Pubblicato in: Geopolitica Europea

Europa. Riappare il volto violento del socialismo.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


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Essendo per sua intima natura rivoluzionaria, l’ideologia socialista gode di numerose caratteristiche.

– Chi già governasse, non avrebbe il problema di arrivare al potere: lo avrebbe già. Il mandato rivoluzionario è quindi appannaggio di una minoranza che nei sistemi più o meno democratici non riesca a conseguire la maggioranza dei consensi: cerca di prendersi con la forza e con l’intimidazione ciò che ne riesce per vie legali. Un’ideologia rivoluzionaria e quindi l’antitesi di ogni possibile gestione democratica della cosa pubblica.

– Il concetto stesso di rivoluzione implica l’uso della forza, della forza bruta. La minoranza deve obbligare e piegare la maggioranza ai propri voleri. Forza che usualmente si espleta nella sua forma fisica: dal pestaggio al linciaggio, fino alle lesioni a persone e cose, arrivando infine all’omicidio. Culmina negli atti terroristici.

– Ma se il potere è conquistato con la forza, con la rivoluzione, ne consegue che non può essere mantenuto altro che con l’uso della forza e della coercizione. Sarebbe illusorio sperare che quanti abbiano fatto una rivoluzione restaurino poi una normale vita democratica.

– Ecco perché ogni sistema socialista ideologico deve mandatoriamente munirsi di un braccio armato. Che siano i sanculotti di giacobina memoria, le Sturmabteilung, camicie brune ovvero SA, le camicie nere di denominazione fascista, le brigate rosse del comunismo, ovvero i centri sociali del socialismo europeo contemporaneo non cambia nulla al risultato finale. Varieranno le tipologie di persone inizialmente vessate, ma ben presto la violenza sarà diretta su tutti, senza distinzione alcuna. Se impossibilitati alla violenza fisica risolutrice, allora scatta quella verbale e l’uso strumentale della menzogna assunta a sistema. E poi, ci son sempre i Tribunali guidati da giudici socialisti.

* * * * * *

Ora che stanno conquistando elettorato AdF in Germania ed Fpö in Austria, i socialisti rispolverano le vecchie abitudine e schierano in campo il loro esercito di picchiatori professionisti.

Così, bande di esagitati violenti hanno assalito quanti volevano attendere al congresso di Alternative für Deutschland a Stoccarda. Il peccato mortale di Alternative für Deutschland è di non pensarla come i socialdemocratici: quanto basta per farli oggetto di reazione violenta. Una volta, quando c’era i socialisti, quelli veri, li avrebbero ammazzati senza tanti complimenti ed il tutto con il tacito consenso della polizia. Oggi si sono limitati a lanciare bombe-carta e bruciare pneumatici e, segno dei tempi, la polizia è intervenuta arrestandone quasi cinquecento. Sembrerebbero aver perso l’immunità che li ammantava.

Similmente i gravi episodi avvenuti al Passo del Brennero.

La polizia italiana ha consentito che si adunassero un migliaio circa di dimostranti pro-immigrazione, tutti di provenienza dei centri sociali nostrani, che hanno cercato di sfondare lo sbarramento posto in essere dalla polizia austriaca. Non erano migranti islamici arrabbiati per la loro situazione e che dimostravano violentemente per i loro interessi contingenti: erano squadristi italiani al servizio dell’ideologia socialista. Feccia delle feccie.

* * * * * *

La demografia elettorale indica con chiarezza quanto il socialismo sia ancora sostenuto in Europa in larga percentuale dai dipendenti delle pubbliche amministrazioni e dai pensionati: questa fascia di elettorato corrisponde a circa il 70% dei consensi sia per l’Spd tedesca sia per il Pd italiano. Sono sostanzialmente partiti di vecchi, con mentalità dei vecchi. Ma il tempo è un gran signore: lasciamolo lavorare ed i socialisti transiteranno due metri sotto terra, senza nessun altro rammarico che l’evento sia successo così tardi.

Anche i centri sociali iniziano a risentire del fenomeno. Una volta erano aitanti ragazzotti e fanciulle di rara bruttezza. Ma il tempo continua a lavorare.

Guardate con attenzione questa fotografia. I dimostranti sono vecchietti, ancora violenti e carichi di biliosi rancori, ma pur sempre vecchietti.

Questa immagine la conta lunga su cosa rappresenti ancora il socialismo europeo.

Però attenzione: anche un vecchietto può freddarvi con una pistolettata.

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Bbc. 2016-04-30. Germany AfD conference: Hundreds of protesters detained outside venue.

A meeting of Germany’s right-wing anti-immigrant party Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) has been marred by clashes outside the venue in Stuttgart.


About 1,000 police were deployed to keep supporters apart from left-wing protesters, who blocked roads, burned tyres and threw firecrackers.

About 400 protesters were temporarily detained as the conference began.

Delegates are due to vote on Sunday on a manifesto which some members want to endorse an openly anti-Islamic stance.

The party wants to ban the burka and outlaw minarets in Germany.

A police spokesman said protesters threw stones at officers and let off fireworks in their direction.

Riot police used tear gas, pepper spray and a water cannon to keep the protesters back.

One demonstrator, Dominik Schmeiser, said: “We are united by our conviction that we cannot let the AfD go unchallenged, and that it is a party which is not only racist, but which is engaged in the politics of exclusion and social division.

“We will not allow ourselves to be divided and we stand together for a compassionate society.”

Despite the protest, the conference began as planned.

The party’s leader Frauke Petry attacked the German chancellor Angela Merkel, saying the “silent majority” thought she was “nothing but naked”.

She said the AfD wanted to make a big impact in German politics.

“In the future we do not want to remain sitting in parliament as a junior partner, a small opposition party,” Ms Petry said.

The AfD achieved gains in all three states taking part in regional elections last month, claiming almost a quarter of the vote in the relatively poor eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt.

It had campaigned against what it called Mrs Merkel’s “catastrophic” decision to accept a million migrants and refugees in 2015.

In Saturday’s conference, the party must agree a manifesto ahead of next year’s general election.

Proposals include withdrawal from the euro and the reintroduction of conscription, but there are splits within the party, including between its less hardline wing and the leadership.

Before the meeting, police encircled groups of demonstrators in a technique known as kettling. Some protesters were seen being dragged away, as others chanted “Shame on you” at officers.

More on AfD.

– Founded in 2013 by Bernd Lucke, Alexander Gauland and Konrad Adam to oppose German-backed bailouts for poorer southern European countries

– Mr Lucke, seen as a moderate, wanted Germany out of the euro but his colleagues were unhappy that he wanted to focus exclusively on euro-related issues

– He quit the party in early July 2015, arguing it was becoming increasingly xenophobic

– Right-winger Frauke Petry replaced him as party leader

– It became the first anti-euro party to win seats in a German regional parliament, receiving almost 10% of the vote in the eastern German state of Saxony in 2014, and went on to win seats in four other states’ parliaments in 2014 and 2015

– The party had seven MEPs elected in the 2014 European elections (including Mr Lucke), but only two remain party members

– AfD was part of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, like the UK’s Conservatives, but one of its two MEPs has recently been expelled from the group over comments on shooting refugees


Deutsche Welle. 2016-04-30. AfD party congress starts in Stuttgart despite demonstrations

Left-wing protesters tried to prevent people from entering the party congress of the right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Stuttgart. Police detained hundreds of demonstrators.


The party congress of the right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in the German city of Stuttgart started on Saturday after a one-hour delay, amid protests by about 1,000 left-wing demonstrators.

The protesters tried to block the entry to the venue of the party congress, shouting slogans such as: “Keep refugees, drive Nazis away!” and “We’ll get you all.”

According to a police spokesperson, demonstrators blocked a road to the venue with burning tyres for half an hour. They also temporarily blocked traffic on highway A8 in both directions near Stuttgart Airport, trying to prevent AfD members who arrived by plane from attending the congress.

Hooded demonstrators lit firecrackers and threw them at police officers. The police used tear gas and a water cannon amid the clashes with the protesters. About 400 people were detained, police said.

More than 1,000 police officers were deployed on Saturday to prevent clashes between the protesters and AfD party participants.

The AfD’s two-day meeting will focus on the right-wing party’s policies. It is expected to adopt an anti-Islam manifesto.

The AfD has protested against German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s liberal migration policy. The party has also managed to channel popular anger against the political establishment and the media.


Deutsche Welle. 2016-04-30. Populist AfD rebrands at party convention

A new manifesto is currently under debate as the right-wing Alternative for Germany met for its party congress. Leader Frauke Petry used her opening speech to condemn Angela Merkel as the “chancellor of no alternatives.”


Some 500 left-wing protesters were detained and then freed on Saturday as the convention of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party got underway in the southern city of Stuttgart.

“We will continue to keep an eye on some of them,” said a local police spokesman, following scuffles between protesters and police as some 1,500 demonstrators attempted to interrupt the AfD gathering.

The AfD has courted controversy since its founding in 2013 as a euroskeptic answer to the political vacuum that arose to the right of the spectrum as Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) moved more to the left. Since ousting founder Bernd Lucke last summer, the right-wing party has managed to alienate itself further from the political mainstream by questioning the country’s welcoming policy towards refugees and Islam, scoring large victories in several regional elections in the process.

Despite Saturday’s violence, the AfD was determined to use the weekend’s convention to script a new party manifesto, and some 2,000 party members were on hand to help decide the party’s next direction. By Saturday evening, the populists had already agreed to maintain their opposition to the euro currency and condemn the European Union as a political entity.

Merkel: ‘The do-nothing chancellor

“We always wondered when the brave child will finally appear to voice the thoughts of the silent majority and declare that the ‘chancellor of no alternatives'” doesn’t know what she’s doing, said party leader Frauke Petry as she opened the convention, referring to Merkel.

“And I think, this brave child is us,” Petry added.

The party’s position on Islam in Germany will be debated on Sunday, but Beatrix von Storch, a member of the European Parliament in Brussels for the AfD, has already dismissed the world’s second largest religion as “not compatible with the German constitution.”


Deutsche Welle. 2016-04-30. Austria ups pressure on Italy with Brenner Pass threat.

Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka says Austria could seal the Brenner Pass to avoid being “overrun” by refugees. Germany objects to that plan. And both countries have increased the pressure on Italy.


Relations started cooling between Germany and Austria when refugees began to arrive in large numbers last year. The frost was obvious on Friday, when Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere received his new Austrian counterpart, Wolfgang Sobotka, in Potsdam. After further restricting asylum last week, Austria is now preparing border facilities at the Brenner Pass. Germany officially rejects such measures, but Sobotka said it was necessary to prevent the “extreme situation” of Austria’s being “overrun” by refugees. And so, a 400-meter (1,300-foot) fence is being erected in the Brenner valley, the main route north from Italy. Now, 240 police officers are guarding the border there. The fence will be installed so that lock elements can be inserted quickly should refugees again arrive in large numbers, Sobotka said.

Sobotka has publicly estimated that between 200,000 and 1 million refugees are in Libya, waiting to make the journey to Europe across the Mediterranean and northward via Italy. The wide range could not be confirmed; in fact, a representative of the UN’s refugee agency told the German newspaper Bild that about 100,000 refugees are stranded in Libya. Still, both interior ministers want to increase pressure on authorities in Rome. “Whatever happens at the Brenner Pass is first and foremost a matter of urgency in Italy,” de Maiziere said. Both interior ministers have urged the country to step up patrols on the Schengen zone’s internal borders. De Maiziere demanded an end to the “wave-through approach.”

Just Thursday, Sobotka himself visited his counterpart in Rome. Angelino Alfano expressed dismay at the construction of the Brenner barrier. Italian officials consider the step unacceptable, especially with regard to the damage it would cause to tourism and the economy in both countries. In a TV interview, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said Austria’s plan went “against history, logic and the future.”

Austria’s national ‘emergency’

On Wednesday, Austria’s parliament adopted laws to increase asylum restrictions. So in the future, the Alpine republic can declare a national “emergency” and subsequently refuse the majority of refugees at the border. Under the new law, such an “emergency” would initially last for six months and could be extended to up to two years. Only asylum applicants who could be subjected to torture in their home countries would be treated differently. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sharply criticized Austrian politicians for restricting asylum. “I am alarmed by the growing xenophobia here,” he said in an address to the parliament Thursday.

The restrictions are motivated by the rise of the right-wing populist Freedom Party, whose candidate Norbert Hofer managed to win the first round of the presidential election last week, vanquishing the establishment candidates and forcing a runoff with Alexander Van der Bellen, of the Greens. The right-wing populists have celebrated one success after the other.

De Maiziere and Sobotka seemed to find their way back to the path of conciliation by the end of their meeting. The disagreements that had ensued from the closure of the Balkan land route used by refugees last year were “settled” for once and for all. Sobotka promised de Maiziere that Austria would not take any more unilateral action. He said it was “very, very clear” that the nations involved must cooperate at the European level.


Reuters. 2016-04-24. Austrian police clash with Italians protesting Brenner border checks

Austrian police used batons and pepper spray to repel Italian marchers who were protesting on Sunday against plans for tighter anti-migrant checks at the Alpine Brenner Pass border.

Scuffles broke out when several hundred protesters, including some leftist politicians, tried to breach police barriers at the border where Austria has said it will toughen controls in response to unprecedented migrant flows into Europe.

The marchers wore orange life jackets in a sign of solidarity with the thousands of African and Asian migrants who have drowned trying to cross the Mediterranean, and brandished a large banner with the slogan ‘People Over Borders.’

One demonstrator was arrested, prompting a sit-down protest in front of the police lines by fellow marchers demanding his release, but no injuries were reported.

Austria said this month it would introduce tougher controls at the pass from June 1 at the latest. Italy says the plan breaches EU rules on the free movement of people.

The EU said last week it was assessing the complaint.

The Brenner Pass is the most important Alpine crossing for heavy goods traffic and the controls, if introduced, would slow Italy’s main transport link to Germany, its top trading partner.

However, the protesters on Sunday were driven by humanitarian concerns over migrants fleeing war and hunger in the Middle East and Africa, not commercial ones.

They carried symbolic, purple “World Passports” and chanted slogans against the deportation of migrants.

A similar demonstration at the Brenner Pass on April 3 resulted in more serious clashes, in which two Austrian police officers were injured.

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