Pubblicato in: Cina, Economia e Produzione Industriale, Unione Europea

Francia. Alcune regioni invocano la Cina, non Macron. – Bloomberg.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Francia. Hauts-de-France.

«L’Alta Francia (in francese: Hauts-de-France) è una regione della Francia, istituita nel 2016 in seguito alla riforma territoriale dell’anno precedente, che ha accorpato le regioni Nord-Passo di Calais e Piccardia. È suddivisa in cinque dipartimenti e il suo capoluogo è Lilla. Le città principali della regione, oltre a Lilla, sono Amiens e Beauvais.

La regione si estende su una superficie di 31.813 km² e ha una popolazione di poco meno di 6 milioni di abitanti.

È composta dai dipartimenti: Aisne (02), Nord (59), Oise (60), Passo di Calais (62) e Somme (80). Sono inclusi nella regione 145 cantoni e 3838 comuni.

Con la fusione, la regione ha assunto il nome di Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie. Il 14 marzo 2016 è stato votato dal consiglio regionale, con 116 voti favorevoli e 54 contrari, il cambio del nome della regione in Hauts-de-France» [Fonte]

Essendo regione di recente costituzione non sono ancora disponibili dati ufficiali stabili.

Mentre la Regione Île-de-France aveva un pil proprio regionale di 642,258 mld euro a prezzi correnti, l’ Hauts-de-France aveva 150,908, ossia, meno di un quarto.


Molto interessante il profilo politico ed umano di Mr Xavier Bertrand, Presidente della Hauts-de-France.

«Xavier Bertrand (Châlons-en-Champagne, 21 marzo 1965) è un politico francese, deputato, sindaco di Saint-Quentin e presidente della regione degli Hauts-de-France a seguito delle elezioni del 2015.

Xavier Bertrand è massone, membro del Grande Oriente di Francia dal 1995. Tra il 2004 e il 2012, durante la sua permanenza nei governi di Jean-Pierre Raffarin e di François Fillon, afferma aver partecipato solamente a due riunioni come conferenziere, a causa di un’incompatibiltà con le sue funzioni governative. Nel 2012 dà le dimissioni dalla sua loggia e dal Grande Oriente di Francia» [Fonte]

Xavier Bertrand: démission discrète du GODF

«Xavier Bertrand, le tout nouveau président LR de la Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie n’en a fait aucune publicité pendant l’élection régionale si délicate pour lui: il n’est plus membre du GODF.

Contrairement aux supputations de certains, Xavier Bertrand n’a pas caché l’information pour mieux récupérer les voix des socialistes maçons du Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Dès le mois de juin, il avait parlé de sa démission à une journaliste du Point.

La discrétion aura caractérisé son parcours maçonnique, long de 17 années. Comme l’a révélé L’Express en 2008, Xavier Bertrand a été initié le 11 mars 1995 au sein de la Loge Les Fils d’Isis à l’Orient de Tergnier (Aisne). Discrétion, donc, puisque cet atelier se réunit à une petite trentaine de kilomètres de sa ville de Saint-Quentin (Aisne) : il ne voulait pas croiser des politiques alors qu’il allait devenir adjoint au maire.»

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Riportiamo da

Grand Orient de France. 2017-04-13. Sept Obédiences maçonniques lancent un Appel Républicain pour les élections présidentielles – 13 avril 2017.

«Les Obédiences maçonniques signataires de cet Appel rappellent l’importance de la prochaine échéance électorale qui va engager notre pays pour les années qui viennent. Hors de nos territoires le résultat de cette élection sera observé par toutes celles et tous ceux qui se font une certaine idée de la France républicaine, porteuse historique des idéaux de Liberté, d’Egalité et de Fraternité.

Les Obédiences signataires de cet Appel ne donnent aucune consigne de vote. Mais elles tiennent à rappeler solennellement les valeurs et les principes qui doivent unir les énergies de notre peuple en vue du développement du bien commun. ….»


2017-04-14__Sette Obbedienze Massoniche francesi esortano al voto

Il Presidente Macron è espressione della massoneria francese.

Nulla di che ridire, sia chiaro, ma tanto da sapere chi siano i suoi padrini e sodali.

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Alle elezioni regionali del 2015 Mr Xavier Bertrand ha vinto per i Les Républicains con il 57.77% dei voti, contro Mrs Marine le Pen che ha ottenuto il 42.23% dei voti. Mr Xavier Bertrand ha ottenuto 116 seggi mentre Marine le Pen ne ha conseguiti 54.


Ricordiamo di sfuggita quanto sia diverso per un massone essere “in sonno“, ossia essere un massone che non partecipa più ai lavori di loggia, perde i suoi diritti però mantenendo la sua qualità di iniziato e potendo richiedere in seguito di essere riammesso, oppure essersene andato via sbattendo la porta.

È del tutto sequenziale come Mr Macron non veda di buon occhi Mr Bertrand: non solo pericoloso avversario politico, ma soprattutto transfuga dalla massoneria.

Dobbiamo aggiungere ai prolegomeni testé enunciati un ulteriore tassello.

E questa Unione Europea sbatté il grugno contro la Silk Road. Frattura scomposta.

«Twenty-seven of the 28 national EU ambassadors to Beijing have compiled a report that sharply criticizes China’s “Silk Road” project, denouncing it as designed to hamper free trade and put Chinese companies at an advantage. ….

The report, seen by Handelsblatt, said the plan, unveiled in 2013, “runs counter to the EU agenda for liberalizing trade and pushes the balance of power in favor of subsidized Chinese companies. ….

The unusually biting contents, which only Hungary’s ambassador refused to sign, are part of the EU’s preparations for an EU-China summit in July ….

Chinese politicians have been banging the drum for the vast project, officially called “One Belt, One Road”. They’re mobilizing around $1 trillion ….

They warned that European companies could fail to clinch good contracts if China isn’t pushed into adhering to the European principles of transparency in public procurement, as well as environmental and social standards.»

In poche parole. Gli stati dell’Unione Europea, tranne l’Ungheria, pongono come requisito di base che i cinesi adottino la scala valoriale dell’ideologia liberal per far sì che le imprese europee possano partecipare al godimento degli appalti generati da One Belt One Road e finanziati dai cinesi.

«The Chinese refused to incorporate any amendments»


Obor. Progetto cinese su di un terzo del pil mondiale, per ora.

Cina. Sta colonizzando l’Europa dell’Est e l’Unione si strappa i capelli.

Cina. BeiDou. La via digitale della seta. Il dominio del mondo.

Cina. Consolida il suo impero in Africa.

Cina ed Africa. Una politica di rapporti internazionali paritetici.

Hungary is an ideal pillar of the One Belt, One Road initiative

«In mid-May, at the first meeting of the Leaders’ Roundtable Summit in Beijing, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated that the concept of the workfare society makes the Central European countries – including Hungary – ideal pillars for the implementation of the One Belt, One Road initiative. The full transcript of the Prime Minister’s speech was published on Thursday in the newspaper Magyar Krónika.»

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«In the northern French Hauts-de-France region, a traditional stronghold of the protectionist, anti-immigrant National Front, constituents are banking on Beijing rather than Paris to turn around the area’s economic malaise»


«At the helm of the push is Xavier Bertrand, 53, the president of the province — home to 6 million people and the nation’s highest unemployment and poverty rates»


«Bertrand recently returned from a trip to China, where he met with potential investors in his bid to remake Hauts-de-France into a logistics and technology hub»


«The move to boost the economy of the province comes as France and the European Union rethink how equitable China is with its international commerce and whether the Asian nation’s trade expansion poses a security threat to the West»


«I am convinced in the years to come China will prevail as the main economic partner …. Globally, China is my priority»


«He [Xavier Bertrand] has also expressed skepticism toward Berlin and other EU member states in their approach to global commerce»


«The North, with its bygone industrial glory — coal mines, steel works and textile factories — is a tormented region that saw some of the worst battles of the two World Wars»


«Macron talks a lot about his European strategy, but will he be able to convince Merkel?»


«Even the optimistic speeches are hitting the wall of reality»


«The conservative politician has positioned himself as a possible challenger to Emmanuel Macron in 2022 »


Ed il muro della realtà è questo.

International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook (October – 2017)

«Nel 2022 la Cina è proiettata ad un pil ppa di 34,465 miliardi di Usd, gli Stati Uniti di 23,505, e l’India di 15,262 Usd. L’Unione Europea sarà irrilevante»

Bloomberg. 2018-04-20. France’s Poorest Region Looks to China, Not Macron, for Help

– Regional president of Hauts-de-France courts Chinese ventures

– Xavier Bertrand may be positioning for a run against Macron


In the northern French Hauts-de-France region, a traditional stronghold of the protectionist, anti-immigrant National Front, constituents are banking on Beijing rather than Paris to turn around the area’s economic malaise.

At the helm of the push is Xavier Bertrand, 53, the president of the province — home to 6 million people and the nation’s highest unemployment and poverty rates. It’s where the port of Dunkirk faces the U.K. and the European A1 trade thoroughfare from Paris passes by.

Bertrand recently returned from a trip to China, where he met with potential investors in his bid to remake Hauts-de-France into a logistics and technology hub. The move to boost the economy of the province comes as France and the European Union rethink how equitable China is with its international commerce and whether the Asian nation’s trade expansion poses a security threat to the West.

“I am convinced in the years to come China will prevail as the main economic partner,” Bertrand said in a telephone interview. “Globally, China is my priority” for investment in the region, he said.

The German Card

Bertrand became president of the regional council in 2016 as a Republican, siphoning off votes that would have gone to Marine Le Pen’s National Front that year by taking a tough stance on migration. He renounced the party the following year because it was trending too far to the right and created an independent party dubbed “The Factory.”

The conservative politician has positioned himself as a possible challenger to Emmanuel Macron in 2022 and has taken a more conciliatory approach toward China than the French president. He has also expressed skepticism toward Berlin and other EU member states in their approach to global commerce.

Since Germany is Europe’s biggest trading partner with China, “is it playing the European game or is it playing its own card?” Bertrand asked. “Is everyone playing their own interest here?”

With China promoting its “Belt and Road” trade and infrastructure initiative, western countries have warned about Beijing’s intentions as it invests overseas and augments its military. Macron — who warned China’s modern-day “Silk Road” couldn’t go just one way — has advocated that the EU strengthen its defenses in the face of the trade competition, saying the bloc must end its “naive” approach. France’s largest bilateral trade shortfall, 30 billion euros ($36 billion), is with China.

Bertrand traveled this month to Hanghzou, the capital city of the Zhejiang Province in east China, to meet with Alibaba Inc. Chief Executive Officer Daniel Zhang. “Alibaba has a different strategy than Amazon, they’re looking for partnerships,” Bertrand said.

The regional president insists that his China policy isn’t naive, but he sees these investments as a way to boost the economy of Hauts-de-France, which has the lowest gross domestic product per capita in the country. The North, with its bygone industrial glory — coal mines, steel works and textile factories — is a tormented region that saw some of the worst battles of the two World Wars. Bertrand’s goal since taking office has been to turn the north of France into the “logistics industry hub” for continental Europe.

“Macron talks a lot about his European strategy, but will he be able to convince Merkel?” Bertrand said, referring to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “We will see what his powers of persuasion are. Even the optimistic speeches are hitting the wall of reality.”