’s policy. Rather, the party said it wanted to make its mark by offering a “precautionary” approach to sexual education.

Green party slams AfD sex-ed proposal

The Greens slammed the paper. Parliamentary member Volker Beck said it devalued same-sex and unmarried partnerships.

Beck also criticized the AfD’s call to restrict homosexual couples from adopting children. Studies have shown that children with parents of the same sex fair just as well in life, if not better, he said. 

Updating the national curricula on sexual education has always stirred heated debated in Germany. A new curriculum proposed in October in the state of Hessen aimed to develop respect for sexual diversity in childhood. The proposal’s divisiveness saw both proponents and critics to take to the street of Wiesbaden to voice their reaction.


Deutsche Welle. 2016-11-16. Germany’s Oettinger under fire over alleged ethics breach

A report alleges that EU commissioner Günther Oettinger breached ethics rules with a flight to Hungary. The new allegations come shortly after he came under fire for apparently racist and sexist remarks.


Germany’s EU commissioner Günther Oettinger took to Twitter late on Tuesday to deny allegations made in a report by the website “EUobserver” that he had violated the ethics rules of the EU Commission by flying to Budapest in a private jet belonging to German businessman Klaus Mangold.

Oettinger flew in May to visit Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the plane of former Daimler manager Mangold, thus possibly breaching EU rules forbidding the acceptance of presents valued at more than 150 euros ($161,22), the report said.

Oettinger’s spokeswoman also put the case down to timetable issues, saying he had been forced to fly in Mangold’s plane after his tight schedule prevented him from taking a planned flight to Hungary, where he was to have dinner with Orban on the eve of a conference on the “car of the future.”

She said that the Hungarian authorities paid for Oettinger’s accommodation in Budapest, but did not give details on who paid for the flight – Mangold or Hungary.

‘Unfounded allegations’

She also described the allegations that Oettinger had violated ethics rules as “without foundation.”

Klaus Mangold was described in the “EUobserver” as a Kremlin-friendly lobbyist who is the Russian honorary consul in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, also Oettinger’s home state.

The allegations come just two weeks after Oettinger, who is the commisisoner for Digital Economy and Society, was forced to apologize for a speech in Hamburg in which he called Chinese “slant-eyed” and cast seeming slurs on quotas for women and same-sex marriage.

He is slated to become the next EU budget commissioner.