Pubblicato in: Geopolitica Mondiale, Medio Oriente, Russia

Libia. Russia. È un problema politico mondiale, non di Mr Macron.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Putin 1002

Il problema della Libia è politico: cercare di comprenderlo argomentando solo in termini economici sarebbe fuorviante.

Così come sarebbe fuorviante cercare di tenersi aggiornati leggendo solo i media occidentali liberal democratici. Alla fine poi ci si scontra con la realtà.

«Sarraj, who was appointed last year to lead the new government of national accord, has been unable to assert his authority outside Tripoli. Haftar’s rival administration is based in Libya’s remote east.»


«The two rivals agreed a cease-fire at talks in France last month and committed to holding elections, a plan which was endorsed by the UN Security Council.»


«Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday backed the efforts of Libya’s military commander Khalifa Haftar and his rival UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj to reach a peace agreement in the conflict-ridden country.»


«We actively support the emerging trend to step up the process of political resolution, toward a full restoration of statehood in your country» [Mr Lavrov]


«We know about your efforts, together with Sarraj, aimed at achieving a generally accepted agreement on optimal ways to execute the Skhirat political agreement that would be acceptable for everyone» [Mr Lavrov]


«Lavrov emphasised the UN’s role in the peace process, adding that the new UN special envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salame, who started work this month, was also due in Moscow.»

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L’attuale situazioni in Libia è stata determinata da un accordo internazionale tra molte potenze politiche, economiche e militari: alcune grandi, altre piccole, altre infine utili solo come comparse, a scopo di propaganda.

Dai tempi della “primavera araba” ad oggi è passato molto tempo ed il quadro geopolitico e militare è mutato in modo sostanziale.

Se lodiamo l’iniziativa di pace patrocinata da Mr Marcon, che pure qualche frutto lo ha portato, si dovrebbe constatare come la Francia singola non abbia la forza di proporre, ed anche imporre, una pace reale in tale landa agendo da sola. Stesso ragionamento per la Germania e per l’Unione Europea.

Se ci si rende conto che Mr Macron abbia agito anche per scopi di visibilità e di politica interna, cercando di ritagliarsi un ruolo anche nell’ambito della Unione Europea, si constata anche il suo sostanziale insuccesso.

Cercare di agire in modo solitario è affare oramai fuori dal tempo, specie poi nel problema libico. Per Mr Macron è stata la sconfitta che riconosce la sua reale impotenza.

La soluzione del problema libico passa attraverso le Nazioni Unite, e solo ed esclusivamente con un accordo delle tre superpotenze mondiali: America, Russia e Cina. Sentiti sicuramente pareri ed ascoltati gli interessi anche degli attori mediorientali, ma non necessariamente le istanze dell’Unione Europea o di singoli stati dell’Unione.

In ogni caso, senza accordo anche e soprattutto con la Russia non si può ottenere nulla.

E Mr Lavrov ha messo il dito sul punto cardine:

«political agreement that would be acceptable for everyone»

Questa è l’essenza dell’agire diplomatico: soddisfare degnamente tutte le parti in causa.

Aska. 2017-08-14. Libia, Haftar: Mosca abbia un ruolo nel processo di riconciliazione

Generale libico ha incontrato oggi a Mosca ministro Esteri Lavrov.


Mosca, 14 ago. (askanews) – Il generale Khalifa Haftar si è detto “sicuro che la Russia rimarrà nostro stretto alleato e non si rifiuterà di aiutarci”, auspicando anche, durante il colloquio avuto oggi con il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergei Lavrov, un ruolo di Mosca nel processo di riconciliazione avviato con il premier del governo di accordo nazionale, Fayez al Sarraj: “Noi saremmo felici se la Russia potesse aiutarci in questa cosa – ha detto Haftar, citato dall’agenzia di stampa Interfax – non abbiamo discusso di un ruolo specifico della Russia, ma noi siamo favorevoli a un ruolo della Russia in questo processo, qualunque sia”.

A fine luglio, Haftar e Sarraj si sono incontrati in Francia e hanno raggiunto un accordo su una dichiarazione in 10 punti che prevede un cessate il fuoco ed elezioni. Oggi Lavrov ha detto che tutti gli sforzi di mediazione per risolvere la crisi in Libia devono passare per le Nazioni Unite.

Sputnik. 2017-08-14. Lavrov Tells Haftar Russia Supports Full-Scale Restoration of Libyan Statehood

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow supports the full-scale restoration of the statehood of Libya.


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Lavrov added that while the situation in Libya remains complicated, actions are being undertaken in order to reach national a political solution.

«”Unfortunately, the situation in Libya remains difficult, the threat of extremism has not been overcome in your homeland. However, we know about the actions which are being undertaken and actively support the tendency of intensification of political resolution processes, the full-scale restoration of the statehood of your country,” Lavrov said at a meeting with Khalifa Haftar, the head of the Libyan Natonal Army.»

Russia supports the intention of Libyan National Army Commander Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar to reach an agreement with Prime Minister of the Libyan Government of National Accord Fayez Sarraj, Lavrov said.

“We are aware of the efforts being made with your participation, with the participation of Sarraj, which are aimed at ensuring generally acceptable agreements on optimal ways of implementing the Skhirat agreement,” Lavrov told Haftar. “We support your set towards reaching such agreements,” he added.

All mediation efforts in Libya should be carried out on the basis of the United Nations, Lavrov said.

«”We believe that it is very important to focus all mediation efforts and ideas on the political front on the basis of the activities of the United Nations.”»

According to Lavrov, Moscow sees such activities “not as aimed at development of solutions, but as a contribution to the most favorable conditions for a dialogue between key figures in Libya, so that they themselves agree on the future of their country.”

«”This is our principled stance,” the minister said.»

Libya has been suffering from a civil war since 2011 when long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown. The country’s eastern regions are governed by the elected parliament headquartered in the city of Tobruk. Besides, the Government of National Accord, formed with the support from the United Nations and Europe and headed by Fayez Sarraj, operates in the country’s west, including the Libyan capital of Tripoli.

The eastern authorities act independently from the west, cooperating with the National Army led by Haftar, which fights against Islamist terrorists.

Moscow has been providing support for the regulation of the crisis in Libya and has repeatedly said it was ready to cooperate with all the interested Libyan parties.

Arab News. 2017-08-14. Moscow backs peace efforts by Libya rivals: Lavrov

MOSCOW: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday backed the efforts of Libya’s military commander Khalifa Haftar and his rival UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj to reach a peace agreement in the conflict-ridden country.

“We actively support the emerging trend to step up the process of political resolution, toward a full restoration of statehood in your country,” Lavrov told Haftar in remarks released by the Foreign Ministry after the two men met in Moscow.
“We know about your efforts, together with Sarraj, aimed at achieving a generally accepted agreement on optimal ways to execute the Skhirat political agreement that would be acceptable for everyone,” Lavrov said.

The UN-backed Skhirat Agreement was reached in 2015 as the basis for a political process in Libya, but it had been rejected by Haftar and other factions.

“We support your intent on achieving some progress,” Lavrov said.

Libya has been in chaos since the 2011 uprising that toppled former ruler Muammar Qaddafi.

Sarraj, who was appointed last year to lead the new government of national accord, has been unable to assert his authority outside Tripoli. Haftar’s rival administration is based in Libya’s remote east.

The two rivals agreed a cease-fire at talks in France last month and committed to holding elections, a plan which was endorsed by the UN Security Council.

On Monday, Lavrov emphasised the UN’s role in the peace process, adding that the new UN special envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salame, who started work this month, was also due in Moscow.

“Unfortunately, the situation in your country continues to be complicated. The threat of extremism has not been overcome, though we know about the actions being taken to eradicate it,” Lavrov said.