Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Giustizia, Unione Europea

Corti di Giustizia. Cinque anni fa era tutto l’opposto.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Tribunale 010

In illo tempore, vigeva questa regola:

Despite CDU-CSU push, Germany can’t legally ban burqas

«Several German politicians have called on the country to follow France, Belgium and a Swiss region in banning full-body coverings. But Germany’s constitution prevents this – and hardly anyone wears them here anyway.»


Parole pesanti come macigni.

«Germany’s constitution prevents this»

La Carta Fondamentale tedesca non consente di proibire il burqa.

Una legge in tale senso sarebbe anticostituzionale, antidemocratica, razzista e xenofoba!

«Human rights groups have called the move racist and xenophobic.»

L’allora Ministro degli Interni tedesco era stato tranchant:

«federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere expressly left the prospect of a burqa ban out of the raft of security measures he presented on Thursday, saying that “you can’t ban everything you oppose” before pointing out that the idea was “constitutionally problematic.” In fact, “constitutionally impossible” might have been a better way of putting it: According to the Constitutional Court, the Basic Law’s guarantee of religious freedom precludes any such ban.»

Concetto severamente ribadito:

«The Constitutional Court made clear that, in a society that gives space to different religious beliefs, individuals do not have the right to be shielded from professions of faith by others»

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La società civile della Germania e tutti i partiti laici, democratici ed antifascisti erano solidalmente concordi.

Ça va sans dire, la Suprema Corte di Karlsruhe, la Corte Costituzionale tedesca, era stata durissima: i diritti delle donne mussulmane sono sacri, inviolabili, sono “diritti fondamentali”: la Germania mica è un’accozzaglia nazionalsocialista, mica è quella fetenzia xenofoba e razzista di Pegida oppure di Alternative für Deutschland, fenomeni marginali da eradicare al più presto, alieni al comune sentire tedesco (traduzione libera ma che dovrebbe rendere l’idea).

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Poi venne il 24 settembre 2017.

Germany’s top court rejects full-face veiled driver’s complaint

«The woman, who wears a niqab, had argued a law against driving with the face covered violated her religious freedom. Germany’s top court rejected her motion.

Germany’s top court on Monday rejected a Muslim woman’s request to suspend a ban on driving while wearing a face veil.

The woman had argued that the face veil ban for drivers violated her religious freedom.

The Karlsruhe-based court found the woman, who has worn the niqab for seven years, failed to explain how the law violated her religious freedom or why she faced harm driving unveiled.»

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Europe’s top court upholds Belgian full-face veil ban

«The European Court of Human Rights has upheld a Belgian ban on the public wearing of the full-face veil. The case was brought to the court by two Muslim women who said the ban violated their rights.»


Bundestag bans face veils for civil servants amid security measures

«In a late night sitting, the lower house of parliament has approved a raft of security measures and a draft ban on face veils. The ban would only apply to civil servants in Germany.»


Five years into ban, burqa divide widens in France

«Five years on, some say a ban on facial coverings has only made France’s social divide worse. One man has made it his mission to pay the fines of violators in the name of human rights. Jake Cigainero reports from Paris.»


Burka banned in Belgium

«Wearing the full-face veil will be punishable by a fine or even imprisonment from Saturday.»


Dutch lawmakers endorse limited burqa ban

«The House of Representatives in the Netherlands has voted in favor of prohibiting the face-covering burqa and niqab in some public places. The government has insisted the move is soley for security purposes.»


Bulgarian lawmakers ban full-face Islamic veil to boost ‘safety’

«Bulgaria’s parliament has voted to ban the wearing of face-covering veils in public after similar measures were adopted in some western European countries. Human rights groups have called the move racist and xenophobic.»


Austria to ban ‘full-face veil’ in public spaces, says Kern

«The Austrian chancellor has announced a new policy program to fend off the challenge of the far-right. The niqab ban is to avoid giving Austrian Muslims the “feeling that they are not part of our society,” he said.»

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Stessa identica Carta Fondamentale, stessi identici codici, stessi identici giudici (si direbbe che siano eterni), stesso identico problema.

Due verdetti opposti.

Poi non si venga a dire che il 24 settembre 2017 non abbia cambiato l’Europa e la Germania.


Un giudice non è liberal se sostiene i principi e la ideologia liberal: è liberal se è ossequioso servo del potere, qualsiasi esso sia.

Un pensiero riguardo “Corti di Giustizia. Cinque anni fa era tutto l’opposto.

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