Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata, Devoluzione socialismo

Fondazione Clinton. Fotocopia commentata della Denuncia delle tasse 2014.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



«Clinton Foundation Is The “Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud

«Total revenue (line 12): $177,804,612.00»


«Total grants to charity (line 13): $5,160,385.00 (less than 3 percent)»


«Clinton are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Neither one has ever had a job outside of government service and a taxpayer check. Neither one has ever met a private sector payroll, hired a single employee or met a payroll. Neither has ever owned a private sector business»


No Comment.

News Blaze. 2017-07-23. Clinton Foundation Was Cooking The Books – Media Not Interested

Remember presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton who couldn’t lose the last election? The hysterical media hasn’t forgotten. They still try to let all Trump voters know each day since then how stupid they were to vote for him.

But we all know now why she did not win. It took her a few months to get over the shock. Her excuses ranged from WikiLeaks to former FBI Director James Comey. There was even talk about the unfairness of the Electoral College and how it should be abolished. Of course if that were to happen, four states could conceivably elect every future president with their enormous populations.

Democrats don’t care if that is unfair, as long as they win.

But it is all water under the bridge. The focus of the Democratic Party’s helping assistants in the mainstream media is on eliminating their hated enemy, Donald J. Trump. That is a 24/7 task, especially without a single shred of evidence in their now 13-month search for “the truth.”

What would the country look like today if Hillary had won?

Would the media be as dedicated to finding “the truth” when it came to their unbridled love who lost the presidency? Unlikely!

An entire book could be written (many have already been) that would outline what the country would face if she had won the presidency.

One item to share in the treasure trove of her corruption is mind-boggling. Again, it is a microcosm of the entire criminal corruption that would be laid at the American people’s door, but worth pointing out.

Big Numbers

It is the Clinton Foundation’s 2014 tax return. Without further editorial comment, here are the figures for this non-profit organization. I let the reader make up his/her own mind. It is staggering, but not all that surprising if one has read more than one source of information on the Clinton dynasty.

Within the official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation tax year of 2014 alone, here are the figures. It is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics website. In other words, Clinton-deniers, it is irrefutable.

– Total revenue (line 12): $177,804,612.00

– Total grants to charity (line 13): $5,160,385.00 (less than 3 percent)

– Total expenses of: $91,281,145

Here are the incredible numbers:

– Expenses include:

– Salaries (line 15): $34.8 million

– Fundraising fees (line 16a): $850,803

– Other expenses (line 17): $50.4 million

– Travel: $8 million

– Meetings: $12 million

Financial Analysis

On line 5,486 employees are listed. It took 486 people that were paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses to accomplish this. All of this expense to give away $5.1 million dollars. That shows it cost $126 million to give away $5 million dollars.

More eye-opening is the following. Line 22 shows that ending year net assets/fund balance was $322 million. That was up $85 million from the tax year 2013. Is there anyone of sound mind that can see how utterly questionable this is?

Media Analysis

The above is only one item that an honest media would investigate. But then again, they never would. Bill and Hillary Clinton are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Neither one has ever had a job outside of government service and a taxpayer check. Neither one has ever met a private sector payroll, hired a single employee or met a payroll. Neither has ever owned a private sector business.

A story at Truth Out shows some interesting facts about the cozy Clinton-Media relationship.

Perhaps the accounting above is either a big reason why, or the reason, they are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Pubblicato in: Criminalità Organizzata

Hillary Clinton sarebbe stata bloccata in aeroporto. Verosimilmente notizia falsa.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Di certo, Mrs Hillary Clinton aveva ottimi rapporti con il Bahrain.

«Newly released Department of State documents reveal that the Crown Prince of Bahrain was given an audience with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after he donated $32 million to her foundation»


«The documents, released Monday by Judicial Watch, included emails between Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band and former Clinton State Department aide Huma Abedin, which appear to show that Abedin acted as a middleman between Clinton and her foundation’s donors»

* * *

La Clinton Foundation, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 42nd Floor, New York, NY 10020, 212-348-8882, sarebbe entrata in liquidazione, riporta il New York Times.

«In recent weeks, the foundation has completed a planned shutdown of the Clinton Global Initiative, which hosted a high-profile annual meeting, and laying off most of the initiative’s staff of about 100. Foundation officials confirmed on Thursday that two major programs, including one in Haiti, would transfer out of the foundation.»


«If they disappear it would be very ironic»


Clinton Foundation in Disarray After Hillary’s Election Loss:

«Three months after Hillary Clinton’s stunning election loss to Donald Trump, her family foundation is facing vexing questions about its ability to exist.»

* * * * * * *

Il Globe, da non confondersi con ‘Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)’ è una testata nota per titoli roboanti e molto raramente corroborabili con dati di fatto comprovati.

Ogni tanto fa davvero degli scoop, ed anche di notevole rilievo, fatto questo che rende sempre molto difficile valutare la veridicità delle notizie riportate.

In questo caso particolare sembrerebbe del tutto ragionevole sospettare fortemente che tutto sia stato inventato: troppe le contraddizioni, quali, per esempio, il “secret grand jury indictment“, procedura giuridicamente inesistente.


Riportiamo la notizia solo perché essa è già divulgata da molte altre testate che hanno ripreso il Globe.


Da come stanno evolvendo le situazioni interne americane inizierebbero ad avere timori che si ripetano le storie tra Mario e Silla, tra Cesare e Pompeo, tra Augusto ed Antonio.

Globe. 2017-02-01. Clinton Stopped In Her Tracks!

TERRIFIED of being jailed with a “death ­sentence” after backstabbing hubby Bill testifies against her, crooked Hillary Clinton appeared to be fleeing the country ahead of a secret grand jury indictment!

In a bombshell world ­exclusive, GLOBE’s spies learned ­Hillary Clinton was bolting to the small Arab monarchy of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf.

“Hillary had every intention of boarding the flight — but Trump administration officials made it clear to her it would ‘be better’ if she didn’t leave town,” says a D.C. insider. 

Super Station 95. 2017-02-05. Tabloid: “Hillary Caught Fleeing the Country – to avoid Jail”

Globe Magazine, the infamous tabloid with spectacular – but questionable – stories, is running a page one banner headline claiming Hillary Clinton was intercepted trying to board a flight to Bahrain to avoid Indictment by a secret Grand Jury investigating her.

Allegedly “TERRIFIED” of being jailed with a “death ­sentence” after what they call “backstabbing hubby Bill” testifies against her, crooked Hillary Clinton appeared to be fleeing the country ahead of a secret grand jury indictment!

In a bombshell world ­exclusive, GLOBE’s spies learned ­Hillary Clinton was bolting to the small Arab monarchy of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf.  There is no Extradition Treaty between Bahrain and the USA.

“Hillary had every intention of boarding the flight — but Trump administration officials made it clear to her it would ‘be better’ if she didn’t leave town,” says a D.C. insider.

According to the tabloid, officials from the Trump administration intercepted her trying to board the flight.

SuperStation95 has not been able to confirm the claims made in the story, but the fact that the newspaper is already selling in stores makes their headline worthy of our notice.  The magazine could not say such things if they knew them to be false, because that would be slander/libel/Defamation of Character.


Daily Caller. 2016-08-22. Bahrain’s Prince Got Audience With Clinton After Donating $32 Million To Her Foundation.

Newly released Department of State documents reveal that the Crown Prince of Bahrain was given an audience with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after he donated $32 million to her foundation.

The documents, released Monday by Judicial Watch, included emails between Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band and former Clinton State Department aide Huma Abedin, which appear to show that Abedin acted as a middleman between Clinton and her foundation’s donors.

Band and Abedin’s email exchanges show that Bahrain’s Crown Prince Salman had to go through the Clinton Foundation in order to set up a meeting with Clinton after the former Secretary of State declined to meet after official requests were made.

The first email, dated June 23, 2009, shows Band interceding on behalf of the Crown Prince, noting he is a “good friend of ours.” Abedin replied that same day noting that Salman had asked to see Clinton through “normal channels,” but it appears Clinton was not interested. A later email, dated June 25, 2009, from Abedin to Band offers Salman a 10 A.M. meeting with Clinton. Abedin said she “reached out [through] official channels” to secure the meeting.