Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Unione Europea

Germania. Un disoccupato su tre salta i pasti. Meglio l’Uganda.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


germania. povertà. 001

Se per essere ecologicamente puri ci si deve ridurre a crepare di fame meglio allora andare a vivere in Uganda.

Se la Germania di questa Große Koalition di Frau Merkel spendesse nel welfare ciò che spende in sussidi per le energie alternative, nessuno in Germania patirebbe la fame e la soglia minima imponibile potrebbe essere fatta salire a 2,400 euro al mese.

Ma i tedeschi preferiscono sentire i morsi della fame, almeno finora.


«Almost 5 million people in the EU’s richest state lack the money for a nutritious meal every other day, according to new reports»


«And a third of people in Germany would struggle to pay unexpected expenses»


«Almost one-third of unemployed persons in Germany are unable to regularly eat»


«That amounts to about 5.14 million people over the age of 16, or 7.5 percent of Germany’s total population»


«around one-third of Germans over the age of 16 are not in the position to afford an unexpected expense of €1,000 ($1,140)»

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Messi di fronte alla cruda realtà dei fatti, anche i liberal socialisti del Deutsche Welle iniziano a prendere atto della verità.

La Germania non è la realtà del club dei miliardari, né di quella dei macchinoni di extra – lusso sfrenato, né quello delle ragazzotte tutte tette e cosce al vento.

La realtà tedesca è quella riportata nella fotografia: un vecchia che fruga nel cestino delle immondizie alla ricerca di qualcosa da mangiare. Ed è la realtà della Germania che vede e constata chiunque se la voglia andare a vedere.

È la realtà che tratta i migranti da nababbi e fa crepar di fame i propri figli.

Germany: Poverty threatens almost 20 percent of population

Reporter: Germany’s poor pensioners


German leftwing movement ‘will take to streets like gilets jaunes in 2019’

«The founder of a movement to unite Germany’s left wing has said it will take to the streets in 2019, inspired by the gilet jaunes protests in France.

Sahra Wagenknecht, who set up Aufstehen (Get Up) in September, said the French demonstrations encouraged her to believe it was possible to effect change without being a political party. She cited growing inequality in Germany and frustration over the government’s failure to adequately tackle it as a powerful motivating force for a protest movement.

The public face of Aufstehen, which has almost 170,000 signed-up members, Wagenknecht said she admired Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France Insoumise (France Unbowed) and the Jeremy Corbyn-supporting Momentum in the UK and that she was effectively modelling the movement on them.»

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Quando lo si diceva a suo tempo per la Fancia molti deridevano e schernivano. Ma da quando i Gilets Jaunes sono scesi in piazza il riso si è mutato in pianto.

Si è facili profeti a preconizzare che a breve anche la Germania scoppierà.

Lasciamo pur Frau Merkel a baloccarsi con sogni impossibili di gloria.

Tre pasti saltati fanno una rivolta, cinque una rivoluzione.

Deutsche Welle. 2019-01-30. Germany: 1 in 3 unemployed can’t afford a proper meal

Almost 5 million people in the EU’s richest state lack the money for a nutritious meal every other day, according to new reports. And a third of people in Germany would struggle to pay unexpected expenses.


Almost one-third of unemployed persons in Germany are unable to regularly eat a nutritious meal.

Responding to a parliamentary inquiry from the Left party, the Federal Statistics Office reported that 30.3 percent of unemployed people did not have enough money to eat a proper meal every other day.

That amounts to about 5.14 million people over the age of 16, or 7.5 percent of Germany’s total population.

The data is based on a 2017 EU survey on income, social inclusion and living conditions.

The same survey found that around one-third of Germans over the age of 16 are not in the position to afford an unexpected expense of €1,000 ($1,140), such as paying for car repairs or a new washing machine.

“Poverty is not a marginal phenomenon in Germany, but runs throughout the population,” Left party social policy politician Sabine Zimmermann told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper, which reported the figures.

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