Pubblicato in: Medio Oriente, Unione Europea

Governo Conte. Commento dell’Arabia Saudita. – Saudi Gazette.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Conte 001

Gli interessi politici, culturali ed economici dell’Italia con il mondo arabo sono consistenti e sfaccettati: questo non solo per gli energetici, ma per l’intero comparto produttivo nazionale. Nel contempo, codesti rapporti sono ovviamente condizionati da molteplici fattori, non ultimo l’adesione all’Unione Europea.

Se il mondo arabo islamico è vasto e spesso con posizioni contrastanti, sarebbe altrettanto vero constatare un ruolo chiave svolto dall’Arabia Saudita. Il loro parere e di quelli con i quali dover fare alla fine i conti.

«Italy’s new PM takes aim at migrants in maiden speech»


«The leader of Italy’s new populist government vowed on Tuesday to redistribute migrants in the EU and review EU sanctions against Russia»


«We want to reduce our public debt, but we want to do so with growth and not with austerity measures»


«We will strongly call for the Dublin Regulation to be overhauled in order to obtain respect for a fair distribution of responsibilities and to achieve an automatic system of compulsory distribution of asylum seekers»


«We will promote a review of the sanctions system»


«Afterwards Di Maio described the workers as “the symbol of an abandoned generation,” and underlined the need to give them “job security and a dignified minimum wage”»


«Salvini has wasted no time addressing immigration …. Italy cannot be Europe’s refugee camp …. The good times for illegals are over — get ready to pack your bags»

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Come d’abitudine, la stampa saudita è asettica e sintetica, ed ama il virgolettato.

Fa specie che abbia riportato in modo estensivo gli argomenti trattati, fatto non usuale nei confronti dei governi europei.

La scelta dei termini però la conta lunga, molto più di discorsi espliciti.

«Salvini has wasted no time addressing immigration»


«The good times for illegals are over »


«The 45-year-old has repeatedly promised to cut arrivals and accelerate expulsions»

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Questo Governo e Mr Salvini avranno il loro buon da fare per tranquillizzare gli arabi.

Anche tenendo conto che c’è già un precedente non da poco:

Arabia Saudita. Imprese tedesche messe all’uscio.

Saudi Gazette. 2018-06-05. Italy’s new PM takes aim at migrants in maiden speech

The leader of Italy’s new populist government vowed on Tuesday to redistribute migrants in the EU and review EU sanctions against Russia, in his first policy speech to lawmakers since being sworn in.

Giuseppe Conte addressed the Senate ahead of two parliamentary confidence votes expected to confirm his new Cabinet, formed from a coalition of far-right and euroskeptic parties.

His euroskeptic government was sworn in on Friday after almost three months of political turmoil that alarmed EU officials and spooked financial markets.

A lawyer with little political and no government experience, Conte was nominated by far-right League leader Matteo Salvini and the head of the anti-establishment Five Star movement Luigi di Maio — both of whom are now his deputy prime ministers.

Conte’s maiden policy speech reaffirmed several of the coalition’s key manifesto themes, including a tough line on migrants, rejection of economic austerity and conciliatory gestures towards Moscow.

“We want to reduce our public debt, but we want to do so with growth and not with austerity measures,” he told senators.
“We will strongly call for the Dublin Regulation to be overhauled in order to obtain respect for a fair distribution of responsibilities and to achieve an automatic system of compulsory distribution of asylum seekers.”

On Russia, which faces EU sanctions over the Ukraine crisis, Conte said: “We will promote a review of the sanctions system.”
Both former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party — a campaign ally of the League — and the outgoing center-left Democratic Party have said they will not vote in favor of the new government.

But the alliance between the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and far-right League is expected to pass the confidence votes in the Senate on Tuesday and in the lower Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday as the two parties hold a majority in both houses.

On the 53-year-old prime minister’s agenda in his first weeks in office are a Group of Seven summit in Canada this week and a key EU summit at the end of the month.

Conte’s low profile has fuelled speculation that he will take a back seat to his two powerful deputies. Salvini is to be interior minister in the new Cabinet and Di Maio will hold the economic development portfolio.

Since being sworn in Conte had limited himself to a Facebook post in which he said that he had spoken with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron and would meet the two leaders at the G7 summit.

On Monday, Di Maio met representatives of food deliverers in Italy’s gig economy.

Afterwards Di Maio described the workers as “the symbol of an abandoned generation,” and underlined the need to give them “job security and a dignified minimum wage”.

Salvini has wasted no time addressing immigration.

Visiting Sicily, where thousands of migrants have arrived in recent years, he declared at the weekend that Italy “cannot be Europe’s refugee camp”.

The 45-year-old has repeatedly promised to cut arrivals and accelerate expulsions from a country where around 700,000 migrants have arrived since 2013.

“The good times for illegals are over — get ready to pack your bags,” he said on Saturday.

European Union interior ministers are meeting on Tuesday to discuss possible reforms of the bloc’s controversial Dublin regulation, whereby refugees must file for asylum in the first member state they enter.

Salvini has blasted the regulation as unfairly burdening Mediterranean countries and leading to “an obvious imbalance in management, numbers and costs”.