Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Senza categoria, Unione Europea

Svezia. I richiedenti asilo ‘bambini’ erano quasi tutti maggiorenni.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Ma chi lo avrebbe mai detto? Ma chi mai se lo sarebbe potuto immaginare?

Impact of Sweden’s asylum age assessment tests revealed

«The national forensic medicine agency (Rättsmedicinalverket) began carrying out the checks earlier this year after doubts were raised over whether all those who were being processed as minors were in fact underage.

The Migration Agency has so far made 5,700 decisions on the basis of assessments carried out by Rättsmedicinalverket. In 79 percent of those cases the agency decided to formally consider the applicant as older than they had initially claimed in their asylum application.

Between mid-March and late October, Rättsmedicinalverket carried out a total of 7,858 age assessments. Of those, it found that their examination suggested 6,628 were 18 or older, and 112 “possibly” 18 or older»

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Il 79% dei richiedenti asilo che si erano dichiarati minorenni avevano in realtà più di diciotto anni. Elemento questo che muta radicalmente la loro posizione da un punto di vista giuridico.

Tenendo conto che ogni accertamento costa grosso modo 1,200 euro, tenendo conto dei materiali, delle prestazioni professionale e dell’ammortamento della strumentazione, l’erario ha sborsato un totale di 9.4 milioni di euro. Che si aggiungono a tutto il resto: denaro pubblico che scorre a fiumi, ai quali i liberal si abbeverano con beluina ingordigia.


Se da una parte possiamo comprendere, anche se non giustificare, che i migranti abbiano mentito sulla loro reale età anagrafica, dall’altra resta molto meno giustificabile il comportamento dei pubblici funzionari che si sono creduti la storiella di essere di fronte a dei minori.

È difficile pensare che questi siano sempre stati in buona fede, molto difficile.

Quanto accaduto ripropone un problema già noto, ma pur sempre attuale.

La vera questione non sono tanto i migranti in sé, bensì i partiti politici ed i loro militanti liberal e socialisti che per motivazioni ideologiche fomentano e patrocinano la migrazione, e che poi lucrano sulla gestione locale dei migranti.

In altri termini, quello della migrazione non è tanto un problema africano o mediorientale, è un problema politico europeo.

Problema politico che arriverà a soluzione solo con la definitiva sconfitta elettorale dei liberal e dei socialisti ideologici europei. È un processo devolutivo già iniziato ed adesso in fase avanzata, ma non ancora arrivato al suo termine naturale.

Bbc. 2017-12-05. Sweden child migrant tests ‘reveal many adults’

A Swedish investigation into migrants claiming asylum as children suggests that three-quarters of those tested were over the age of 18.

Sweden’s national forensic medicine agency checked the age of nearly 8,000 people and found that some 6,600 were 18 or over.

The checks were only carried out in cases where there were doubts as to the person’s age.

Child migrants are less likely to be sent back to their country of origin.

Between mid-March and late October, the agency (Rättsmedicinalverket) carried out a total of 7,858 age assessments.

Of those, examinations suggested 6,628 were 18 or older (84%), and 112 “possibly” 18 or older, The Local newspaper reports.

The Migration Agency has so far made 5,700 decisions on the basis of those assessments. In 79% of those cases, the agency decided to formally consider the applicant as older than they had initially claimed in their asylum application, reports Svenska Dagbladet.

Age assessment is carried out by taking X-rays of wisdom teeth and MRI scans of knee joints, which are then analysed to determine age.

Many asylum seekers do not have identity documents as they may have lost them as they fled conflict or a natural disaster, says the International Organization for Migration.

In other cases their country of birth may not have the structures in place to record births, so it is not unusual for people not to know their exact age, says The Local.

When the Migration Agency assessed asylum seekers’ ages last year, before the task was handed over to Rättsmedicinalverket, it formally increased the age of 17% of those whose age was in doubt.

More than 80,000 minors (of whom 37,000 arrived in the country without a parent or guardian) applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015 and 2016, The Local reports.