Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Unione Europea

Slovakia. La bomba ad orologeria sta per scoppiare.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Slovakia 001

«Veder voleva come si convenne L’imago al cerchio e come vi s’indova»

Dante, Paradiso, XXXIII, 137 – 138.

In Europa è in corso una guerra sotterranea combattuta senza esclusione di colpi: e quel poco che emerge è imbellettato a festa per non turbare troppo una opinione pubblica sbandata.

Slovakia. Il Presidente Fico tornerebbe al voto di fiducia. Colpa di Mr Soros.

È in pieno corso la devoluzione del potere detenuto in passato da quanti avevano abbracciato la ideologia liberal e socialista. Questi detengono ancora molto potere, sicuramente, specie poi nei deep state, ma ogni giorno che passa ne perdono un pezzetto.

Se sicuramente vi è una lotta al coltello, che arriva anche agli omicidi politici, per il controllo dei singoli governi, è altrettanto vero che una grande lotta è per il controllo del Consiglio Europeo, ossia il consesso dei capi di stato e di governo che dirige l’Unione Europea.

Né si pensi che il problema sia solo nostro continentale: è mondiale. America, Cina, Russia e, a livello minore, il Regno Unito stanno interferendo pesantemente, agendo per lo più con leve economiche alla luce del sole, passandosi dossier di spionaggio a livello nascosto.

Molta della corruzione che emerge è frutto di lavoro di intelligence.

In passato la Slovakia era parzialmente allineata alla politica della dirigenza dell’Unione Europea, tenendo anche un piede saldamente nel Visegrad. Ora la situazione sembrerebbe essere sfuggita di mano.

Ma, attenzione! La corruzione dello Smer-Sd non è localizzata solo all’interno di quel partito: è un fenomeno europeo che potrebbe essere sintetizzato in questo statement:

“ovunque c’è stato e burocrazia lì si indova la corruzione”.

«After Jan Kuciak’s assassination, hundreds of thousands of Slovaks have demonstrated against corruption and abuse of power»


«The murder of journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancé, Martina Kusnirova, shocked Slovakia like no other event since the country’s independence 25 years ago»


«People in the country have been taking to the streets to demonstrate against corruption and abuse of power.»


«Protests have been raging periodically for years against Robert Fico’s government and his so-called Social Democratic Party (SMER-SD).»


«Hundreds of thousands of people became the social losers of years of hard economic reform policies after the end of the dictatorship»


«There may have been a greater acceptance of this if Slovakia’s citizens hadn’t had to witness a small elite, whose members had often already been among the winners under the dictatorship, shamelessly lining their pockets with the former national wealth in a highly criminal manner.»


«This kind of self-service for the elite continues to this day, but the powerful are now paying attention to the appearance of legality through legal tricks or by passing laws with sufficiently large loopholes.»


«Currently, right-wing populists and right-wing extremists are the main alternatives.»


«This development in Slovakia is similar to that of most other central and southeastern EU countries. Many observers in Slovakia now fear that, over the long term, their country could move towards a political situation similar those in Hungary or Poland»

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Anche la Slovakia sembrerebbe avviarsi ad una situazione di instabilità politica che alla fine dovrebbe esitare nella presa del potere da parte di quelle forze che i liberal definiscono “populiste“.

E tutto questo accade proprio in concomitanza con la débâcle del partito democratico italiano, passato dal 40.8% delle elezioni europee ad un misero 19.72% nelle elezioni di pochi giorni or sono.

«Fico has sought to position himself as a core EU ally in eastern Europe as Poland and Hungary have clashed with the bloc»


«This week, he joined the ranks of other regional populists by saying that efforts to topple his government were orchestrated from abroad and publicly linked billionaire philanthropist George Soros to a plan to destabilize Slovakia»


L’Unione Europea patrocinata da liberal, socialisti e Mr Soros inzia a sgretolarsi.

Agli eurocrati sono venuti a meno altri due voti in seno al Consiglio Europeo: hanno perso la maggioranza.

Deutsche Welle. 2018-03-11. Opinion: Warning signal for Europe from Slovakia

After Jan Kuciak’s assassination, hundreds of thousands of Slovaks have demonstrated against corruption and abuse of power. Keno Verseck believes that foreign countries should pay close attention.


The murder of journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancé, Martina Kusnirova, shocked Slovakia like no other event since the country’s independence 25 years ago. But the sentiment of shock and deep grief is now increasingly becoming mixed with outrage. Friday saw the biggest demonstrations in the country since the Velvet Revolution in 1989. One hundred thousand people took to the streets nationwide, with an estimated 50,000 people in Bratislava alone — a very large number for a country of 5 million people.

The motto at the rallies was “Let’s stand up for a fair Slovakia.” People in the country have been taking to the streets to demonstrate against corruption and abuse of power. They are demanding that the rule of law apply across the board and want more transparency and more responsible government leaders. The current demonstrations are the biggest yet, but they are far from being the first. Protests have been raging periodically for years against Robert Fico’s government and his so-called Social Democratic Party (SMER-SD). Investigative journalists continue to uncover unbelievable corruption among SMER members and other government politicians, without the scandals ever having had political or legal consequences.

High price of success

A widespread and deep dissatisfaction is behind the current protests. In particular, people are unhappy with the way the transition from the real socialist dictatorship to democracy and a market economy has been made. It is true that, from a macroeconomic point of view, Slovakia is now rightly regarded as a successful country in the eastern part of the European Union. But it has paid a high price for this success. Hundreds of thousands of people became the social losers of years of hard economic reform policies after the end of the dictatorship. There may have been a greater acceptance of this if Slovakia’s citizens hadn’t had to witness a small elite, whose members had often already been among the winners under the dictatorship, shamelessly lining their pockets with the former national wealth in a highly criminal manner.

This kind of self-service for the elite continues to this day, but the powerful are now paying attention to the appearance of legality through legal tricks or by passing laws with sufficiently large loopholes. But it remains thoroughly immoral. This is covered up by Fico and his party that’s half left-wing populist and half right-wing nationalist rhetoric.

No strong political alternative

As large and justified as the Slovak citizens’ dissatisfaction may be, the citizen movements have not managed to become a political force. There is currently no strong political alternative that credibly advocates for the rule of law, more social justice and better democracy. Some of the opposition parties have been discredited since their former reign. Currently, right-wing populists and right-wing extremists are the main alternatives.

This development in Slovakia is similar to that of most other central and southeastern EU countries. Many observers in Slovakia now fear that, over the long term, their country could move towards a political situation similar those in Hungary or Poland.

The public outside Slovak and European politics are not yet sufficiently aware of the background behind the Kuciak murder case and its possible political implications. What is now happening in Slovakia should be a warning signal — and also a reason to look very carefully at current developments in Slovakia, and to support the civil democracy movement.

Un pensiero riguardo “Slovakia. La bomba ad orologeria sta per scoppiare.

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