Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Senza categoria, Unione Europea

Andalusia. Vox supporta esternamente il governo Ciudadanos – Popolari.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


spagna. andalusia. 001

Andalusia. I ‘lebbrosi’ di Vox conquistano 12 seggi.

«Five parties winning seats in the 109-seat parliament:

– The Socialists: 33

– The conservative People’s Party: 27

– The center-right Ciudadanos party: 20

– The far-left Podemos party and its allies: 17

– The anti-immigrant Vox party: 12» [Fonte

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Il 12 giugno 2018 il Governo minoritario Rajoy fu sfiduciato e sostituito dal Governo minoritario del socialista Pedro Sánchez, appoggiato dai Podemos.

In riferimento alle elezioni politiche del gennaio 2016, al momento attuale il partito popolare è sceso dal 33.0% al 23.8%, il partito socialista è salito dal 22.6% al 24.1%, i Podemos sono scesi dal 21.2% al 16.1%, ed i Ciudadanos sono saliti dal 13.1% agli attuali 19.6%.

La novità odierna consiste nell’8.1% delle intenzioni di voto che confluiscono su Vox, una formazione di ‘lenbbrosi’.

«Vox has been derided as far-right and populist, anti-immigrant and anti-Islam»

In effetti erano i liberal socialisti a deridere Vox fino a quando videro i risultati elettorali: tosto il riso mutossi in pianto.

Di questi giorni la notizia:

«A coalition of rightwing parties will rule Spain’s most populous region, Andalusia, for the first time in 36 years under a deal with the far right»


«The small but increasingly influential Vox party, which campaigns on a nationalist, anti-feminist and anti-immigrant agenda, agreed to support a center-right coalition in Andalusia on Wednesday ….

Today illegal immigration and corruption lose (…) and the Andalusians, the defense of the family and a more pluralistic politics win»

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I poveri liberal socialisti hanno rabbrividito a sentir parole come “defense of the family” oppure “illegal immigration“.

Poi, hanno perso una regione ove governavano da quattro decenni. rendendola misera tra quelle misere di tutta l’Unione Europea.

Se i socialisti non hanno ancora capito che la gente deve mangiare per vivere, hanno scatenato i loro gruppi di fuoco.

«nearly 100 feminist organisations signing a manifesto pledging opposition to the far right’s stance on gender equality and violence against women.»

Togliendo immigrazione illegale, femminismo e perversioni sessuali varieai liberal nulla rimarrebbe.


«Actually, there were two deals: Citizens agreed to rule in tandem with the PP, and the PP agreed common ground with Vox in return for that party’s votes in the regional parliament»


Se a maggio si voterà per le elezioni europee, l’anno prossimo si terranno le elezioni politiche in Spagna.

Senza più l’ostacolo di Mr Rajoy, si inizia ad intravedere la possibilità di formare un governo tra i reliquati del partito popolare, i Ciudadanos ed infine Vox.

Così, dopo i popolari austriaci, i popolari spagnoli sono i secondi nell’Unione Europea a formare coalizioni con i sovranisti.

I tempi sono davvero cambaiti.

Bbc. 2019-01-10. Spain Andalusia: Far right strike landmark deal

A coalition of rightwing parties will rule Spain’s most populous region, Andalusia, for the first time in 36 years under a deal with the far right.

The conservative Popular Party (PP) will rule along with the centre-right Citizens.

Vox, an anti-immigrant party which won seats in Andalusia last year, will not be part of the new government, but has agreed to support the coalition.

The defeat of the left in the southern region has rocked Spanish politics.

Rise of nationalists vowing to ‘make Spain great again’

Country profile

Andalusia had been a bastion of the Socialist party (PSOE), which returned to national power last year as a fragile minority government after seven years of PP rule.

Wednesday’s deal between the PP and Vox came amid continuing indignation over Vox’s policies, with nearly 100 feminist organisations signing a manifesto pledging opposition to the far right’s stance on gender equality and violence against women.

What deal was reached?

Actually, there were two deals: Citizens agreed to rule in tandem with the PP, and the PP agreed common ground with Vox in return for that party’s votes in the regional parliament.

In the election just over a month ago, the PP won 26 seats and Citizens 21 in the 109-seat legislature, where the absolute majority is 55 seats.

Vox will now make up the voting numbers with their 12 seats.

The PP’s Juanma Moreno will lead the new government.

The deal reached between Vox and the PP stipulates 37 goals, the first of which is job creation, then the fight against corruption, followed by respect for democracy.

Andalusia has high unemployment and is the main arrival point in Spain for migrants crossing the Mediterranean.

Busy being unemployed in Spain

Too poor for a dress in Spain

Other areas of agreement include support for bullfighting and flamenco.

What was left out?

The two parties advocate implementing existing laws on immigration but there is no mention of mass deportations, as advocated earlier by Vox.

Nor is there any mention of repealing laws on violence against women and LGBT equality, which Vox was advocating only on Tuesday.

Vox politicians have often spoken out against what they call “extreme” or “militant” feminism, and argue that domestic violence laws favour women.

No sexual consent means rape, Spain told

Outrage at young teacher’s murder in Spain

The president of Spain’s federation of Progressive Women, Yolanda Besteiro, pledged its members would take “not one step back”.

“Women’s rights are non-negotiable,” she said, promising a “continuous mobilisation”.

France 24. 2019-01-10. Spain’s far-right Vox to back conservative bid to govern in Andalusia

Tiny far-right party Vox, which sent shockwaves through Spain after winning a surprise 12 seats in Andalusia in December, said Wednesday it would vote in favour of the formation of a conservative government in the southern region.

The conservative Popular Party (PP) and centre-right Ciudadanos, which together have 47 seats in the 109-seat regional parliament in Andalusia following a December 2 election, needed the support of Vox to form a coalition government which would oust the Socialists from power in the region after 36 years.

The vote in the regional parliament on the formation of a new government could take place on January 16.

“Vox and the Popular Party agree to support during the first vote in parliament the candidate (for the head of the government of Andalusia) proposed by the Popular Party,” the two parties said in a statement.

Vox’s performance in Andalusia last month was the first time that a far-right party has won representation in a Spanish regional parliament since the country returned to democracy following the death of longtime dictator Francisco Franco in 1975.

The party, formed in late 2013 and led by former PP member Santiago Abascal, was energised by its tough opposition to Sanchez’s handling of Catalonia’s separatist push and a surge in the arrival of migrants.

Deutsche Welle. 2019-01-10. Spain: Far-right party Vox to prop up Andalusia coalition in post-Franco first

he Vox party has agreed to support a center-right coalition in Spain’s most populous region, ousting the Socialist incumbents. It’s the first time a far-right party has played such a role since the Franco dictatorship.


The small but increasingly influential Vox party, which campaigns on a nationalist, anti-feminist and anti-immigrant agenda, agreed to support a center-right coalition in Andalusia on Wednesday.

“Today illegal immigration and corruption lose (…) and the Andalusians, the defense of the family and a more pluralistic politics win,” Vox deputy leader Javier Ortega said.

Vox was thrust into the role of kingmaker after it won 12 seats in an election held last month. While it won’t officially be part of the Andalusian government, Vox’s support for the conservative People’s Party (PP) means the PP, together with the center-right Ciudadanos party, has enough support to form a coalition. It ends the run of the Socialist Party, which had governed the region for 36 years.

“Today begins the change in Andalusia,” the regional head of the PP, Juanma Moreno (pictured), told reporters.

The 37-point agreement between Vox and the PP names Moreno to lead the government and includes commitments to tackle illegal immigration and reduce taxes. A divisive demand to repeal a domestic violence law was excluded from the deal.

Entering the mainstream

After the December vote, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s minority Socialist government said if the main opposition parties relied on Vox’s support to take office, they risked turning their region into a “cradle of the far-right.”

“This government, in a moment in which some want to go back to the Spain of the black and white era, reaffirms its commitment to European values,” a government spokesperson said on Wednesday in reaction to the agreement.

Until now, bitter memories of the military dictatorship of Francisco Franco, who died in 1975, had prevented far-right parties gaining ground in Spain’s political mainstream since it became a democracy.

In a busy year for elections in Spain, polls suggest Vox is well-placed to win seats in other parts of the country. According to a poll published in the daily El Mundo last week, Vox would capture 12.9 percent of the vote if an national election were held now.

Pubblicato in: Devoluzione socialismo, Senza categoria, Unione Europea

Andalusia. I ‘lebbrosi’ di Vox conquistano 12 seggi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Spagna. Andalusia. 001

«Vox has been derided as far-right and populist, anti-immigrant and anti-Islam»


«Is Europe seeing a nationalist surge?»


«Five parties winning seats in the 109-seat parliament:

– The Socialists: 33

– The conservative People’s Party: 27

– The center-right Ciudadanos party: 20

– The far-left Podemos party and its allies: 17

– The anti-immigrant Vox party: 12» [Fonte]


«The Socialist Party has ruled Andalusia for 36 years. It still won more than any other party – 33 seats – but not enough for a majority even with potential left-wing allies»


«Tough on immigration, Vox could be a kingmaker in a coalition in Andalusia»

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A questo punto è davvero debito di giustizia ringraziare la fattiva opera di Mr Macron e di Frau Merkel.

Senza la loro perseverante dedizione all’ideologia liberal socialista il trionfo elettorale di ieri due dicembre sarebbe stato impossibile.

I ‘lebbrosi’ di Vox hanno conquistato dodici seggi alle elezioni regionali in Andalusia, da sempre roccaforte rossa e sono adesso ago della bilancia.

Eterna riconoscenza dovrebbe essere doverosamente estesa ai media liberal socialisti, che si confermano essere i migliori alleati dei sovranisti, populisti, o ‘lebbrosi’ che dir si voglia.

Se perseverassero imperterriti, alle prossime elezioni europee allora si fa cappotto.

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Consigliare i dubbiosi è opera di misericordia spirituale.

«Is Europe seeing a nationalist surge?»

Ebbene, sì, cari amici giornalisti della Bbc: i lebbrosi sono alle porte e vi stanno alitando sul collo.

Bbc. 2018-12-03. Spain far-right Vox party gains foothold in Andalusia election

A far-right party has won seats in a Spanish regional election for the first time in decades.

The Vox party took 12 parliamentary seats in Andalusia on Sunday, beating expectations that it would win five.

Tough on immigration, Vox could be a kingmaker in a coalition in Andalusia.

Its breakthrough is the latest in a nationalist surge that has swept across Europe. Many had thought Spain was immune because of memories of life under a fascist dictatorship.

France’s far-right leader Marine Le Pen tweeted (in French): “Strong and warm congratulations to my friends from Vox, who tonight in Spain scored a meaningful result for such a young and dynamic movement.”

The Socialist Party has ruled Andalusia for 36 years. It still won more than any other party – 33 seats – but not enough for a majority even with potential left-wing allies.

Rise of nationalists vowing to ‘make Spain great again’

Million rally for Catalonia independence

Is Europe seeing a nationalist surge?

The conservative Popular Party (PP) came second, though it also lost ground.

Its national leader Pablo Casado said he hoped to put together a coalition in the region with Vox and the centre-right Ciudadanos (Citizens) party, which also made big gains in the election.

Between them, the three parties hold a majority of seats.

The southern region of Andalusia – Spain’s most populous – has high unemployment and is the main arrival point in Spain for migrants crossing the Mediterranean.

The regional result is a major setback for Spain’s new Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. This is his first poll test since he came to power after the ruling PP were ousted by MPs in June over a corruption scandal.

Correspondents say there has been speculation for months that Mr Sanchez could call a snap early national election to coincide with regional and European polls next May, but the Andalusia result would seem to give him little incentive to do so now.

Who are Vox?

Founded in 2014, the party has struggled to make an impact on Spain’s political landscape.

Vox has been derided as far-right and populist, anti-immigrant and anti-Islam but its leader Santiago Abascal believes its recent surge of support is because it is “in step with what millions of Spaniards think”.

Its leaders reject the far-right label, insisting it is a party of “extreme necessity” rather than extremism. Its overall support for Spain’s membership of the EU, it says, differentiates it from many populist and far-right movements across Europe.

The party proposes to “make Spain great again” and critics have described its ideology as a nationalist throwback to the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.