Pubblicato in: Demografia, Devoluzione socialismo, Unione Europea

Ungheria. Orban vara misure per nascite e famiglie.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Budapest 001

Come peraltro molti altri paesi occidentali, l’Ungheria soffre due problemi strategicamente severi:

– denatalità, con tasso di fertilità a 1.45;

– emigrazione causata dalla pregressa situazione economica.

Il risultato è un calo della popolazione con un netto incremento del rapporto vecchi / giovani.

L’immigrazione non è un rimedio, anche se è stata assunta a livello di credo religioso da parte dei liberal socialisti.

Immigration ‘not a human right’: Hungary FM on EU criticism [Aljazeera]

«In an unprecedented move against a member state, the European Parliament has triggered Article 7 of the EU’s governing treaty intended to protect its core principles: human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including minority rights.

The EU accuses the Hungarian government led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban of breaching those values by passing anti-refugee laws, manipulating the media, disregarding government corruption and removing independent judges.»

Si noti come il termine “EU accuses” dovrebbe essere tradotto nel fatto che è l’attuale eurodirigenza che accusa. Ma a maggio questa se ne tornerà a casa sua.

Operazione difficile il supporto alle famiglie, dato l’ancora persistere della mentalità liberal che inneggia il controllo delle nascite, l’aborto, la visione della femmina che si realizzerebbe esclusivamente nel lavoro, nonché una sostanziale avversione al concetto stesso di famiglia. Una cultura di morte.

L’unico rimedio noto alle crisi demografiche è riprendere a fare figli.

«Hungarian women with four children or more will be exempted for life from paying income tax»


«It was a way of defending Hungary’s future without depending on immigration»


«young couples will be offered interest-free loans of 10 million forint ($36,000), to be cancelled once they have three children»


«A pledge to create 21,000 nursery places over the next three years»


«An extra $2.5bn to be spent on the country’s healthcare system»


«Housing subsidies»


«State support for those buying seven-seat vehicles»


«Hungarian people think differently, …. We do not need numbers. We need Hungarian children»


«Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban launched his European elections campaign on Sunday, calling on voters to defend “Christian” nations against immigration»

* * * * * * *

Prendiamo atto con piacere che Mr Orban abbia potuto mettere in essere una serie di provvedimenti a favore e tutela della famiglia e della maternità. Questo è uno dei tanti segni della devoluzione dell’ideologia liberal.

Non possiamo fare a meno di notare però come il supporto finanziario alla famiglia ed alla prole sia soltanto una parte dell’impresa testé iniziata.

Occorre ritornare appieno al retaggio religioso, storico, culturale e sociale delle nostre nazioni. Occorre smantellare, con calma ma con fermezza, tutta la dottrina giuridica liberal in materia, dalle leggi sulla separazione e sul divorzio, fino all’abrogazione delle leggi sull’aborto. Ci vorrà ancora un po’ di tempo, ma la strada è questa. La famiglia deve essere difesa allo strenuo.

Sì: l’Occidente è cristiano ed è anche orgoglioso di esserlo.

Bbc. 2019-02-11. Hungary tries for baby boom with tax breaks and loan forgiveness

Hungarian women with four children or more will be exempted for life from paying income tax, the prime minister has said, unveiling plans designed to boost the number of babies being born.

It was a way of defending Hungary’s future without depending on immigration, Viktor Orban said.

The right-wing nationalist particularly opposes immigration by Muslims.

Hungary’s population is falling by 32,000 a year, and women there have fewer children than the EU average.

As part of the measures, young couples will be offered interest-free loans of 10 million forint ($36,000), to be cancelled once they have three children.

Mr Orban said that “for the West”, the answer to falling birth rates in Europe was immigration: “For every missing child there should be one coming in and then the numbers will be fine.

“Hungarian people think differently,” he said. “We do not need numbers. We need Hungarian children.”

While Mr Orban was delivering his state of the nation address, the latest demonstrations were being held in Budapest against his government’s policies.

Correspondents say the biggest applause during his speech was for his announcement of a seven-point plan to increase the fertility rate.

Other points in the government’s plan include:

A pledge to create 21,000 nursery places over the next three years

An extra $2.5bn to be spent on the country’s healthcare system

Housing subsidies

State support for those buying seven-seat vehicles

‘Remarkable’ decline in fertility rates

Why is IVF so popular in Denmark?

‘Why I never want babies’

‘I’m not having children because I want to save the planet’

Mr Orban finished his speech with: “Long live Hungary and long live the Hungarians!”

The average number of children a Hungarian woman will have in her lifetime (fertility rate) is 1.45. This puts the country below the EU average of 1.58.

France has the highest fertility rate in the EU – 1.96 – and Spain the lowest at 1.33.

Niger in West Africa has the highest fertility rate in the world, with 7.24 children per woman.

Aljazeera. 2019-02-11. Hungary’s Orban vows defence of ‘Christian’ Europe

Prime Minister Viktor Orban also announces raft of measures intended to address Hungary’s declining population.


Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban launched his European elections campaign on Sunday, calling on voters to defend “Christian” nations against immigration, which he said led to the “virus of terrorism”.

Delivering a “state of the nation” speech in the capital, Budapest, Orban also announced a seven-point package of tax breaks and subsidies to encourage families to have more children – a move he called “Hungary’s answer” to its falling population, instead of increasing immigration.

The benefits include a lifetime personal income-tax exemption for women who give birth to and raise at least four children and a subsidy of 2.5 million forints ($8,825) towards the purchase of a seven-seat vehicle for families with three or more children.

A low-interest loan of 10 million forints ($35,300) for women under the age of 40 who are marrying for the first time will also be introduced.

Orban, who has made “zero tolerance” for immigration his main theme over the past four years and was elected to a third consecutive term as prime minister in April of last year, also said May’s elections for the European Parliament were an “historic crossroads” for Europe.

He framed the vote as a choice between the “new internationalism” of pro-migration Brussels bureaucrats under the sway of “money men”, such as liberal US billionaire George Soros, and sovereign nation-states defending tradition and Christianity.

He also warned against voting for pro-immigration parties.

Those who “decide for immigration and migrants for whatever reason, in reality, are creating mixed-race nations”, he said.

‘We want Hungarian babies’

Referring several times to Hungary’s abandoning of communism in 1989, he said Hungarians were again confronted with “those who would wipe out our traditions and nation states”.

He added: “Historic traditions in immigrant countries come to an end … in such countries Christian-Muslim worlds are created with continually shrinking Christian proportions.”

Orban, who has emerged as a self-styled “illiberal” figurehead for nationalist politicians in Europe, added that “immigration brings increased crime, especially crimes against women, and lets in the virus of terrorism”.

Announcing his seven-point programme, Orban ruled out any move to tackle Europe’s declining birth numbers with higher immigration as “capitulation”.

“We don’t just want numbers, we want Hungarian babies,” he said.

Hungary’s population has fallen below 10 million in recent years and it has one of the lowest fertility rates in the OECD. An estimated 500,000 Hungarians, meanwhile, have emigrated to Western Europe since it joined the European Union in 2004.

Several hundred members and supporters of Hungary’s main opposition parties held an anti-Orban rally in Budapest following the Hungarian leader’s speech.

The event also was aimed at protesting against recent heavy fines the state audit office imposed on several opposition parties.

Opposition leaders allege the fines, which cannot be challenged in Hungarian courts, are politically motivated and intended to hinder their campaigns for the European Parliament and municipal elections in Hungary later this year.

Pubblicato in: Demografia, Stati Uniti

USA. Demografia. Risvolti sociali e politici.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



A tutto il novembre 2018 gli Stati Uniti avevano 328,963,020 cittadini.

Gli ispanici assommavano a 54,232,205 individui, 16.49% della popolazione.

Gli ispanici presentano 899,000 nascite sul totale di 3,855,500 bambini nati, ossia il 23.32%.


Questi dati sono inequivocabili.

La popolazione americana ispanica ha un numero di nascite sette punti percentuali circa maggiore di quello della popolazione bianca, per cui la sua incidenza percentuale sulla popolazione totale è destinata a crescere rapidamente nel tempo.



Se è cosa ovvia che i cittadini ispanici siano tali a tutti gli effetti, altrettanto evidente è il fatto che il loro modo di vivere e concepire la realtà risente in modo sensibile della propria origine, come peraltro è giusto che sia.

«More than half of the nation’s Hispanic baby births came from just three states: California, Texas and Florida.»

Midterm. Voto stratificato per gruppi etnici.

Ci si prepari quindi a vedere nel tempo una sempre maggiore ispanizzazione degli Stati Uniti, con una corrispettiva riduzione della popolazione bianca, di discendenza puritana e luterana. Con le logiche conseguenze sociali e politiche ampiamente riportate nella pubblicazione sulla stratificazione del voto.

Bloomberg. 2019-01-10. Without Migration, U.S. Population in 48 States Would Shrink

– S. Dakota, Utah are only states with needed replacement rate

– White children were minority in 13 U.S. states plus DC in 2017


White children were a minority among births in 13 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, according to 2017 data released by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In Hawaii, less than 1 in 5 children were born to, non-Hispanic, single-race white mothers; while in New Mexico, California, Texas as well as Washington DC fewer than one third of child births were.

In New Mexico, the majority of children were born to Hispanic mothers with about two Hispanic children born for each white, non-Hispanic child. At the other extreme, in Maine, West Virginia and Vermont more than 40 white children were born for every Hispanic child.

Overall, 3,855,500 children were born in the U.S. in 2017.

California leads all states with 471,658 births, followed by Texas, New York and Florida.

South Dakota and Utah, were the only states with fertility rates above that of replacement level — an equilibrium of flat population growth achieved by new birth only, without migration. In other words, the population of the remaining 48 states plus the District of Columbia would have shrunken without either domestic or international migration. South Dakota had the highest overall total fertility rate in the United States (2,227.5 births per 1,000 women).

In the majority of states, Hispanic births outpaced non-Hispanic black births. Overall, about one-third of a million more Hispanic children were born compared to black kids in 2017. More than half of the nation’s Hispanic baby births came from just three states: California, Texas and Florida.

However, births of black babies outpaced Hispanic ones by more than a 3 to 1 margin in Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Ohio, the nation’s capitol as well as Mississippi, where ten black babies were born for every Hispanic one, the highest relative comparison.

Pubblicato in: Demografia

America. I numeri della mutazione in atto.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Il Pew Research Center ha recentemente rilasciato un interessante studio sulla popolazione degli Stati Uniti:

Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States


Lo studio è lungo e complesso: ne estraiamo qui solo due Tabelle, la 10 e la 14.


La Tabella 10 mostra come nel 2015 gli Stati Uniti avessero una popolazione totale di 321,418,821 persone, delle quali 278,260,711 nate negli Usa e 43,158,110 nate in paesi esteri.

La Tabella 14 invece ci indica che nel 2015 il numero totale di donne che hanno avuto un figlio è 3,865,360, essendo 3,106,614 quelle nate negli Stati Uniti e 761,746 quelle nate in paesi esteri.


Adesso calcoliamo tre semplici percentuali.

100 * 3,865,360 / 321,418,821 = 1.20%

100 * 3,106,614 / 278,260,711 = 1.12%

100 * 761,746 / 43,158,110 = 1.77%.


Se sul totale della popolazione americana l’1.20% delle donne ha avuto un figlio, la percentuale nella popolazione nata negli Stati Uniti è 1.12% e quella nella popolazione nata all’estero è 1.77%.


È evidente come le donne straniere abbiano una prolificità ben maggiore rispetto a quelle delle donne autoctone.

Il risultato sarebbe stato ben più severo se invece di aver ripartito la popolazione per nazione di nascita la si fosse ripartita per ascendenza.

In conclusione. La popolazione yankee sta avviandosi al declino sostenuto dalla carenza di nascite.

Le implicanze sociali, economiche e politiche dovrebbero esse auto evidenti.