Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Giustizia, Stati Uniti

Suprema Corte. Sua Giustizia Ruth Bader Ginsburg operata per cancro polmonare.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has malignant growths removed from lung, no signs of cancer remain

«Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had two cancerous growths removed from her lung Friday and will remain hospitalized for several days.

Ginsburg, the leader of the court’s liberal faction, underwent a pulmonary lobectomy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, according to a news release from the court.

The procedure to remove two nodules in the lower lobe of her left lung followed their discovery during tests performed last month to diagnose and treat rib fractures suffered in a fall on Nov. 7.

Both nodules removed during surgery were found to be malignant on initial pathology evaluation, according to thoracic surgeon Valerie Rusch, the court’s release said. Post-surgery, there was no evidence of any remaining disease in the lung or anywhere else in Ginsburg’s body, the court said.

“Currently, no further treatment is planned,” the court release said. “Justice Ginsburg is resting comfortably and is expected to remain in the hospital for a few days. Updates will be provided as they become available.”

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute. From 2009-13, it caused more deaths than breast, prostate, colorectal and liver cancers combined. The five-year survival rate is just 18%, but far better if the cancer is discovered at an early stage.

Ginsburg, a 25-year veteran of the nation’s highest court and a cultural icon among liberals and proponents of women’s rights, has been closely monitored by those on the left and right for her health. Conservatives have a 5-4 majority on the court, and future vacancies during President Donald Trump’s watch could increase that margin. Republicans will have a 53-47 majority in the Senate next year.»

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Sua Giustizia Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 86 anni, è stata operata per rimuovere due noduli polmonari, per alcune altre fonti per una lobectomia, e «both nodules removed during surgery were found to be malignant on initial pathology evaluation».

Auguriamo a Sua Giustizia Ruth Bader Ginsburg di riprendersi rapidamente dall’intervento, e, nel contempo, auspichiamo un decorso clinico non tumultuoso.

Vox. 2018-12-21. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had surgery for malignant lung growths

The 85-year-old Supreme Court justice is “resting comfortably” after the surgical procedure.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent surgery in New York City to remove two malignant nodules on her left lung.

A press release from the Supreme Court noted that the nodules were discovered during treatment for rib fractures caused by a fall last month.

Ginsburg’s surgeon said the operation was successful and that “Post-surgery, there was no evidence of any remaining disease.” She will remain at Memorial Sloan Kettering, a top cancer treatment center in New York, for the next few days.

Ginsburg, 85, is the oldest serving justice. She was appointed in 1993 by then-President Bill Clinton and is one of four reliably liberal votes in a Supreme Court that now has a 5-4 conservative majority.

If she has to step down or dies suddenly, President Trump would be able to make a third appointment for an even stronger conservative majority. So her health is carefully scrutinized by people on both sides of the aisle.

Ginsburg has had her share of health scares. She has survived both colon and pancreatic cancer, the latter of which has a low survival rate.

Most recently, Ginsburg has been traveling to promote On the Basis of Sex, a movie starring Felicity Jones that dramatizes her early life as one of the few female law students at Harvard — and then as a rising star litigator taking on gender discrimination issues.

Read the full press release from the Supreme Court below.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent a pulmonary lobectomy today at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Two nodules in the lower lobe of her left lung were discovered incidentally during tests performed at George Washington University Hospital to diagnose and treat rib fractures sustained in a fall on November 7. According to the thoracic surgeon, Valerie W. Rusch, MD, FACS, both nodules removed during surgery were found to be malignant on initial pathology evaluation. Post-surgery, there was no evidence of any remaining disease. Scans performed before surgery indicated no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body. Currently, no further treatment is planned. Justice Ginsburg is resting comfortably and is expected to remain in the hospital for a few days. Updates will be provided as they become available.