Pubblicato in: Geopolitica Mondiale, Sistemi Economici, Unione Europea

TTIP. È morto il Bischero.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


 Obama e Juncker


Il sito della Commissione Europea riporta trionfalmente:

«Making trade for you».


«The European Commission publishes a record number of EU proposals from the ongoing 14th TTIP round.»


«A detailed report of the 14th round of TTIP talks is now available. It sets out progress achieved, chapter by chapter.»


«Commissioner Malmström responds to Unite legal advice, confirming TTIP poses no risk whatsoever to how UK runs its National Health Service (NHS)»


Il TTIP era il trattato fortemente voluto da Mr Obama e da Mrs Juncker. Riflette in modo paradigmatico la loro mentalità.

Pensavano che sarebbero passati alla storia per aver concluso un simile accordo. Se ne congratulavano a vicenda.


«When the start of negotiations was announced, U.S. President Barack Obama heralded a potential deal as a “groundbreaking partnership.” Then-European Commission President José Manuel Barroso spoke of “real strategic importance.” Merkel quickly became one of its strongest advocates, arguing that free trade between the world’s two largest economies would create thousands of jobs, set new standards for global trade, and be of particular benefit to Germany, where exports account for every fourth job.» [Politico]


«In the latest blow for Obama’s global trade agenda, German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said that free trade talks between the European Union and the United States have failed, citing a lack of progress on any of the major sections of the long-running negotiations. “In my opinion the negotiations with the United States have de facto failed, even though nobody is really admitting it” ZDF quoted the minister, according to a written transcript of the interview to be aired on Sunday. “[They] have failed because we Europeans did not want to subject ourselves to American demands.”

He added that in 14 rounds of talks, the two sides haven’t agreed on a single common item out of 27 chapters being discussed. Among the stumbling blocks is a US objection to opening public tenders to European companies. “For me, that goes against free trade,” Gabriel previously commented regarding the issue.

But more than just disagreement on general principles, Gabriel singled out the US as the party making strong demands with no concessions: “We mustn’t submit to the American proposals,” said Gabriel, who is also the head of Germany’s center-left Social Democratic Party.» [Fonte]

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Cerchiamo di essere chiari a costo di abbandonare il politicamente corretto.

Se servono quattordicimilacinquecentosettantasei pagine di clausole e regole per liberalizzare i commerci tra due zone economiche si resta francamente sorpresi e perplessi.

A nostro personale parere liberalizzare significa delegiferare, deregolamentare, deburocratizzare.  


Si noti l’assonanza tra Malmström e Maelstrom.

Independent. 2016-08-28. TTIP has failed – but no one is admitting it, says German Vice Chancellor

Germany’s Vice Chancellor said in 14 rounds of talks neither side had agreed on a single common chapter out of the 27 being deliberated.


The free trade negotiations between the European Union and the United States have failed, but “nobody is really admitting it”, Germany’s Vice Chancellor has said. 

Talks over the so-called Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partner, also known as TTIP, have made little progress in recent years.

The 14th round of negotiations between American and EU officials took place in Brussels in July and was the third round in six months.

At the time, the talks were thought to be in trouble after a number of leading European politicians expressed concern about TTIP’s effects and the US’s reluctance to accept changes to the proposed deal.

In May, cracks emerged when France threatened to block the deal.

President Hollande said he would “never accept” the deal in its current guise because of the rules it enforces on France and the rest of Europe – particularly in relation to farming and culture – claiming they are too friendly to US business.

“We will never accept questioning essential principles for our agriculture, our culture and for the reciprocity of access to public [procurement] markets,” Hollande is reported as saying at a meeting of left-wing politicians in Paris. “At this stage [of the talks] France says ‘No.’”

Speaking on Sunday, Sigmar Gabriel, who is also Germany’s economy minister, said: “In my opinion the negotiations with the United States have de facto failed, even though nobody is really admitting it.”

He said that during the talks neither side had agreed on a single common chapter out of the 27 being deliberated.

He further denounced the TTIP negotiations, saying the free trade deal proposed between the EU and Canada – the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) – was fairer for all parties.

Critics say one of the main concerns with TTIP is that it could allow multinational corporations to effectively “sue” governments for taking actions that might damage their business.

They claim US companies might be able to avoid having to meet various EU health, safety and environment regulations by challenging them in a quasi-court set up to resolve disputes between investors and states. 

The UK was seen as one of the strongest supporters of TTIP in the EU, so its departure following the Brexit vote would remove one of the US’s closest allies in the talks. 

Last month, Nick Dearden, of campaign group Global Justice Now, said: “The TTIP negotiations were already on pretty shaky ground before the EU referendum, and now the shockwaves of Brexit are threatening to derail the deal entirely,” he said.

“With senior political figures from France and Italy signalling that the deal is dead in the water, surely it’s time for [EU trade commissioner] Celia Malmström to call time on this failed corporate coup.

“The toxic trade deals being pushed by Brussels would only benefit tiny financial elites, while the ordinary people of the EU would be stripped of legal protections of labour rights, consumer standards and public services. 

“If the EU is going to prevent further disintegration after Brexit, it needs to stop prioritising corporate power grabs and start addressing issues such as rising inequality and social exclusion.”

Leading opposition figures in the UK have previously said they are worried about the effect TTIP could have on the NHS. 

In October last year Jeremy Corbyn, Nicola Sturgeon, Nigel Farage and Natalie Bennett all signed an appeal urging the NHS to be exempt from the deal. 

Campaigners have warned previously that the UK may end up with “TTIP on steroids” if it does leave the EU.

They have also said against the controversial TTIP trade deal with the US fear the UK will negotiate an “even more disastrous” agreement after it leaves the European Union.

Politico. 2016-08-28. Sigmar Gabriel: Trade talks between EU and US ‘have failed’

German economy minister says ‘Europeans must not bow to US demands.’


German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel says that negotiations between the European Union and the United States to reach a free trade agreement have failed.

Gabriel said that in 14 rounds of talks the two sides have not been able to agree on a single chapter of the 27 being discussed, according to AP. The talks on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have made little progress in recent years.

“Negotiations with the United States have de facto failed, because we, as Europeans, must not bow to American demands,” Gabriel said according to an excerpt of an interview with the German public broadcaster ZDF. The full interview will air on Sunday evening.