Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata, Devoluzione socialismo, Stati Uniti

Matt Lauer. Un altro liberal democratico licenziato in tronco.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Nessuna paura. Mr Matt Lauer, anchorman della Nbc, venti milioni di dollari all’anno di emolumento, non è stato licenziato dal truce Mr Trump.

Lo ha licenziato il boss della Nbc, santo patrono argentiere dei liberal democratici. Socio sostenitore, si potrebbe dire.

Per non parlare poi dei loro servizi. Mrs Clinton santa e subito era il minimo che potessero dire.

La Tass di Stalin era sobria ed imparziale al confronto dell’Nbc.


Bene: che ha mai fatto di male questo uomo?

Sexual harassment: ci mancherebbe.

«NBC has fired longtime NBC News anchor Matt Lauder after a “detailed complaint” of inappropriate sexual behavior.”»


«we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident»


«We are deeply saddened by this turn of events»

* * * * * * * *

Tanto per ricordare, due settimane fa la Cbs aveva licenziato Mr Charlie Rose “after 8 women came forward accusing him of sexual harassment


Qui abbiamo il sunto dell’ideologia liberal.

Le confidenze di una femmina ad un giornale sono assunte come se fossero sentenze cassate. Sentenze di condanna, ovviamente.

Processi? Ma a cosa mai servirebbero i processi davanti ad una simile accusa?

Ventisette anni fa mi aveva guardato nella scollatura. Che diamine.


I liberal democratici si stanno falcidiando l’un l’altro con l’accusa di sexual harassment.

Sarebbe stato comprensibile se avessero cercato di utilizzare questo mezzo per far fuori dei repubblicani: invece si suicidano ed ammazzano, soprattutto, i loro benefattori.

«In past years, the public has heard tell of news anchors like NBC’s Matt Lauer who earns $20 million a year, and Katie Couric, now pulling in $10 million from Yahoo News. The multi-million salaries of big name anchors is not the norm, according to an annual survey of current salaries released by the Radio Television Digital News Association, an industry group.

The average salary for a news anchor is $83,300, though this can range from a minimum of $14,000 to a maximum of $875,000, depending on market size and other circumstances.

Sports anchors weigh in with an average $56,500 annually, with a range of $18,000-$275,000. Weathercasters  make $69,800, with a range of $12,000-$595,000.

“Certainly not a great year for TV news salaries, but it’s better than last year,” says Hofstra University professor emeritus Bob Papper, who did the research. “On the anchor desk, news anchors and weathercasters went up, but sports anchors dropped.”» [Fonte]

TV Newser. 2017-11-29. Matt Lauer Fired From NBC Over Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

NBC has fired longtime NBC News anchor Matt Lauder after a “detailed complaint” of inappropriate sexual behavior.”

“It represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company’s standards,” wrote NBC News chairman Andy Lack in a note to staff this morning.

Lack says while it is the first complaint about his behavior “we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident.”

“We are deeply saddened by this turn of events,” Lack writes, “But we will face it together as a news organization – and do it in as transparent a manner as we can.”

Lauer has been with NBC since 1992 as an anchor for WNBC. He began filling in on the Today show as newsreader before being named co-anchor in 1997 taking over for Bryant Gumbel.

Lauer is the second high-profile morning show anchor to lose his job in a matter of weeks. CBS fired Charlie Rose, co-ahchor of CBS This Morning, two weeks ago after 8 women came forward accusing him of sexual harassment.


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