Pubblicato in: Armamenti, Devoluzione socialismo, Geopolitica Mondiale, Russia

Il Signor Presidente Putin è ad un passo dalla vittoria in Ukraina. – Financial Times.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Putin e Leader Europei annientati 001

L’asse della prudenza dell’Occidente rischia una vittoria del Cremlino in Ucraina.

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                         L’asse della prudenza dell’Occidente rischia una vittoria del Cremlino per difetto in Ucraina. Gli europei giapponesi hanno particolarmente bisogno che Kyiv vinca e Mosca perda, e di solito ritengono che l’alleanza transatlantica debba fare tutto il necessario per aiutare l’Ucraina a respingere gli aggressori nel più breve tempo e nel modo più completo possibile. Tuttavia, molti europei occidentali temono che sostenere una spinta troppo forte da parte di Kiev verso le forze del Cremlino possa innescare un’escalation nucleare, una guerra tra la Russia e la Nato o una frattura irreparabile tra l’alleanza e il sud del mondo. Questa convinzione è fermamente condivisa dal presidente francese Emmanuel Macron, dal cancelliere tedesco Olaf Scholz e, soprattutto, dal presidente statunitense Joe Biden.

                         Gli Stati Uniti, che hanno fornito all’Ucraina circa 20 miliardi di dollari in aiuti navali dall’inizio della guerra, hanno rifiutato di offrirle aerei, carri armati o missili ATACMS a lungo raggio. Ma alla luce del continuo attacco della Russia alle infrastrutture civili ucraine, Washington dovrebbe ora annunciare la fornitura del sistema di difesa terra-aria Patriots a più lungo raggio, a cui aveva a lungo resistito. La Germania ha fornito a Kiev obici, armi antiaeree Gepard e il nuovo sistema di difesa aerea Iris-T, ma si rifiuta di fornire i carri armati Leopard che le autorità di Volodymyr Zelenskyy hanno chiesto.

                         Come risultato, le ondate di attacchi russi con droni e missili continuano ad arrivare, le peggiori dall’inizio dell’invasione. Se a Kiev vengono negati i mezzi per contrastarli, i suoi alleati minacciano la sconfitta dell’Ucraina, il disordine occidentale e una vittoria russa per default. Le entrate andrebbero alla Cina. E se, in altre parole, dovessimo prendere il dittatore russo, come il suo ammiratore Donald Trump, in modo critico e concreto?.

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«The west’s axis of prudence risks a Kremlin victory by default in Ukraine. Jap Europeans particularly need Kyiv to win and Moscow to lose, they usually consider the transatlantic alliance ought to do no matter it takes to assist Ukraine repel the aggressors as shortly and fully as potential. However many western Europeans fear that supporting too-forceful a push by Kyiv towards the Kremlin’s forces may set off a nuclear escalation, a warfare between Russia and Nato or an irreparable rift between the alliance and the worldwide south. That conviction is firmly shared by French president Emmanuel Macron, German chancellor Olaf Scholz and, crucially, US president Joe Biden»

«The US, which has given Ukraine about $20bn in navy assist because the starting of the warfare, has declined to offer it with plane, tanks or long-range ATACMS missiles. But in the sunshine of Russia’s sustained onslaught on Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure, Washington is now anticipated to announce a supply of the longer-range Patriots surface-to-air defence system, which it had lengthy resisted. Germany has given Kyiv howitzers, Gepard anti-aircraft weapons and the model new Iris-T air defence system, nevertheless it refuses to ship the Leopard tanks Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s authorities has been asking for.»

«As a result of the waves of Russian drone and missile strikes maintain coming, the worst because the starting of the invasion. If Kyiv is denied the means to counter it, its allies threat Ukraine’s defeat, western disarray and a Russian victory by default. Its revenue would go to China. What if, in different phrases, we have to take the Russian dictator, like his admirer Donald Trump, each critically and actually?»

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The west’s axis of prudence risks a Kremlin victory by default in Ukraine

As 2022 ends and western leaders ponder coming challenges, few questions are as globally consequential as what to do about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s relentless marketing campaign to bomb the nation into darkish, chilly distress amid warnings of Kremlin preparations for a reorganised floor offensive provides each navy and ethical urgency to the difficulty.

Jap Europeans particularly need Kyiv to win and Moscow to lose, they usually consider the transatlantic alliance ought to do no matter it takes to assist Ukraine repel the aggressors as shortly and fully as potential. They’ve dedicated allies in excessive locations in the US authorities in addition to among the many leaders of Germany’s Greens. 

However many western Europeans fear that supporting too-forceful a push by Kyiv towards the Kremlin’s forces may set off a nuclear escalation, a warfare between Russia and Nato or an irreparable rift between the alliance and the worldwide south. That conviction is firmly shared by French president Emmanuel Macron, German chancellor Olaf Scholz and, crucially, US president Joe Biden. Their line — name it the realists’ Axis of Prudence — has, thus far, imposed itself. 

Think about what Biden’s nationwide safety adviser Jake Sullivan, a grasp of calibrated circumspection, stated to a Washington viewers final week: “We don’t know the place that is going to finish up. What we do know is that it’s our job to proceed to maintain our navy assist to Ukraine, so that they’re in the very best place on the battlefield, in order that if and when diplomacy is correct, they are going to be in the very best place on the negotiating desk.” 

Scholz — who intones the components “decisive but prudent” in interviews like a name signal — instructed a German newspaper that “our objective is that Russia ends its warfare of aggression and Ukraine defends its integrity”. Notably, each of these articulations are fastidiously ambiguous about how the warfare ought to finish or what a sustainable peace would appear like.

The US, which has given Ukraine about $20bn in navy assist because the starting of the warfare, has declined to offer it with plane, tanks or long-range ATACMS missiles. But in the sunshine of Russia’s sustained onslaught on Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure, Washington is now anticipated to announce a supply of the longer-range Patriots surface-to-air defence system, which it had lengthy resisted. Germany has given Kyiv howitzers, Gepard anti-aircraft weapons and the model new Iris-T air defence system, nevertheless it refuses to ship the Leopard tanks Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s authorities has been asking for.

However who is correct? The advocates of victory for Ukraine and defeat for Russia? Or those that are seemingly keen to ponder a battlefield stalemate for the sake of stopping escalation, in the hope that this may finally result in a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement?

Prudence in a democratic chief is not only a advantage however a accountability. What’s debatable is whether or not the calculus of containing the battle in Ukraine is definitely prudent. Or whether or not it’s working.

Putin has not used substrategic nuclear weapons — not even after his troops’ rout from Kherson. Each the US and the Chinese language have left little doubt that performing on his repeated threats would have stark penalties.

However to see this as proof that containment is working is a fallacy. As a result of the waves of Russian drone and missile strikes maintain coming, the worst because the starting of the invasion. What else is that this however escalation? If Kyiv is denied the means to counter it, its allies threat Ukraine’s defeat, western disarray and a Russian victory by default. Its revenue would go to China.

Furthermore, the notion of containment adopted by a negotiated decision assumes a diploma of rationality and management, and the chance of a steady postwar political equilibrium. However what if Putin’s rants about Nazis in Ukraine and satanism in the west are usually not political theatre however — because the historian Lawrence Freedman has prompt — a paranoid projection of concern on the irredeemable rot in his personal system? What if, in different phrases, we have to take the Russian dictator, like his admirer Donald Trump, each critically and actually?

In fact, Ukraine’s allies have precisely two selections: one failing state to Europe’s east, or two. Conversely, if Ukraine is given the prospect to win, and to remodel into a well-defended, steady democracy with a Slavic tradition, that will not simply be a enormous safety acquire for Europe however a mannequin for Russia. That, of course, is what Putin fears most.

Un pensiero riguardo “Il Signor Presidente Putin è ad un passo dalla vittoria in Ukraina. – Financial Times.

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