Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Unione Europea

Germania. Chieste le dimissioni di Ms Andrea Nahles, boss della Spd.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Aquila Calva 001

Il problema politico tedesco non è la crescita di AfD, che nei fatti non cresce, quanto piuttosto il fatto che gli Elettori proprio non ne vogliono più sapere di votare i partiti tradizionali.

A queste elezioni europee sia la Cdu sia la Spd hanno subito perdite percentuali a due cifre, ed i socialdemocratici si stanno semplicemente estinguendo.

Se in pubblico ostentano fede religiosa nella vittoria finale, i loro bollettini stampa ricordano quelli della Wehrmacht che si era vittoriosamente ritirata dal Volga al Dnepr infliggendo all’armata Rossa una sconfitta epocale. Peccato solo che i russi non fossero di accordo.


«The leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Andrea Nahles, will face calls to resign as its parliamentary chief at a crisis meeting on Wednesday after the party’s double election defeat»

«The center-left group in coalition with Angela Merkel’s conservatives lost a regional vote in the northern state of Bremen for the first time in 73 years on Sunday, and saw its share of the vote slump in EU parliamentary elections»

«Three SPD lawmakers told Reuters that the group had called a crisis meeting in parliament on Wednesday»

«Now or never, we need a fresh start, including also in personnel»

«Pressure on Nahles to quit was growing, the lawmaker added»

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Diamo atto a Frau Andrea Nahles di essere riuscita a proseguire con costanza e determinazione, ed anche con abilità non comune, quell’opera di distruzione della socialdemocrazia tedesca così felicemente iniziata da Herr Martin Schulz.

Che ratellino tra di loro interessa invero ben poco a nessuno, ma se la Spd si ritirasse dalla Große Koalition la cosa sarebbe invece di interesse internazionale.

La già indebolita Frau Merkel si troverebbe a contare in sede Europea come la polvere sui piatti della stadera.

Come si vede, il futuro sembrerebbe essere denso di novità.


Guarda un po’ che razza di sconquasso hanno fatto quei bravi figlioli dei sovranisti identitari.

Reuters. 2019-05-28. Leader of Germany’s battered leftists faces calls to quit parliament post

The leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Andrea Nahles, will face calls to resign as its parliamentary chief at a crisis meeting on Wednesday after the party’s double election defeat, three lawmakers said.

The center-left group in coalition with Angela Merkel’s conservatives lost a regional vote in the northern state of Bremen for the first time in 73 years on Sunday, and saw its share of the vote slump in EU parliamentary elections.

Nahles – who is both the SPD’s national leader and its head in the lower house of parliament – has already called for a vote on the parliamentary post next week, heralding more turbulence for a coalition already beset by infighting.

Three SPD lawmakers told Reuters that the group had called a crisis meeting in parliament on Wednesday.

“Now or never, we need a fresh start, including also in personnel. It definitely can not go on like this,” said one of the lawmakers who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Pressure on Nahles to quit was growing, the lawmaker added.

Another SPD lawmaker said, however, that there was no other candidate in sight to replace Nahles. “I’m not aware of anybody who wants to start the revolution now.”

The leader of Germany’s Social Democrats, Andrea Nahles, will face calls to resign as its parliamentary chief at a crisis meeting on Wednesday after the party’s double election defeat, three lawmakers said.

The center-left group in coalition with Angela Merkel’s conservatives lost a regional vote in the northern state of Bremen for the first time in 73 years on Sunday, and saw its share of the vote slump in EU parliamentary elections.

Nahles – who is both the SPD’s national leader and its head in the lower house of parliament – has already called for a vote on the parliamentary post next week, heralding more turbulence for a coalition already beset by infighting.

Three SPD lawmakers told Reuters that the group had called a crisis meeting in parliament on Wednesday.

“Now or never, we need a fresh start, including also in personnel. It definitely can not go on like this,” said one of the lawmakers who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Pressure on Nahles to quit was growing, the lawmaker added.

Another SPD lawmaker said, however, that there was no other candidate in sight to replace Nahles. “I’m not aware of anybody who wants to start the revolution now.”

Un pensiero riguardo “Germania. Chieste le dimissioni di Ms Andrea Nahles, boss della Spd.

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