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Hilary Clinton si drogherebbe.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



«He also suggested that Mrs Clinton took a drugs to increase her energy ahead of last week’s debate»


«Accuses Hillary Clinton of  taking drugs, wants test before debate»


«I don’t know what’s going on with her because at the beginning of the last debate she was all pumped up and at the end it was like, uh… She could barely reach her car»


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The Telegraph. 201-10-15. Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of taking drugs before debate and ‘plotting to destroy’ US sovereignty

Donald Trump speaks at New Hampshire, Maine rallies

Accuses Hillary Clinton of  taking drugs, wants test before debate

Speech comes after 7 women accuse him of forcing himself on them

Denies all accusations, says they’re part of media conspiracy

Trump supporter in fear for her safety


Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of taking drugs before the second presidential debate at a rally in New Hampshire on Friday.

Mr Trump was defiance personified during appearances in New Hampshire and Maine while his campaign worked furiously behind the scene to rebut the claims of at least nine women that he had touched them inappropriately.

He disparaged his accusers, and repeated his claims that there is a vast conspiracy against him to “rig” the election in favour of Hillary Clinton. 

He also suggested that Mrs Clinton took a drugs to increase her energy ahead of last week’s debate.

“I don’t know what’s going on with her because at the beginning of the last debate she was all pumped up and at the end it was like, uh… She could barely reach her car,” he said, calling for a drug test before the final debate on Wednesday.

He described the stakes of the November 8 election in Manichean terms, warning that America would never recover from a Clinton victory.

“You have 24 days to make every dream you ever dreamed for your children, for your family for your country come true. You have 24 days, and if we don’t win as I said before I don’t think it’s ever going to happen again, our country is going to be in a spiral that won’t be stopped,” he said.

Mr Trump again raised the accusations of sexual misconduct that have accumulated over the past week.

He once again questioned the account of Jessica Leeds, who claims he groped her “like an octopus” on board an airplane sometime around 1980.

“How about this crazy woman on the airplane. I mean, can anybody believe that one? After fifteen minutes she decided, ‘well that was too much.’ Fifteen minutes? With the ladies in this place it would be one second and it would be smack,” he said to laughter and cheers.

Earlier on Friday Mr Trump’s campaign sought to rebut the claims of Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, who claimed Mr Trump kissed her, grabbed her breast and thrust his genitals at her in a Los Angeles hotel in 2007.

John Barry, Ms Zervos’s cousin, claimed she had said nothing but “glowing things” about Mr Trump over the past decade until he rejected an invitation to appear at her restaurant earlier this year.

Gloria Allred, a lawyer speaking on behalf of Ms Zervos, said Mr Barry was a “huge Trump supporter” who became hostile toward Ms Zervos after his “employment ended” at her restaurant.


‘Either we win the election or lose the country’

One of the most remarkable things about Donald Trump’s speeches in New Hampshire and Maine was his ramping up of the anxiety over what happens if he loses.

“Either we win the election or we lost the country and this is the last time,” he said in Maine. “This is is. We’re either gonna win or we’re gonna have a whole different country and it’s never going to come back.”

In Mr Trump’s telling, then, the election has been rigged against him, and if he does not overcome that unfair disadvantage America will cease to be exist in its current form.

That may help get his voters to the polls, but it raises concerns about how those supporters, and Mr Trump himself, might respond to a Clinton victory.

Will he concede victory? Will they accept defeat? It remains to be seen.


Paul Ryan objects to Trump’s “rigged” narrative

Donald Trump just concluded his rally with the familiar phrase, “we will make American great again”. 

Meanwhile, here’s what Paul Ryan’s spokesman says about his comments that the election will be rigged against him:

“Our democracy relies on confidence in election results, and the speaker is fully confident the states will carry out this election with integrity,” AshLee Strong, the spokesman, said.

Meanwhile Ben Sasse, a Republican senator, has shared his concerns about the voter intimidation tactics endorsed by at least one Trump supporter.


Trump on US/Mexico relationship- ‘we get drugs, they get jobs’

Here’s Mr Trump’s analysis of the bilateral relationship between the US and Mexico.

We want a two-way highway not a one way. Right now we have a one way highway right into Mexico. We get unemployment and we get drugs and they get cash, they get jobs and they get factories. Not going to be that way anymore folks.