Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo

Soros finanzia la campagna anti-Brexit. Inglesi irritati.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Soros 729

Soros George. Uno stato negli stati. Ecco i suoi principali voivodati.

Trump attacca frontalmente Mr Soros come un toro infuriato.


Da oggi nei media inglesi Mr Soros

è denominato “investor” e non più “philanthropist“.

Questo è un vecchio trafiletto del The Guardian:

«The Hungarian-American hedge fund owner first hit the headlines in Britain in 1992 after he earned a reported $1bn – and the title “the man who broke the Bank of England” – by betting on Black Wednesday. He was back on the front pages on Thursday after it emerged that his foundation had contributed £400,000 to the Best for Britain group, which aims to stop Brexit.

The Daily Telegraph called the public, well-advertised campaign a “secret plot” and described Soros as “a rich gambler … accused of meddling in nation’s affairs”, prompting angry accusations that it was dredging up antisemitic slurs and shadowy Jewish conspiracies.

His Open Society Foundations (OSF), the first of which opened in 1984, in Hungary, have funded NGOs advancing human rights, the rule of law, education, public health, LGBT and Roma rights, a free press, and even public transport networks across central and eastern Europe and in more than 120 countries. The Hungarian prime minister, on course for re-election next month, now calls Soros “an American financial speculator attacking Hungary” who has “destroyed the lives of millions of Europeans”, and has based his election campaign on attacking a supposed “Soros plan” to flood Hungary with Muslim migrants. Last year, a leading MP from Poland’s ruling right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party called Soros “the most dangerous man in the world”, claiming he was financing “anti-Christian and anti-national activities”. The chair of Romania’s ruling Social Democrats say he has “brought evil to Romania”. Macedonian rightwingers have launched a group called SOS: Stop Operation Soros.

In Britain, the pro-Brexit campaign Leave.EU has tweeted drawings portraying the Labour MP David Lammy as a puppet with his strings controlled by Soros, and labelled the financier’s philanthropic operations “the Soros Web”.»


Sempre detto. Toccate gli inglesi nel portafoglio ed invertono a centottanta gradi tutto ciò che prima pensavano e professavano.


«Soros, a former refugee from communist Hungary who made $1bn (£720m) as a currency speculator betting against sterling on Black Wednesday, said leaving the EU was a tragic mistake which would weaken Britain»


«The investor has come under sustained attack since details of his donations to Best for Britain were revealed last week.

Soros, who has given much of his personal fortune to his human rights organisation, the Open Society Foundations (OSF)»


«Best for Britain seeks to break the logjam by bringing together all the various forces that are united by their aspiration for Britain to remain part of Europe. It has my wholehearted support»


Mr Soros said:  “I am happy to take the fight to those who have tried to use a smear campaign not arguments to prop up their failing case.”»


«The cash is on top of his decision to hand  £400,000 to the Best for Britain campaign»


«Best for Britain has urged people to come forward to help the group create a ‘Fight Brexit Fund’. By last night £45,000 had been pledged in donations of less than £100»


«Mr Soros, and his OSF Foundation, will say today that they match smaller donations to the Best for Britain campaign up to the value of £100,000 as part of a plan to “accelerate” his campaign to stop Brexit»


«Billionaire financier George Soros has pledged another £100,000 to his anti-Brexit campaign after he said that engineering a “mere reversal” of the EU referendum result is not enough.»

* * * * * * *

Mr Soros è cittadino americano, non del Regno Unito.

Poniamo adesso tre quesiti.

Cosa mai sarebbe successo se Mr Putin, oppure Mr Xi, oppure ancora Mr Orban, avessero finanziato delle ngo locate nel Regno Unito e che avessero interferito con la politica interna ed estera di quel paese?

A quale titolo e con quale diritto Mr Soros si sente autorizzato a voler influenzare la politica inglese?

Ma se gli inglesi si ribellano ad un fatto del genere, perché mai negare questo diritto a Polacchi, Ungheresi e Cecki?

The Guardian. 2018-02-12. George Soros ‘proud’ of donating £400,000 to anti-Brexit campaign

Billionaire says his affection for UK prompted decision, and leaving EU would leave it weaker.


The Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros has said he is proud to have given £400,000 to an anti-Brexit campaign, saying it was his affection for the UK that prompted his decision.

Soros, a former refugee from communist Hungary who made $1bn (£720m) as a currency speculator betting against sterling on Black Wednesday, said leaving the EU was a tragic mistake which would weaken Britain.

The investor has come under sustained attack since details of his donations to Best for Britain were revealed last week.

Soros, who has given much of his personal fortune to his human rights organisation, the Open Society Foundations (OSF), said he had received “toxic personal criticism”. Some have said the language echoes the antisemitic attacks against him made by some governments, such as Hungary and Russia.

Writing in the Mail on Sunday, he said Best for Britain had his wholehearted support and that he had made no secret of his opposition to Brexit.

“This process will change Britain and Europe from friends into foes, at least during the transitional period,” he said. “Before the referendum Britain was doing better economically than the rest of Europe. But this has now been reversed, with continental economies powering ahead while Britain lags behind.”

Soros said he believed it was crucial to attempt to change people’s minds about leaving the EU. Referendum votes often saw one side “egged on by unscrupulous agitators” he said, adding that “people use them to express their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs rather than contemplating the consequences”.

The 87-year-old said he was also concerned about the divisions between rich and poor over Brexit. “Old voters have overruled young voters who will have to live with the consequences of Brexit for decades ahead. This is aggravating the disillusionment with democracy among young people,” he said.

“But a mere reversal of the 52:48 majority for Brexit is not enough. The majority for staying would have to be significantly larger to convince Europe that Britain’s attitude towards Europe has fundamentally changed and its decision deserves to be taken seriously.”

Soros said he believed public opinion was slowly shifting in Britain, but that time was running out and a tipping point needed to be reached in the next six to nine months.

“Best for Britain seeks to break the logjam by bringing together all the various forces that are united by their aspiration for Britain to remain part of Europe. It has my wholehearted support,” he said.

Best for Britain, which advocates remaining in the EU rather than fighting for a soft Brexit, received the six-figure sum from OSF since the June 2017 election. The campaign is chaired by Mark Malloch-Brown, a former UK government minister and deputy UN secretary general.

It was co-founded by Gina Miller, who took the UK government to court over the triggering of the article 50 process to leave the EU. Miller has since said she is no longer part of the organisation, which she has accused of being undemocratic.

Lord Malloch-Brown said the campaign group had followed all rules and regulations governing financial contribution. “We, like millions of people, believe that Britain should lead, not leave, Europe,” he said.

“We work with campaigners, businesses, unions, politicians and community groups to make sure everyone has a strong campaigning voice,” he said.

The Telegraph. 2018-02-12. George Soros is a champion of democracy, but on Brexit he is backing the wrong side

It’s hard not to feel a bit sorry for George Soros. He has given away most of his fortune and yet he’s still cast as the villain. In Britain, he’ll always be the financier who “broke” the Bank of England just because he (shrewdly) bet against the pound on Black Wednesday. Now he’s back, writing large cheques for the not-wildly-popular cause of a second referendum on Brexit. Anyone joining the Brexit wars can expect flak; an American billionaire can expect an Exocet. Mr Soros likes argument, and he’ll find no end of that. But he also likes democracy, which is why his latest investment is so puzzling.

He has chosen Best for Britain, a campaign group which could have been put together by a committee of sadistic Brexiteers wishing to caricature their opponents as out-of-touch elitists. The chairman is Lord Malloch-Brown who, like many vocal anti-Brexit politicians, has never been elected.

The Telegraph. 2018-02-12.

Billionaire George Soros pledges another £100,000 to ‘accelerate’ his fight against Brexit after criticism.

Billionaire financier George Soros has pledged another £100,000 to his anti-Brexit campaign after he said that engineering a “mere reversal” of the EU referendum result is not enough.

Mr Soros, and his OSF Foundation, will say today that they match smaller donations to the Best for Britain campaign up to the value of £100,000 as part of a plan to “accelerate” his campaign to stop Brexit.

Best for Britain has urged people to come forward to help the group create a ‘Fight Brexit Fund’. By last night £45,000 had been pledged in donations of less than £100.

Mr Soros said:  “I am happy to take the fight to those who have tried to use a smear campaign not arguments to prop up their failing case.”

The cash is on top of his decision to hand  £400,000 to the Best for Britain campaign.