Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Psichiatria

Altro che Brexit. Ecco il vero dramma del Regno Unito.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Il problema è semplice, ma terribilmente drammatico.

Il Regno Unito è pervaso da un dramma lacerante che sta monopolizzando l’attenzione dei media,al punto tale che è intervenuta anche la Bbc, ed addirittura con la penna di Mrs Cherry Wilson.

E tutto questo mentre il parlamento inglese si sta baloccando con il Brexit, quasi volesse scotomizzare la gravità della situazione.


Il personaggio.

«Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (Parigi, 15 aprile 1990) è un’attrice e modella britannica.

Ha raggiunto la fama mondiale dopo aver interpretato il personaggio di Hermione Granger nella serie cinematografica di Harry Potter, dal 2001 al 2011. Nel 2013 per l’interpretazione di Sam in Noi siamo infinito vince il premio alla miglior attrice assegnato ai San Diego Film Critics Society Awards e un People’s Choice Award alla miglior attrice in un film drammatico. Nel corso dello stesso anno è stata premiata agli MTV Movie Awards con l’MTV Trailblazer Award, assegnato a “un attore di giovane età che è riuscito a ispirare gli altri con un portafoglio diversificato di lavoro e una reputazione trascendente agli occhi del pubblico”. Sempre nel 2013 è protagonista in Bling Ring, film di Sofia Coppola in concorso al Festival di Cannes 2013 nella sezione Un Certain Regard. Nel 2015 interpreta Angela Gray nel thriller Regression, diretto dal regista premio Oscar Alejandro Amenábar.» [Fonte]


Mrs Emma Watson è un’attrice celebre, famosa e ricca.

Ovviamente è femminista. Che diamine!


Se clickate sulla ricerca di Google:

Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson nake

avrete la possibilità di studiarne tutti i minimi dettagli anatomici, nelle più svariate pose, di cui a seguito riportiamo una delle più caste.


A lei sono dedicati innumerevoli siti. Tutti porno perché fare l’attrice significa mettere in mostra lapropria arte, la propria intelligenza. Uno per tutti


Non riportiamo le fotografie. La più vereconda si intitola “Emma Watson Shows Off Her Smooth Little Butthole

Qui i riscontro per chi fosse incredulo. [La foto è molto cruda].

* * * * * * *


«Emma Watson’s decision to expose part of her breasts in a Vanity Fair photoshoot has sparked a fierce debate on social media about what it means to be a feminist.»


Apriti Cielo!!

La Bbc si interroga angosciata:

Is Emma Watson anti-feminist for exposing her breasts?

Ripetiamo, sgomenti.

Emma Watson è anti-femminista a far vedere qualche centimetro quadrato di mammelle? Dopo che ha mostrato al mondo la vulva e lo sfintere  anale, nature oppure con toys di ogni sorta?


Mrs Cherry Wilson, femminista all’acciaio al wolframio, pilastro portante della Bbc da lei scalata in quote rose, scrive un ponderoso articolo che nulla ha da invidiare alla Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Concetti sopraffini, comprendibili solo da parte di menti evolute.

«Emma Watson’s decision to expose part of her breasts in a Vanity Fair photoshoot has sparked a fierce debate on social media about what it means to be a feminist»


«She complains that women are sexualised and then sexualises herself in her own work. Hypocrisy»


«Watson said she was “confused” by accusations she is “anti-feminist” and there was a real “misunderstanding” about what it actually means»


«So can you bare your breasts and still be a feminist?»


Ma santa donna! (Donna si fa per dire).

Si può essere femministe e poi farsi fare servizi fotografici piota, piota mentre si sta masturbando, tutta goduta?

Si può essere femministe e poi farsi fare servizietti di ogni genere e tipo, rigorosamente filmati e venduti per vil moneta?

E questo sarebbe il tema dibattuto dai social media?

Ma ché! Ci si sta pigliando per i fondi?

Mrs Chery Wilson: ne abbiamo visto di persone ipocrite ed infingarde, ma come Lei ben poche.

Mrs Emma Watson: può essere femminista un’attrice porno?

Adesso la parola passi alle femministe per l’arringa di rito.

Bbc. 2017-03-06. Is Emma Watson anti-feminist for exposing her breasts?

By Cherry Wilson.

Emma Watson’s decision to expose part of her breasts in a Vanity Fair photoshoot has sparked a fierce debate on social media about what it means to be a feminist.


“She complains that women are sexualised and then sexualises herself in her own work. Hypocrisy,” said radio presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer on Twitter.

Watson said she was “confused” by accusations she is “anti-feminist” and there was a real “misunderstanding” about what it actually means.

So can you bare your breasts and still be a feminist?

“Emma Watson has done more for women and for young girls than most of us put together,” says Sam Smethers, chief executive of the Fawcett Society, which campaigns for gender equality and women’s rights.

“So I don’t really see that just because she’s made that decision, any of us should be criticising her.

“She’s an empowered woman who is posing for a very tasteful image. She’s not being exploited, she doing it in a controlling position. It’s a positive use of her body.”

Sexist News, the team behind the campaign for the Sun to stop using topless models on Page 3, said it loved that the former Harry Potter star was “exploring and championing feminism having grown up in the public eye”.

It believes the row created by the photoshoot is “daft”, adding: “It is not a debate that we have about men’s fashion shoots, regardless of the amounts of nipple-grazing crochet they wear.

“While no woman gets to dress herself outside of our society’s patriarchal bubble, this example just shows that someone like Emma Watson is going to face an even more impossible standard than many other women.”

Victoria Jenkinson, 20, a member of Girlguiding, believes the shoot has been used as a opportunity to “stir up a frenzy” around Watson and “undermine” her work promoting women’s rights.

“The shoot doesn’t suggest hypocrisy nor does it undermine her work as a feminist and we as women should be united in our fight for equality more than ever before,” she said.

“I don’t understand why people have an idea they can tell a woman what she can and can’t do and I agree with Emma that critics have missed the point.

“A woman should be able to choose what she wants to do. This is what feminism is all about in 2017.”

But Dr Finn Mackay, a feminism researcher at the University of West England, rejects the view that feminism is about giving women “choice” and says it is a social justice movement.

“Emma’s saying feminism is about choice and the choice to do whatever you want, but that’s a nonsense,” she says.

“Some women choose terrible things, some women choose to work for parties that deny women access to abortion, access to healthcare or mothers access to welfare.”

However, she does not believe that Watson’s pose for Vanity Fair means she is not a feminist.

“If she self identifies as a feminist and believes in promoting women’s rights, her doing her job doesn’t necessarily have to undermine that.

“I think if she’s trying to say being in a photoshoot and getting your breast out is a feminist act, that’s a different matter.”

But Dr Mackay believes promoting feminism is more effective through the voice and not the body.

“The most radical thing that women can do in this culture is keep their clothes on and open their mouths and make political points,” she says.

The controversy surrounding Watson’s magazine shoot has brought into question what it means to be a feminist.

But equality groups and feminists say the debate should be focused on female objectification and inequality.

‘Dig at feminism’

Ms Smethers says: “The real issue about all of this is the pressure on young women to look a certain way, to be judged on their appearance so if we are going to focus on anything that’s what I would be more concerned to be prioritised.”

Dr Mackay questions why the debate has been reduced to a celebrity exposing her breasts rather than issues such as women’s economic positions and cuts to women’s services.

“A Hollywood celebrity flashing a bit of boob is really the least of my worries,” she says.

“It’s interesting that people only speak about it now and their real motivation seems to be to want to have a dig at feminism rather than to talk about the overall problems Hollywood has with objectifying women.”

Sexist News adds: “We really need to examine why on earth this one fashion image has caused such outrage. This is not to say that images of fashion or celebrity are unproblematic, quite the contrary.

“As ever the focus is on what a woman should or shouldn’t be doing and not on how our culture presents, polices and consumes women’s bodies and condemns their actions.

“We need to challenge these things, not the individual women stuck in the system.”