Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Giustizia

Brasile. Giudice Sergio Moro ordina a Lula di costituirsi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Brazilian Judge Orders Arrest of Former President Lula – Bloomberg

«- Lula has until 5pm Friday to hand himself into authorities

– Moro’s order follows top court ruling rejecting freedom plea


Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva hunkered down at his former union headquarters in the working class suburbs of Sao Paulo to discuss strategy, hours before a court-ordered deadline to turn himself in.

Lula met with leaders of his Workers’ Party and other grass roots movements into the early hours of Friday at the metalworkers union in Sao Bernardo do Campo, where he launched his political career in the late 1970s. At one point he appeared at a window to greet the crowd of supporters that had gathered in the streets, TV images showed.

Hours earlier Federal Judge Sergio Moro issued a warrant for Lula to turn himself in by 5pm on Friday in the southern city of Curitiba to begin serving a 12-year prison sentence for corruption and money-laundering. Lula’s lawyers said they will try to reverse the order. In it, Moro specifically vetoed the use of handcuffs by the arresting officers and wrote that a special detention area had been set aside for the former president.»


Brazil judge orders ex-president Lula jailed by Friday afternoon – Reuters

«Brazilian federal Judge Sergio Moro on Thursday ordered that former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva turn himself in to police by late Friday afternoon to begin serving a 12-year sentence for a corruption conviction, according to a court document.

An appeals court in January upheld Lula’s conviction by Moro for taking bribes from an engineering firm in return for help landing contracts with state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PETR4.SA). The court increased his sentence to 12 years.»


Quando era la sinistra a brandire i tribunali come simbolo ieratico del potere politico tutto ciò che avessero sentenziato i giudici sarebbe sempre stato un qualcosa in odore di santità e giustizia.

Difficile dimenticare le sentenze dei diversi livelli giudiziari brasiliani con le quale fu negata all’Italia la estradizione del pluriomicida brigatista rosso Cesare Battisti, rifugiato politico in Brasile ed ospite particolare dell’allora Presidente Lula.

Adesso che una Corte di Giustizia ha sentenziato dodici anni di carcere a Mr Lula da Silva, questa sentenza non è più giusta come lo sarebbe stata una volta.

Sono giuste le sentenze che condannano gli avversari politici dei socialisti, questo almeno nel loro modo di pensare.

«Se vogliono prenderlo, che vengano a prenderlo qui, in mezzo al suo popolo – ha detto il senatore del Partito dei Lavoratori (Pt) Lindbergh Farias riferendosi alla sede del sindacato -. Lula è innocente, e un innocente non si consegna in quel modo».

Quando erano al potere, e lo esercitavano con spietata ferocia, erano le corti di giustizia a decidere chi fosse innocente o colpevole, assecondando i desiderata del governo: adesso che non sono più al potere è il Partito dei Lavoratori che decide che “Lula è innocente”.

Ma lo strabismo dei liberal e dei socialisti raggiunge la vetta con il titolo della Bbc.

Who is Sergio Moro, the judge making Brazil’s headlines?

«Federal Judge Sergio Moro has attracted …. criticism for his recent actions, which have put some of Brazil’s top political figures in the spotlight».

Ansa. 2018-04-06. Brasile: a Lula ultimatum per costituirsi

 Il giudice Sergio Moro che ha ordinato l’incarcerazione di Lula da Silva ha chiesto all’ex presidente brasiliano di ‘consegnarsi volontariamente’ alla Polizia Federale a Curitiba entro le 17 di oggi (le 22 in Italia).

Lula, tuttavia, potrebbe decidere di non costituirsi e aspettare invece che la polizia lo vada a cercare nella sede del sindacato metallurgico Abc a Sao Bernardo dos Campos, nella periferia di San Paolo. Ieri sera Lula è andato a dormire a casa sua a Sao Bernardo dos Campos, e oggi ritornerà alla sede del sindacato metallurgico.

“Se vogliono prenderlo, che vengano a prenderlo qui, in mezzo al suo popolo – ha detto il senatore del Partito dei Lavoratori (Pt) Lindbergh Farias riferendosi alla sede del sindacato -. Lula è innocente, e un innocente non si consegna in quel modo”.

Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata, Devoluzione socialismo

Brasile. Lula condannato a nove anni e sei mesi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


National Board of the Worker's Party in Brasilia

La devoluzione del socialismo ideologico si è attuata prima in Brasile e poi, via via, negli altri stati.

Reuters dice semplicemente:

«Power Vacuum on Left»


L’opposizione al socialismo ideologico ha preso campo su due fronti.

La lotta ad un’ideologia totalizzante e liberticida, da una parte, la lotta al quella corruzione intrinseca di quella tipologia di partito politico.

Mr Lula è un esempio paradigmatico.

Tracotante quando era al potere – chi non lo ricorda quando accolse il pluriomicida Mr Cesare Battisti, rifiutando l’estradizione in Italia? – tremante quando si è trovato di fronte ad un tribunale.


E siamo solo agli inizi.

Tutti gli esponenti liberals ed i socialisti ideologici devono finire di fronte a dei tribunali che li giudicheranno e li condanneranno. Ed il partito liberal, socialista in Europa, deve essere messo fuori legge, come il comunismo.

Ansa. 2017-07-13. Brasile: Lula condannato in primo grado

RIO DE JANEIRO, 12 LUG – L’ex presidente brasiliano, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, è stato condannato in primo grado per corruzione in uno dei processi dell’inchiesta Lava Jato – la Mani Pulite locale – nei quali era imputato. La sentenza, emessa dal giudice Sergio Moro – pubblico ministero di Curitiba – prevede una pena di nove anni e sei mesi di reclusione.
Lula è stato ritenuto colpevole di aver ricevuto tangenti pari a 3,7 milioni reais (poco più di un milione di euro) – in parte riciclati nella ristrutturazione di un attico di lusso a Guarujà, sul litorale di San Paolo – per via di tre contratti stipulati tra l’impresa di costruzioni OAS e il colosso statale del petrolio, Petrobras.

Reuters. 2017-07-13. Ex-Brazil President Lula sentenced to nearly 10 years for corruption

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Former Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a top contender to win next year’s presidential election, was convicted on corruption charges on Wednesday and sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison.

The ruling marked a stunning fall for Lula, who will remain free on appeal, and a serious blow to his chances of a political comeback.

Lula was Brazil’s first working-class president and remains a popular figure among voters after he left office six years ago with an 83-percent approval rating. The former union leader won global admiration for transformative social policies that helped reduce stinging inequality in Latin America’s biggest country.

The verdict represented the highest-profile conviction yet in the sweeping corruption investigation that for over three years has rattled Brazil, revealing a sprawling system of graft at top levels of business and government and throwing the country’s political system into disarray.

Judge Sergio Moro found Lula guilty of accepting 3.7 million reais ($1.2 million) worth of bribes from engineering firm OAS SA, the amount prosecutors said the company spent refurbishing a beach apartment for Lula in return for his help winning contracts with state oil company Petroleo Brasileiro (PETR4.SA).

Federal prosecutors have accused Lula, who first took the presidency in 2003, of masterminding a long-running corruption scheme that was uncovered in a probe into kickbacks around Petrobras.

Lula’s legal team has previously said they would appeal any guilty ruling. They have continuously blasted the trial as a partisan witchhunt, accusing Moro of being biased and out to get Lula for political reasons.

Moro has denied the accusations.

Lula’s lawyers did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Senator Gleisi Hoffmann, the head of the Workers Party, lashed out at the ruling, saying Lula was convicted to prevent him from running for the presidency next year. She said the party would protest the decision and was confident the ruling would be overturned on appeal.

The Brazilian real BRBY extended gains following Moro’s decision and reached its strongest in two months. The benchmark Bovespa stock index .BVSP rose to a session high. Investors fear that another Lula presidency would mean a return to more state-directed and less business friendly economic policies.

“Power Vacuum on Left”

Lula would be barred from office if his guilty verdict is upheld by an appeals court, which is expected to take at least eight months to rule.

If he cannot run, political analysts say Brazil’s left would be thrown into disarray, forced to rebuild and somehow find a leader who can emerge from the immense shadow that Lula has cast on Brazilian politics for three decades.

“Lula’s absence opens a gaping hole in the political scene, it creates an enormous power vacuum on the left,” said Claudio Couto, a political scientist at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, a top university. “We have now entered a situation of extreme political tension, even beyond the chaos we have been living for the last year.”

Couto said he expected Lula’s guilty verdict to be upheld by the appeals court. That would leave the 2018 presidential race wide open and raise chances of a victory by a political outsider, given most known contenders are also ensnared in Brazil’s corruption investigations.

Boom to Bust

Lula’s two-terms were marked by a commodity boom that momentarily made Brazil one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. His ambitious foreign policies, aligning Brazil with other big developing nations, raised the country’s profile on the global stage.

With Lula’s swagger setting the tone, Brazil sought to shrug off northern economic and political hegemony and engage in global problems, like Middle East peace and the standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama once labeled him the most popular politician on earth.

But upon leaving office and managing to get his hand-selected successor Dilma Rousseff elected, Brazil’s economy soured, with the nation just now beginning to emerge from its worst recession on record.

Rousseff was impeached last year for breaking budgetary rules. She and her backers say her ouster was actually a ‘coup’ orchestrated by her vice president and now President Michel Temer, who himself faces corruption charges.

During his trial, Lula gave five hours of fiery and defiant defense, proclaiming his innocence and saying that it was politics and not the pilfering of public funds that put him on trial.

“But what is happening is not getting me down, just motivating me to go out and talk more,” Lula said in his testimony. “I will keep fighting.”