Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata, Senza categoria

Ponte Benetton. Il contagio si espande alla Francia.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



«Ponte autostradale pericolante.

Gli utenti coinvolti nel crollo saranno considerati responsabili del medesimo.

Famiglia Benetton e Società Autostrade augurano serena morte agli utenti.»


Nessun timore! In Francia non operano né la Famiglia Benetton né quelli di Autostrade, loro fidi scudieri.

Di conseguenza, questo cartello non lo si vedrà mai sulle autostrade francesi.

«A report by the Ministry of Transport revealed that of the country’s 164 largest bridges, 23 are in need of urgent construction work»


«only one of the bridges investigated was classified as being “in good condition”»


«Among the bridges in the worst condition was the Echinghen viaduct in the northern Pas-de-Calais region and the Caronte bridge in the Bouches-du-Rhône department in southern France»


«A total of 21 bridges were classified as “constructions whose structure had altered and required non-urgent repair work however most of the bridges were classified as having just “minor defects”.»


«It does not reflect a security risk»

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I ponti francesi stanno ancora in piedi: non hanno Famiglia Benetton Società Autostrade.

The Local. France. 2018-08-26. A Glance around France: The 23 bridges at risk

There was some worrying news about the state of France’s bridges on Wednesday. 

A report by the Ministry of Transport revealed that of the country’s 164 largest bridges, 23 are in need of urgent construction work. 

The report, which was ordered after the tragic bridge collapse in Italy August, shows that only one of the bridges investigated was classified as being “in good condition”. 

Among the bridges in the worst condition was the Echinghen viaduct in the northern Pas-de-Calais region and the Caronte bridge in the Bouches-du-Rhône department in southern France.

A total of 21 bridges were classified as “constructions whose structure had altered and required non-urgent repair work however most of the bridges were classified as having just “minor defects”.

“This classification of  bridge condition is a tool to indicate the level of repairs needed and how urgent they are. It does not reflect a security risk,” said the Transport Ministry. 

Un pensiero riguardo “Ponte Benetton. Il contagio si espande alla Francia.

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